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New user report

badpuppy1badpuppy1 Member Posts: 34

I am a star wars galaxies refugee.  I've been looking for a new home since SOE killed my game.  Last Thursday 4/13 I purchased AA ($49.99) loaded it up and went to town.

First off, it was not clear from the box that so much of the game was going to be twitch based.  Not that that's a bad thing - SOE adding space combat was one of the few bright ideas they had.  But this is a driving game.

That said I can say that the game does seem to be be fair. Maybe its because it's a new relaease but the no penalty for dying makes for a perfect combination of action and reward.  If I had to spen a month running down praire chickens to be of a high enough level to takje on something more this would be a different story.  There are a lot of people crying "carebear" and I think that is unwarranted.  AA seems to be the only game out there were there is some understanding of the player who is NOT committed to spending his or her life in front of thier computer!  If you don't like the  no penalty death system then go and play oine of the millions of games thatiompose the penalty - I never have liked them.

Also in capital letters on the box should be the warning :  DONOT TRY TO PLAY THIS GAME WITHOUT A JOYSTICK OR WHEEL.

Fact is your adult fingers are never going to runteh keys like tey would a device.  One I plugged in my logitech I was having WAYYYYYYYYY more fun.

It is a very pretty game.  The game graphics are very good and I am very impressed.  My only complaint in this department is the character customization.  Big Bulking Men and Big Boobed Women - your choice of 9!  Again since you don't play your character out of the vehicle very  often I can see where this would be a low priority.  It just that when you do see other people they all look alike.

After my first weekend I'm going to stay with it a while longer, get a wheel and see if that imporves the steering issues.

For now, thumbs up.

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