I'm just curious what you guys think of this.
I find it terrifying. Don't get me wrong, I respect their rights to protest. What terrifies me is this is an example of how people use religion to their own hateful causes. This is what literal interpretation of the Bible can lead to.
Hannity-Colmes/Phelps InterviewAnd I wonder why Hannity wasn't calling these people nuts years ago? I guess they seemed okay until they threw their hate towards soldiers.
I was and still am 100% against the actions in both Afghanistan and Iraq. You cant solve a problem created by citizens of many nations (terrorists), by attacking one or two nations and oppressing their populations in an attempt to force a system of government on them that has never worked in the entire history of their countries and wont work now.
However this is disgraceful. Its not the fault of the men and women of the defence forces that they are led by money hungry, lying, duplicitous war mongers. They deserve the full support of the population of their countries as much as the people that lead them deserve to be voted out of office and replaced with someone sane.
"MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
"Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
This was already posted a few days ago.
Killer 86%, Socializer 53%, Explorer 33%, Achiever 26%
So if you where president,What would your strategy of been?
You have the advantage of knowing the outcome of the war.
So if you where president,What would your strategy of been?
You have the advantage of knowing the outcome of the war.
If He was President, 9/11 would never happen...
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
I think it's the objective of your past self to make you cringe.
Lets not hit this subject again. The art of masterful manipulation has brought you to believe only one course of action brought about 9/11, but the evidence leaves nothing more than speculation and more questions.
To the OP, obviously we have already forgotten the Vietnam War and these children of that era's protesters have actually gone against their parents warning that society will backlash at those that defile the service of country regardless of whether the county is misguided.
Easier said than done. The global requirements of USSOCOM and the associated assets are strained to say the least. Not only due to manpower limitations, but also in capabilities and other missions that do not revolve around middle east terrorist activites. Afghanistan is a perfect example of how using almost solely SOCOM forces (as redesigned post-9/11) does not provide adequate supression of the terrorist's activities in the area.
This just makes me sick. People with that low intelligence should not be allowed to exist. It is too bad that the soldiers that this woman and her wacko family/church are protesting agains fight for her freedom to do so.
About the war in Iraq, I disagree with it. I think that our soldiers should be brought home. The reason we went to war was to find weapons of mass distruction. We didnt fid these, so we have no reason to stay.
Just my two cents .
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
These attempts of USA forcing democracy on other countries, is just wrong, and like you I don't agree with it. You can't force democracy on someone. It's a contradiction. It's against all that democracy stands for. Democracy is something that should be wanted, and it needs to grow. It's not just something you can change to, instantly.
Like somebody pointed out. This is the second thread about the same theme. People should learn to atleast check a couple of the first pages
I personally think we went there in order to take control of Iraq's oil in order to prevent Saddam from selling his oil in currency other than the U.S. dollar. I also think we went into Iraq in order to set up our own American sympathetic government and system of U.S. military installations just to the south of Central Asia, where massive quantities of oil are still un-touched in the "Stans". China's already close to the area. Russia borders the area. We needed some way to get in there to lay claim to the resources.
Obviously the plan to take over Iraq's oil didnt work as planned. They are producing wayyy less oil now than they were under Saddam's rule.
You have the advantage of knowing the outcome of the war.
The outcome of the Iraq war was never in doubt. As Sun Tzu observed "a warrior wins the battle then goes to war". As opposed to going to battle then working out how your going to win the war, which is exactly what Bush and the geniuses that advise him are doing.
Look at the current situation. 120K tropps cant get control of a few thousand (or probably less) guys with clapped out AK47's and shoulder launch grenades. Why ? Because you dont win the so called war on terror with 120K troops in a foreign country, proven to be not linked to 9/11. You win it with intelligence.
If I was Prez I would have put whatever amount of money that has been spent on the failed campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq into the CIA, FBI and Dept of Homeland Security and tracked down the actual people responisble. As opposed to persecuting the innocent populations of countries who are only 2 of the many nations harbouring terrorists.
We now know for certain that many many countries are harbouring terrorists sympathetic to poeple like Bin Laden and Aiman Al Zawahiri, countries like :
And the list goes on... No Korea... and who knows where else. You wont find out by boosting the troop numbers in Iraq and if anyone still believes that Iraq is the key to Middle East peace then you probably believe in Santa and the Tooth fairy too.
Using the threat of so called "global terror" to promote the age old chesnut of Amercan Manifest Destiny is what this is about. The young men and Women of the USA are being used as pawns in a sick game run by people like Paul Wolfowitz, Dick Cheyney, Donald Rumsfeld and GWB to fulfill some personal bent to go down in history.
Its disgusting.....
"MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
"Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
Has anyone read "Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategies, Forces, And Resources For A New Century"? I found it yesterday and its only 90 pages, so i'm going to read it today.
