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I want the truth: Is it very difficult to get teams since the game is instanced and the only time you see players that aren't on your team is in town?
Will you get bored of this game in a month due to only getting to lvl 20?
Is the community good?
All my friends at school have played pretty much all the best MMOs so far invented and have said Guild Wars is no good. I either don't trust them or take their word for it and try to get back into playing WoW or EVE online.
Please respond soon because I need a game to play.
Truth b: Not, really, certain areas don't have as many people as other areas, but it is no different then it being hard to make a BFD group in WoW then a UBERS .
Truth a: Yes, if you only care about seeing that number turn into bigger numbers, it is likley. Since it takes about a weekend or you can even skip the entire process by making a PvP char.
Truth b: Um... there is a lot of stuff to do after lvl 20. Lots of vareity. Were not talking Baseball compared to riding a rollar coaster. But at least KookAid compared to coke vareity. Nothing that will make you stronger then someone else though.
Truth a: The community is crap, almost as bad as WoW... Seems all the little kids are trying to bring WoW crap over here, becaise "WoW is cool". Chuck Norris jokes and other poisons WoW has mulitiple for today's sociecty are finding there way into GWs groups everywhere.
Truth b: It really is crap... you lose a match you get told "you suck," you win a match you get told "you suck." Advice: Get a good guild and turn off local chat.
I say stay with your friends (preferablely the ones that play EVE)... They are likley your friends for a reason. If you are like them you will likley think GWs sucks too thus it is pointless for you to be here. If any of your friends own GWs, have them let you borrow it for a bit.
Well...I didn't play EVE enough and it's too much like a spaceship simulator game for me-I prefer having a human like figure in a game instead of spaceships.
I liked WoW for awhile until I found out that none of my friends were going to play with me online.
I can easily get an account from a friend, in fact I'm going to get someone's account info soon(tomorrow). I've downloaded the client so all I need is an account.
I want this game to be good for me. I hate it when people say GW sucks because it makes me feel like never playing it. However, I can probably get a GW game from my friends for 20 bucks easy, so even if I hate it, nothing would be wasted(heck, I could get a refund)
While the only time you ever see other players is while you are in town, towns are scattered throughout the land and it really isn't that bad. Typically you're going to go back to town anyway once the group's bags fill up or once the quest you're doing is complete (generaly the quest gets finished long before bags fill up). Nothing in GuildWars takes a horridly long time to complete so you will never be out in the wild long enough to worry about having to grab a replacement for your group. And even if you do town is only a mouse click away. So, no, the instancing isn't really a problem. I really really thought I would hate the instancing in GW, even in beta I didn't like it. But now that I'm actually playing the game I actually really like it.
I doubt it. First of all if you're a casual/average gamer you won't hit 20 for a decent amount of time unless you get someone to PL you. If you just play the game and enjoy it Level 20 is probably about 50 hours of /played time for a first time player. I am a very experienced MMORPG player and I already have several hours racked up and my highest toon just dinged level 11 (I have 3, the other two are 7 and 8). Once you hit 20 there's still apparently a lot of things to do though you won't be seeing your "level" advance so if all you care about is the 'next level' or 'next skill' yes, you'll get bored at 20. But if you just like having fun with friends/guildies and doing quests and getting neat/different items you'll have a ball even after 20. And there's always the PVP, which is quite good. Not as good as DAoC or EVE, imo, but still pretty darn fun. Certainly better than WoW's PVP in my opinion. And, after all, it's FREE so if you get bored for a bit? Just take a break. You aren't paying for access so you can take time off without feeling like you're wasting money.
Community is ok. I really haven't had a problem with it. It gets spammy because there are a LOT of people online but generally it's not too bad. There are 'leet' dudes and really immature kids but as a previous poster said I generally run with local chat turned off and only watch the trade channel and guildchat when I'm in town. Sometimes if trade gets real busy I'll even turn that off as well. If someone needs to reach me they can pm me. And there's a full featured ignore/friends list so you can ignore anyone being obnoxious. I'd rate the 'community' pretty low thoughuntil you join a guild, then it improves dramatically
Your friends are mistaken.
1) GW isn't an MMO (I know, fanboys here will get all bent that I come right out and say that, but it really isn't, it's a CORPG)
2) It's VERY good.... lots of fun, solid graphics (better than WoW or EQ2 imo)
3) Has PVP
4) Has a detailed and rich world to explore
5) Has a decent, if not stellar, storyline
Will you like it? I dunno... but you can pick it up for about $30 (and you said you're getting an account from a friend so you're getting it FREE) so it's not like you're losing money on it. After all there's no monthly fee to play.
Give it a try. Worst case you decide you don't like it. Best case you find a game to play on the side or if you really like it it can become your main game title.
Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
Sig image Pending
Still in: A couple Betas
ANYTHING that is multiplayer and online has the pontenial to be a MMO if you can debatedly satissify the "massive" requirement. Massive is an opinionated word that complicates the whole thing. AKA 25 people playing a MUD used to be "massive" enough... OR does massive mean world size? OR how many GB the game takes up on your computer? And they you get wierd break downs of the term MMO= Massive Multiplayer Online. OR MMO= Massively-Multiplayrer Online, etc.
