We had a beta tester do a laymans analysis of how the ballistics and damage modeling works in our game engine. Thought you might get a kick out of seeing this.
*** Damage Log File Analysis ***
Caculations of a single 75mm APHE round impact to a Panhard scout car.
I will be showing you a shortened version, because there were 46 pieces of spall generated, over 30 pieces of shrapnel, and nearly 90 concussion damage events. Lets take the first line.
STUG 75mm APHE round hitting panhard right hull door at 714 m/s, Energy = 1730949 joules, thickness 14.00 mm at 7 deg
Stug 75mm aphe is of course the ammunition that was fired.
(Stu.K.L24 Armour Piercing High Explosive in this case)
It hit the right side of the panhard in the crew door. The round was traveling 714 meters per second. It had an energy of 1,730,949 joules. For reference, it takes about 10000 joules to completely blow a track and about 3000 joules to damage the 25mm gun on the panhard.
We have nearly 2 million joules of energy on initial impact.
Thickness, is the thickness of the surface being hit, the panhard door is only 14mm thick. The round hit at 7 degrees to the armor, almost a perfectly straight angle.
STUG 75mm APHE round hitting panhard right hull door at 714 m/s, Energy 1730949 joules, thickness 14.00 mm at 7 deg, STUG 75mm APHE fuse started, timer = 0.0010 seconds.
75mm APHE hits with 120746.653868 joules to right hull door.
STUG 75mm APHE spalling 46 pieces of right hull door.
******** the round has not yet passed through the armor ********
This is just the spall, it shows you what speed and angle its hits objects at and with how much energy. 46 pieces were created. We wont list all 46 pieces, but enough of them for you to see the crew dying.
Spall chunk(0) striking left side of hull of panhard at 803 m/s, Energy 641 joules, thickness 15.00 mm at 57 deg.
Spall chunk hits with 641.438818 joules to left side of hull.
Spall chunk(0) stopped in left side of hull, penetrated 0.00 mm, lost 803 m/s, speed now 0 m/s
Notice the speed of 803 meters per second and over 600 joules? This stuff is almost like rifle bullets going off inside.
Spall chunk(1) striking commander's legs at 665 m/s, Energy 106 joules, thickness 1.00 mm at 0 deg
Damage was 105.870682 joules to commander's legs.
Spall chunk(1) stopped in commander's legs 0.00 mm, lost 665 m/s, speed now 0 m/s
Spall chunk(2) hits commander's legs at 1001 m/s, Energy 1009 joules, thickness 1.00 mm at 0 deg
Damage was 1008.526877 joules to commander's legs.
Spall chunk(2) stopped in commander's legs 0.01 mm, lost 1001 m/s, speed now 0 m/s
Spall chunk(3) Hits the 25mm ammo storage at 1244 m/s, Energy 1287 joules, thickness 3.00 mm at 0 deg
Damage was 1287.401488 joules to 25mm ammo storage.
Spall chunk(3) stopped in 25mm ammo storage(2) 0.01 mm, lost 1244 m/s, speed now 0 m/s
Spall chunk(4) hits back of hull at 282 m/s, Energy 38 joules, thickness 15.00 mm at 34 deg
Damage was 37.656510 joules to back of hull.
Spall chunk(4) stopped in back of hull 0.00 mm, lost 282 m/s, speed now 0 m/s
Spall chunk(5) Hits bottom of turret at 310 m/s, Energy 81 joules, thickness 14.00 mm at 65 deg
Damage was 80.642116 joules to bottom of turret.
Spall chunk(5) stopped in bottom of turret(2) 0.00 mm, lost 310 m/s, speed now 0 m/s
Spall chunk(6) spalls from outside of armor.
Spall chunk(6) strikes the ground at 428 m/s
This is very interesting, the armor actualy spalled on the outside also. This piece hit the ground.
Spall chunk(7) Hits commander's legs at 1412 m/s, Energy 1833 joules, thickness 1.00 mm at 0 deg, t = 3054.615326 s
Damage of 1833.295896 joules to commander's legs. The commander has long since passed death.
Spall chunk(7) stopped in commander's legs 0.01 mm, lost 1412 m/s, speed now 0 m/s
Spall chunk(8) Hits commander's torso at 1437 m/s, Energy 1647 joules, thickness 1.20 mm at 0 deg
Damage of 1646.681433 joules to commander's torso. Commander is now unidentifiable organic soup.
Spall chunk(8) stopped in commander's torso(10) 0.01 mm, lost 1437 m/s, speed now 0 m/s
Spall chunk(9) Lands in gunner's torso at 1546 m/s, Energy 93 joules, thickness 1.20 mm at 0 deg
Damage of 93.100734 joules to gunner's torso.
Spall chunk(9) stopped in gunner's torso 0.00 mm, lost 1546 m/s, speed now 0 m/s
Spall chunk(10) hits bottom of turret at 477 m/s, Energy 6 joules, thickness 14.00 mm at 65 deg
Damage of 6.310749 joules to bottom of turret. This is equivelant of a fly landing on it.
Spall chunk(10) stopped in bottom of turret 0.00 mm, lost 477 m/s, speed now 0 m/s
Spall chunk(11) Hits left side of hull at 1030 m/s, Energy 1159 joules, thickness 15.00 mm at 32 deg
Damage applied 1158.589382 joules to left side of hull.
