Its similar, but different due to faction specific branch of skill. ive fight a a 62 BH yesterday with my 62 agent, he got totally owned. Couldnt drop me down past 80% health but he could have sucked as well or had bad equip. Humans seems to be faster, and biomeks with more hp. the best thing you could do is create one of each and look at the skills of both, see what you like the most
also humans seem to be the most played faction currently (what a suprise) so if you dont like being in the zerg go biomek, or if you truly wanna be the underdog mutant is the way to go. Both humans and meks missions are working up to 64 where one of them is bugged so whatever you choose you know it will be working at least
A warning: I'd say that the Bounty Hunter/Agent/Avenger class is by far the hardest to play as you are very fragile. If ya don't mind dying a lot as you get your bearings (no death penalty in AA 'cept being transported away from where you were and so downtime repairing and getting back) then go for it, but it is kind of a struggle. The biggest surpise for me and a Doh! moment (after dying a lot) was in AA you can do things when stealthed, you have to in fact to be successful. You can't fight and you are slowed, but you can activate switches and such and even be targeted and fired at and *phoosh* suddenly you are invisible. NPCs go, "Huh?" and wander off.
Its similar, but different due to faction specific branch of skill. ive fight a a 62 BH yesterday with my 62 agent, he got totally owned. Couldnt drop me down past 80% health but he could have sucked as well or had bad equip. Humans seems to be faster, and biomeks with more hp. the best thing you could do is create one of each and look at the skills of both, see what you like the most
also humans seem to be the most played faction currently (what a suprise) so if you dont like being in the zerg go biomek, or if you truly wanna be the underdog mutant is the way to go. Both humans and meks missions are working up to 64 where one of them is bugged so whatever you choose you know it will be working at least