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Worst Game Review: World of Warcraft
Say you have to make a lasagna dish for your family’s holiday dinner. If you replace the ground meat with a wannabe EverQuest, the cheese with Guild Wars, and the general base of noodles with Star Wars Galaxies. Now put it in the oven and leave it there for 42 hours. What comes out? World of Warcraft. Mmmmm… that's some mighty tasty carbon!
The childish graphics catch one's eyes the second you log into the world. Textures are a bit iffy. Needless to say, anyone with epilepsy would be on the floor within the first few minutes of playing the game. World of Warcraft’s color palette has a selection of 350+ colors on the screen at one time, most of them meretriciously blinding. There are many graphical glitches between spells and abilities, and certain animations amongst player characters and non-player characters. Certain drivers don't seem to work well with the World of Warcraft graphics engine and may cause many problems including graphics glitches, frame skipping, and even game crashes.
After EverQuest, MMORPG's went on a downslide. The "2nd Generation" MMORPGs were basically grind-fests to get to the maximum level and very little to do to advance after that besides gaining new equipment for your character. World of Warcraft demonstrated this practice quite well, especially when a gamer who plays 10+ hours a day could attain the max level within 1 month. Re-roll characters could take under 2 weeks to get to max level. The endgame was just sitting in a dungeon called MC, or Molten Core, for 12 hours a day trying to get different pieces of equipment. Some re-spawn times on the bosses such as Onyxia take a whole week in real time, which makes it tedious to try to equip a full guild with some of the higher gear.
The "Guild Wars Effect" as few like to call it has definitely contaminated the World of Warcraft player base. On a popular server it's not uncommon to come across a naked night elf giving a lap dance to the typical 14 year old teen drooling over pixilated T & A. When gamers buy a game, they usually look for a server with a nice player base; World of Warcraft has made this impossible. Ninety percent of the server populations are player grievers, farmer-campers, Chinese farmers, and exploiters. Player versus player combat is biased; the game developers just keep buffing up the Alliance so they overpower the Horde; which makes it complicated to play a baddie.
Creativity is awesome, but too much can ruin a game. Meaning there is a point when you just need to cut it off. Example being Shizzle's Drizzle Blocker shield. Is it seriously necessary to have a name like that? Also, the MOBs are also a little too over-creative. A good example for this would be the Harvest Reaper, a walking scarecrow with metal claws and a fence on his back who attacks as if he is dancing. Having an armor set of 24 different colors when there are fewer than 10 showing pieces is not cool.
After a pre-mature release and many bugs to fix, the non-casual player base dropped significantly.
The developers got some of the main bugs fixed, but some of the original bugs still exist in the game.
This shows how lazy the developers are. For every bug/exploit that is fixed in the game, they release
about 3 new content patches. It seems as though the developers/game masters at Blizzard do not care
for their customers. After all they are the ones who are funding those people’s jobs. Treat your
customers with a little more respect; they are your real bosses
All in all, World of Warcraft sucks. Kudos!
First of all, World of Warcraft graphic is fine. I'm not talking about the newest technologies etc., just look around yourself - there are so many details you didn't see in other MMOs. Of course, they are not ideal, but the game world is full of many exciting small things - campfires, guns, weapons, chairs and so on.
That's your opinion about graphic, you may like it or not. For me it's just great.
Alright, so many gliches, bugs, eh? Did you ever see a game without it? Super Mario perhaps.
The actual level cap, 60, is very small of course. But that's your own fault, if you want to achieve max at min time. Just stop a bit and try to enjoy the game, not to level. Hell, move to role-playing server, as I did, and enjoy the game once more in new colors.
The only thing I agree with you - Blizzard customer service. Yes, they are stupid, they give you "copy-paste" answers. Everything else is just a whining. If you don't like this game, don't play it. I will be more than happy to see such people leave.
My screenshot gallery.
It wasn't his review. He joined to post someone else's character assasination of WoW. I burst out laughing because any review that lambasts Blizzard for all its bugs, and holds up SoE as a model company, must have looked up the definition of 'irony' from an Alanis Morrisette album sleeve.
"If you think I'm plucky and scrappy and all I need is love, you're in way over your head. I don't have a heart of gold or get nice. There are a lot nicer people coming up. We call them losers."
Double spacing FTL!
Professor Hubert Farnsworth - That question is less stupid but, you asked it in a profoundly stupid way.
Its almost a long drawn out version of GW with a monthly payment.
GW just makes there leveling to 20 where as WoW to Level 60 and just adds more content to there MMORPG than GW does (like pretty mounts and stuff) lol.
Since there is no End Game for WoW. Just mindless faction farming and weapon/armor drops in High Level Instances. So you can wait in a QUE to enter the battlegrounds and try to pwn peeps and look good at the same time with your new gear amd uberized weapon with flames and shit flying from it.
More like, look at me, I will PWN you all since I look like a badass and my DPS is bad to the bone.
I agree this is one of the worst game reviews I have had the misfortune to read.
