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Here is something I found on the EU forums but I think it got deleted (obviously took a long while as it was in the pvp section where the blizz staff don't really bother looking at.)
Anyway check it out:
If it has any truth to it, I for one would be VERY VERY VERY peeved off, considering us pvpers have spent the last bloody year trying to convince blizzard to make pvp worthwhile and instead of listening to us, they create a system which turns pvp into a grind fest and then release battlegrounds which totally kill world pvp... so instead of buffing pvp, they nerfed it and made it crap.
Now for the last 10 or so months, people have been complaining about the world pvp and have spent ages coming up with ways for blizzard to make their game, good again. Now blizzard said not that long ago that with the next patch, they are going to make us pvpers happy and if this is their solution.. then they truly don't listen to their devoted pvp crew.
I hope this rumour is untrue but tbh, it sounds just like how blizzard works and eventhough the battlenet service for WoW would be G-R-E-A-T, it still promotes boring grindfests which us pvpers don't want.
I have no idea if it is true or not, but it does sound like Blizz's MO. WoW is all about letting everyone get every uber thing. There is a lot of complaining on the forums about not being able to get the rank 14 weapons and such, and not being able to raid to get the other epic items.
Blizz makes the dungeons and quests easier on a regular basis, making it easy to get rank is the next logical step.
GG the real PVPers loose once agian. oh well Funcom and AOC are comming to save the day... Cant wait.
You see, every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with their surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You spread to an area, and you multiply, and you multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet.-Mr.Smith
If I want to play in a battleground, I don't want to wait 45 minutes for one to start. This resolves that issue. As for making pvp a grindfest... um, sure, because it's more accessible, it's suddenly a grind? Got it.
Ignorance is bliss... well what are battlegrounds? They are just another form of farming, they offer very little in terms of thrills for pvp players, they throw the thing everyone loves, stick them in playschools and make sure that nothing can go wrong.
We were all promised that pvp would be a viable alternative to raiding as there were quite a few people who didn't want to do the pve content blizzard offered and with the game being very loot centric, they added the honor system. Now to get anything remotely useful from the honor system, you have to pretty much devote your entire life to the game for around three months (could be an exageration i'm not sure but you still have to devote your life to the game for a good month or two!) Now please tell me what the correct term for something like this is? Until you give me one, I will assume and use the term grindfest, is that ok with you mr fanboi?
Outside of the Battlegrounds, we want to focus on PvP gameplay in
general. One common concern has been that lower level players have a
difficult time advancing in the PvP Honor System, so we'll be changing
some things in regard to the Honor requirements in order to help these
players make more progress. Another popular player request has been for
us to increase outdoor PvP battles. Prior to the Battlegrounds, the
outdoor landscape was fraught with PvP. However, once the Battlegrounds
were introduced and NPC dishonorable kills were implemented, outdoor
PvP greatly decreased. We want to bring back the hectic action of mass
PvP, but with some improvements. One idea on the table is to place a
capturable objective in the exterior environment. With something like
this, we can encourage outdoor PvP again while centralizing the action
to a designated location."
Posted 10/2005 By Caydem.. And as you can see.. nothing has been implemented or is even in the works some 6 months later.... Cant wait for Warhammer or AOC to come out..
You see, every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with their surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You spread to an area, and you multiply, and you multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet.-Mr.Smith
Hmm, this post has spread around the web so fast. Anyway, something is really coming...
My screenshot gallery.
We have been knowing cross server Battlegrounds were coming since Blizzcon, that is october 2005.
So why the surprise again?
We also know they are working on conquerable World PvP objectives but the idea has always been this is gonna take a good while to implement. Sadly Blizzard work times are pretty long, but they always have been, so it is not really a surprise there either.
I think I see this as a huge improvement to their current system, making go to battlegrounds much easier and faster than before. Of course if you never liked battlegrounds, you won't like this either, but while Blizzard might do something for World PvP, I really doubt they are gonna ever delete the battlegrounds.