It was written by Project for the New American Century (PNAC) (wikipedia link). After the 2000 election of George W. Bush, many of the PNAC's members were appointed to key positions within the new President's administration (Including Dick Cheney who is founder of PNAC).
Basically PNAC's goal is America being a global authority...or "leader" but its the samething..
So we can already see that in Iraq and now Iran.
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
lol that video was hilarious, i love how that guy was laying into her
what a freaking head case that lady was, in my opinion Christian extremists that thank god for all the innocent lives that were taken on 911 are no better than the Muslim extremists that caused 911 itself, they are all terrorists in my eyes.
read this http://www.vanguardsoh.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1044304#post1044304 then come back and talk to me about the vanguard/soe fiasco.....
Do you people have an absolute idea of why the US are in Iraq? i'll tell you, the prophet Mohammad (PBUH) have releaved to us more than 1400 years ago, that a mountain of gold will be uncovered under the river in Iraq.
you heared me, a mountain that contains a huge amount of gold will appear after the river dries, the geologists have uncovered this to be true, while the river is drying up right now and continuing to do, the mountain is rising up, from under the water that is, this will of course occure after few years from now, which will be the cause of many countless deaths, fighting for ownership of this huge mountain of gold.
the US knows about it, because they know that the revalations of the islam prophet Mohammad are true, and actually all of them are true, i can list alot of them for you here but i won't bother.
so to those who are deluded that the US are there for the freedom of someone, get real, go find the truth, stop watching FOX and CNN, and read about the true way of life.
"MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
"Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
I hope some day we can all put aside our racisms and prejudices and just laugh at people
maybe u should go dive into the river and find it for us. it would save us many years of bloodshed .
good luck.
hahahaha, maybe you guys never heared of this, but when the time comes you'll remember what i said, and no thanks and i'm not going to die for pieces of gold, i just wish i'd go to paradise so i can have a planet of gold
oh and btw, i was going to mention that most of you are going to think i'm crazy or something but i didn't bother since i know it will come whether i said it or not, and no i'm not joking about the gold nor the slaughter, it is very clear, if you research it you'll find it's true, but if you DON'T want to research it don't say i didn't warn you.
I will be waiting in great anticipation.
But similar to the thousands of predictions of "end of the world" scenarios, going back as far as recorded history, I wont be holding my breath for this one to come to pass either.
If only life was as interesting as some of you seem to believe.
And just to throw in some deductive logic for consideration (as unfashionable as logic is these days).
But Im sure you wont let a little logic get in the way of your all knowing, all seeing predictions. No one who is into those sorts of things ever does.
Makes you wonder what happened to the "world ending" at the end of 1999 as predicted by various groups around the world.... And what ever happened to the predictions made by Australian Aboriginees that the "Rainbow Serpent" who had his resting place in Arnhem land Australia would be woken and destroy the world if the Ranger Uranium Mine was built on the ground where he slept... Well Ill tell you... Mine Built... World didnt end... AMAZING!!
But I guess Islam is far more correct as a religion than the cultural beleifs of Australian Aboriginees and therefore must be correct even if others have been wrong... What I love most though in all these doomsday scenarios is that they all have one comon thread... and it goes something like this :
"In conclusion, we'd like to state that this authentic prediction is true and one day it will come true. However, we cannot stipulate the exact date on which it will happen as its knowledge is absolutely restricted to Allah. It’s quite difficult to interpret any present condition in light of this Hadith."
What no set date for this "mountain of gold" OMG! Im so surprised... Or its probably because Im too much of a heathen heretic to be able to understand the "true meaning" of such deep writings...
I guess Ill just have to learn to live with my ignorance...
After all... ignorance is bliss right ?
"MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
"Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
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This site is excellent if you want to read all about how many times the world is going to end.
According to most of these predictions we should have been blown up, shot down, melted, sucked out, drawn in, bust into flames and died of horrible diseases wrought on us by a thousand gods more times than we have all had hot dinners...
And that was just yesterdays list
#5633: The dreaded Earthquake-enhanced tornado being hit by a radio-active meteor event
"MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
"Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
I'm not exactly in unity with the teachings of Islam; but c'mon. So the guy believes differently then you. Maturely debate it, not ridicule him incessantly: Yah yah. You're thinking, "Mountain of gold! The guys a lunatic."
So just debate the validity of the claim, not berate the guy.
"Fear not death; for the sooner we die, the longer shall we be immortal."
I was....
How do you debate that ?
You either believe it or you dont.
I simply referenced it in relation to the countless other claims of "armageddon" that are made by so many people since the dawn of communication.
I know you have yours too....
I was more trying to be humerous than belittling... but I can see how it could be taken that way... My apologies for any offence...
"MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
"Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
if the US ever had any intention of having a gold based economy this claim might be as valid as bat boy...
but since the US has more gold in Fort Knox, then any nation has had in one place for most of history i dont believe that.
we have more then enough gold that we never have any intention of doing anything with.....
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.