I agree this is one of the worst game reviews I have had the misfortune to read.
Agree Grunty. And I also agree with the poster who remarked on the great use of extra spaces to really draw attention to the "worst game review".
Ok where to begin...
Graphics...They're cartoony because that's the way Warcraft was. Secondly, not all area's brightly colored. rarely grind. Most of my exp comes from quests. But ya you have to grind your epic set. Except that YOU DONT HAVE TO.
Community...Ok so some of it's community is immature and there are lap dancing Nightelves. But you're saying that like WoW's the first one to have that. And it is defiantly NOT impossible to be a horde. I win most of my Battleground matches when I'm the horde.
Creativity...Once again it reflects the nature of Warcraft. The harvest walker is a scarecrow incase you didnt notice the relation between it and being on a farm.
Customer service...ya it does kinda suck.
Overall...You're an idiot.
Well that's your oppinion and your entitled to it of course but let's call claim this for what it really is, a bitchfest.
Ultimately, there's nothing wrong with that, everyone needs to get their point of view out there sometimes, especially when it's a game that rubs you the wrong way. But calling this a review ? Yeah, uhmm, hardly.
Like many people, I also had my time with WoW and found it be a wonderful game, not ideal for me in the end unfortunately but just the same, a very solid experience that I would recomend anyone try. Is it for everyone ? Certainly not. But I would ask you, what game is ?
Does it offer many hours of good times, a strong multiplayer experience, a number of options to progress your characters and an involving world ? Some would say yes and I tend to agree with that.
Where the game faltered for me was the end game experience, not that it's lacking, I actually found there were many options, you can find yourself a raid guild, or even standard guild to enjoy many of the instances, finish off some pretty inetresting quests with solid story lines, hunt down your armor sets (at the time I was playing there was 3, I think there's 4 high end sets now ?), you could PvP in battleground, improve your faction standings for better crafting recipe's and items, the list goes on and on.
Which for me, just a personal oppinion, was it's downfall. There was no certralized meaning to being lvl 60, instancing for gear is great fun at first but then can become tedius and when all is said and done and you've collected your prized Tier 2 armor set & weapons, well... what was it all for ? I think to cure this they need to really add meaning to pvp, fight over some land, have benefits of to winning, something of substance not just personal glory to gloat on.
But anyways, that's an entirely different subject, either way, let's be fair, WoW has many faults, it also had many benefits, it's up to each player to figure it wether it's suited for them or not.
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50 million Elvis fans can't be wrong... and neither can 5 million WoW fans.
It's funny to have this game compared poorly compared to SWG. All horrible and 5000 players.
Shayde - SWG (dead)
Proud member of the Cabal.
It sounds great, so great in fact, I pitty those who canceled - Some deluded SWG fanboi who pities me.
I don't like it when you say things. - A Vanguard fan who does too.
how much did SOE pay u again?
It's all matter of taste really. I personally didn't like WoW, and while the OP did post a horrible review, i have to agree with some of his points. It has a very immature player base, the graphics are very cartoony, you either love them or you hate them, and the PvP is horribly unbalanced.
I always see WoW players saying 5 million players can't be wrong. Heh, yeah they can. But thats besides the point. What does 5 million players get you? Over crowded servers, a wait time to play the game that it took over a year for them to put any effort into fixing that, a freakin year, massive amounts of farmers to sell gear for cash to people that didnt earn it, tons of lag, greifers that you could black list, but why, when there are 10 more lined up right behind him.
Ok so having 5 million subscripers is good because of the $50+ Million Blizzard takes in EVERY month just on sub fees. So that means they can afford to spend money on new free content, updated graphics, better servers for no wait times, can hire more and better Customer Service people, keep thier promise of not charging for expansions... Oh wait, they havent done any of that. Um yeah, keep your 5 million people on WoW, stay off my MMO's.
ehh WOW was pretty fun from lvl 1to 60 then I really didnt care for it. I just dont enjoy large pve raids etc. The battle grounds were fun for a couple weeks but they also got boring to ME.
They should have WoWs lvling combined with DAoCs rvr system
I had more fun lvling to max lvl in wow, but DAoCs end game was by far the most fun ive experienced in any mmo so far.
Not knocking anyone just my opion
searching for the next DAoC....
Oh and this ain't a SWG thread so why don't you go play on a busy highway and whine someone else about it.
The graphics in WoW do stink and are behind the times. The artwork is excellent in some cases but over the top in others (check out any T1+ shoulder armor). As to the game play, its fun till 60 then it sucks and sucks hard unless you find spending endless hours either waiting in queue for PVP (and queues to login) or spending endless hours is the same dungeon one after another because the dungeons at 60 are all linear. Meaning you do MC, then BWL then AQ40.
These guys really need to hire some old D&D DMs cause they seriously lack any decent content at "end game". Sorry but BWL and the monster factory doesn't cutt it.
This game has its flaws (immature community mainly) but all MMOs have their weak points.