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Im thinking of what im gonna be when i start playing WoW.
Which are better:
Human Mage or Gnome Mage?
Tauren Warrior or Orc Warrior?
Can be other races too.
Well, you should play any race and class combination you love if you want to truly enjoy the game. But, if you select you race depending racial atributes, I would choose gnome mage or tauren warrior. My advice - don't care about it, just play the game.
My screenshot gallery.
I disagree, I got into nothing but brawls in General Chat when I tried to play Alliance. I'd say go tauren warrior. I like the way Orcs look better than Tauren personally, but the choice is entirely up to you, because there really isn't a *huge* difference in racials in this game.
I don't recommend rolling Alliance, because you get to see some of the worst people in one place (although I will admit some of the nicest as well), and most of your time will be spending waiting. Waiting for battlegrounds, and other annoying things that make the Alliance faction bad to play because of over-population.
Either way, good luck! You can still play Alliance, and it does have some redeeming qualities, but I am a man of the Horde all the way, and I just recommend playing what suits you best, be it gnome, or undead, is entirely up to you.