Spall chunk(11) stopped in left side of hull 0.01 mm, lost 1030 m/s, speed now 0 m/s
Spall chunk(12) hits bottom of turret at 710 m/s, Energy 32 joules, thickness 14.00 mm at 66 deg
Damage was only 31.843677 joules to bottom of turret.
Spall chunk(12) stopped in bottom of turret 0.00 mm, lost 710 m/s, speed now 0 m/s
Spall chunk(13) hit bottom of turret at 471 m/s, Energy 217 joules, thickness 14.00 mm at 70 deg
Damage was minor, 216.815958 joules to bottom of turret.
Spall chunk(13) stopped in bottom of turret 0.00 mm, lost 471 m/s, speed now 0 m/s
We skip down to chunk 36 because there are tons of repeated crew hits and spall hitting the armor.
Spall chunk(36) hits transaxle at 445 m/s, Energy 102 joules, thickness 100.00 mm at 0 deg
Minscule damage of 101.949308 joules to transaxle.
Spall chunk(36) stopped in transaxle 100.00 mm, lost 445 m/s, speed now 0 m/s
Spall chunk(38) hits right front fender at 253 m/s, Energy 19484 joules, thickness 7.00 mm at 61 deg
Damage of 19484.321335 joules to right front fender.
Spall chunk(38) stopped in right front fender 0.07 mm, lost 253 m/s, speed now 0 m/s
If this was a living thing it would now be dead.
Since spall chunk 38 is low speed but high joules, this would suggest different mass, that is a very intricate detail.
*** Ok now we actualy penetrate the vehicle with the round itself ***
After 46 pieces of spall have ripped the place up.
STUG 75mm APHE penetrated right hull door 14.00 mm, lost 25 m/s, speed now 688 m/s
14mm is the door thickness, it didnt slow the round down much, it only lost 25 meters per second of speed.
STUG 75mm APHE slamms into commander's legs at 688 m/s, Energy 1610203 joules, thickness 1.00 mm at 0 deg
A traumatic 4398.429960 joules to commander's legs.
STUG 75mm APHE penetrated commander's legs 1.00 mm, lost 1 m/s, speed now 687 m/s
If this was a solid AP round you would see the round keep going through stuff until it was stopped, but since its APHE something cooler is going to happen.
************************************************** *******
Now the APHE explodes!!
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STUG 75mm APHE detonating, STUG 75mm APHE explodes into 30 pieces of shrapnel
We will skip to some more interesting shrapnel, but they go on ripping crew to pieces just like the spall.
Shrapnel shard(2) Severs gunners legs at 779 m/s, Energy 39361 joules, thickness 1.00 mm at 0 deg, t = 3054.616761 s
Damage was 39360.979559 joules to gunners legs. What legs? They aren't legs anymore. This poor guy needs 5 body bags and a broom. A hose might come in handy.
Shrapnel shard(2) stopped in gunners legs 0.26 mm, lost 779 m/s, speed now 0 m/s
Shrapnel shard perferates gunner's torso at 849 m/s, Energy 29655 joules, thickness 1.20 mm at 0 deg
Damage was 29655.306813 joules to gunner's torso.
Shrapnel shard(3) stopped in gunner's torso 0.19 mm, lost 849 m/s, speed now 0 m/s
Lots of repeated crew hits, driver took a near fatal one to his head. Now look at this.
************************************************** ********
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There were about 90 something concussion events here, below are some of the highlights.
STUG 75mm APHE concussive explosion
Damage of 10.913030 joules to radiator.
Effect of concussion to component antifreeze at 1.5 m from detonation = damage of 14.395833 joules to antifreeze.
Effect of concussion to component driver's head ... energy 29.883825 joules to damage driver's head, threshold 40.000000 joules. The drivers head just survives, but too bad shrapnel already wounded him. He bleeds out, poor guy.
Effect of concussion to component commander's torso.
Damage of 127.093132 joules to commander's torso. Too bad he is already dead.
Effect of concussion to component commanders arms.
Damage of 88.672264 joules to commanders arms.
And of course his arms are now on the floor.
The end result here was commander and gunner laying about in pieces on the panhard floor, the driver bled out from a nasty head wound. We see that APHE does in fact fuse and then detonate inside the armored car. There was alot of spall and shrapnel inside, and every single piece was calculated.
We also learned that there is concussive damage, and it can injure and kill crew if they take a big enough hit from it. All the above data is real game data, retyped to make it humanly readable.
Hopefuly you find this both interesting and helpful when you're out there wondering what the heck is going on. The answer is there's an awful lot going on !
Disclaimer: A Panhard and crew were actualy killed during this testing but no sheep were harmed.
Geof Rey Evans
"this is rocket science, it just looks like a video game
For those that are interested, here is a full log. With various weapons tested.
And here is a video CRS made a long time ago from their debugging tools.
The slug hits the back armour penetrates it, it hits the machinegun ammo bin (I think) causing it to cook off, countinues through the commander and lodges itself in the front turret, note that the video does not track the spall that would be flying everywere as well.
I belive I have some screenshots showing this aswell somewere, the rats had posted them on the old forum that sadly is no more.