So I came back to EQ2 and been liking it so far, the only thing I have a problem with so far is the community on the evil side on my server. Its not immature or anything like that.. It's just..Dead quiet! Oh there are people in the zones, just hardly anyone is chatting. Even in the commonlands. The only ones talking are the people LFG. And I would group with them except they are usually over lvl 20. I just got lvl 15 last night though. But even the LFG chatter isn't plentyfull. In freeport its just as bad, dead silence. I'm on Lucan RP server. I still have yet to find a guild to. So I'm wondering is the evil side like this on your server to? Or is it bustling with life, chatter and activity?
I'm lvl 14 now, games a lot of fun .