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
You didn't really make a point here other than to show that you're a snobish, whiny, brat. This may not fix YOUR problem, but it fixes A problem.
Hmm, another word that explains how to get to something that you want. I know, you WORK for it. You can call it a grind, but in real life, adults often explain this as working towards a goal.
You kids..
Repetition can often times be rewarding in life and in the game. Though it may not be fun, repetition in most MMO's it what rewards you. Every game I've ever played has repetition of quests, tasks, whatever, and the end result is the same. You level up by repetition all throughout the game. Killing x number of creatures; gathering so many of some kind of random resource; etc. WoW and every other game I've seen, rewards repetition. The problem here is you think the repetition for getting the reward isn't justified or isn't possible. You should complain about that, not that they're making the battlegrounds more available.
Think of it like this. Have you ever played a first person shooter online? Halo, Counter-strike, or any other game like that is an example of a battleground. The only real difference is that you actually have a chance of equipping your character with something permanent by doing so.
To me, it's a fine idea. If I decide the rewards aren't worth it, I can PvE for different gear. I can settle for gear that's like the PvP gear but maybe not so good on some of the stats because I don't have time to devote to grind it all away as well. What's the other option? Blizzard makes it more accessible than it already is and everyone runs around in PvP armor and then it's worth nothing to get it, thus eliminating the need to PvP in the first place.. or worse, making it required so that you can be competative in any PvP encounter.
Well I haven't played for awhile now due to the end game PVP which seems to be for PvE players only.
Mind you the ONLY reason a casual player should give a darn about what hardcores are doing is due to one aspect of the game they are still sharing with their hardcore brethren.
P V P.
I have an idea for a solution for this. (PLEASE post this on the WOW forums if you like it.)
The one single idea I can think of since most hardcore either grind in instances (be it the raid or battleground content avalible) then the world pvp should be balanced for casual player pvp.
G A S P !
Let there be a set of gear one can aquire at level 60 that allows people to wear that MUST be used for world pvp on regular pvp servers. (pvp servers MIGHT like to have the option of letting those who wear it on that sort of server being attacked ONLY by those also wearing it but *shrug* whatever.)
Think about it if anyone so hardcore wants to be the best of the best they can goto a PvP server and waste their lives away. Casuals do not have that luxury but want to enjoy some pvp without some Blizzard inspired can of whoop ass ruining it for everyone. Let the gear reflect the RTS warcraft series. Let people enjoy pvp for the sake of pvp and the skill required to win the day then because someone with PvE gear can totally destroy a casual none raider.
Post 60 casual pvp is the last great step they need to keep alot of players happy. Return world pvp. Let us all play for fun again.
Realmreaver formally of EQ, SWG, FFXI and WoW.
Malis/Pirotess of PSO.
Some named of Diablo 1 and 2
Grendel Kinguard of GW.
Realmreaver formally of EQ, SWG, FFXI and WoW.
Malis/Pirotess of PSO.
Some named of Diablo 1 and 2
Grendel Kinguard of GW.
Hah! All the cheating team speakers are going to be worthless in BG. Good for blizzard if they pull this off.
Professor Hubert Farnsworth - That question is less stupid but, you asked it in a profoundly stupid way.
To me, it's a fine idea. If I decide the rewards aren't worth it, I can PvE for different gear. I can settle for gear that's like the PvP gear but maybe not so good on some of the stats because I don't have time to devote to grind it all away as well. What's the other option? Blizzard makes it more accessible than it already is and everyone runs around in PvP armor and then it's worth nothing to get it, thus eliminating the need to PvP in the first place.. or worse, making it required so that you can be competative in any PvP encounter.
The thing is with the current honor system, it isn't just a repetitive grind, it's a life consuming grind where you need to dedicate around 12-20 hours a day depending on the server. Working hard is understandable but doing something which can potentially cause health risks, is just insane. They could easily have it so that to gain ranks, you need a set amount of honour and have it something stupid, at least this way, everything has a decent chance of getting it. As it stands, you need to give up a good three months of your life and dedicate it soley to a game and nobody could or should condone such actions.