I don't see what being a fanboy or not has to do with anything, as the terms MMO or MMORPG aren't compliments. Infact putting GWs and WoW on the same level would be an insult to both games.
There are reasons there are labels "MMOG," "MMORPGs," "MMOFPSs," and MMORTSs, etc. This is because even a big chat group could pass as a MMO. A MMO by difinition doesn't even have to be a game. People simply avoid using the term MMO by itself because it would like saying "When I was out today I saw someone," the term is too board to be descriptive. MMORPGs are the most famous useage of a MMO derivative, and as such, for some reason people think it is "MMORPG or bust." That is if something isn't an MMORPG it also isn't a MMOG or an MMO. Which makes completely no sense.
To the OP... Well if you don't play with you friends anyway, they sure grab GWs... I just hate to see groups of friends get seperated. Friends are what makes a game fun IMO.
Who asked you.
I found myself sitting in line for an average of 40mins for first available BG in WoW. Then most times the battles is completely lopsided.
Who asked you.
same questions get asked all the time.... sick of this man
- instances and finding groups= no... anet has made something called henchman, they are npcs who fill in the spots instead of a real person if u cant find a group... there not good but there not bad, henchman alot of the time do much better then real people coz real people are nubs
- will you get bored of this game after getting 20= NO ffs... this isnt a level based game!
- is the community good= no! no mmorpg has a good community even though people will say it is, there are some better then others but no mmorpg has a good community
- ur friends at skool are little kids, they dont understand the game enough to like it, if u wanna play guild wars (not the pve part but the pvp part) u gotta have brains... and alot of it!
Damn Ase Take the stick out willya?
GuildWars PVP doesn't take any more or any less "skill" than any other PVP RPG. PvP FPS games require "more" skill but in different ways.
As to it not being a level based game you're insane. It's absolutely a level based game, till you hit 20 A level 10 going into a PVP session against 20's will get oblitterated. So it's 100% level based, no matter how you slice it. Yes you need to GET the skills but if a level 10 has every skill they can get and a level 20 has every skill they can get the level 10 is at a HUGE dissadvantage. And the odds of a level 10 having every skill is a LOT lower than a level 20 having them.
I love Guild Wars, it's a great game. But please don't try to make your point with flat out insane statements.
Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
Sig image Pending
Still in: A couple Betas
While the only time you ever see other players is while you are in town, towns are scattered throughout the land and it really isn't that bad. Typically you're going to go back to town anyway once the group's bags fill up or once the quest you're doing is complete (generaly the quest gets finished long before bags fill up). Nothing in GuildWars takes a horridly long time to complete so you will never be out in the wild long enough to worry about having to grab a replacement for your group. And even if you do town is only a mouse click away. So, no, the instancing isn't really a problem. I really really thought I would hate the instancing in GW, even in beta I didn't like it. But now that I'm actually playing the game I actually really like it.
I doubt it. First of all if you're a casual/average gamer you won't hit 20 for a decent amount of time unless you get someone to PL you. If you just play the game and enjoy it Level 20 is probably about 50 hours of /played time for a first time player. I am a very experienced MMORPG player and I already have several hours racked up and my highest toon just dinged level 11 (I have 3, the other two are 7 and 8). Once you hit 20 there's still apparently a lot of things to do though you won't be seeing your "level" advance so if all you care about is the 'next level' or 'next skill' yes, you'll get bored at 20. But if you just like having fun with friends/guildies and doing quests and getting neat/different items you'll have a ball even after 20. And there's always the PVP, which is quite good. Not as good as DAoC or EVE, imo, but still pretty darn fun. Certainly better than WoW's PVP in my opinion. And, after all, it's FREE so if you get bored for a bit? Just take a break. You aren't paying for access so you can take time off without feeling like you're wasting money.
Community is ok. I really haven't had a problem with it. It gets spammy because there are a LOT of people online but generally it's not too bad. There are 'leet' dudes and really immature kids but as a previous poster said I generally run with local chat turned off and only watch the trade channel and guildchat when I'm in town. Sometimes if trade gets real busy I'll even turn that off as well. If someone needs to reach me they can pm me. And there's a full featured ignore/friends list so you can ignore anyone being obnoxious. I'd rate the 'community' pretty low thoughuntil you join a guild, then it improves dramatically
Your friends are mistaken.
1) GW isn't an MMO (I know, fanboys here will get all bent that I come right out and say that, but it really isn't, it's a CORPG)
2) It's VERY good.... lots of fun, solid graphics (better than WoW or EQ2 imo)
3) Has PVP
4) Has a detailed and rich world to explore
5) Has a decent, if not stellar, storyline
Will you like it? I dunno... but you can pick it up for about $30 (and you said you're getting an account from a friend so you're getting it FREE) so it's not like you're losing money on it. After all there's no monthly fee to play.
Give it a try. Worst case you decide you don't like it. Best case you find a game to play on the side or if you really like it it can become your main game title.
im posting about the part in RED
i know you are playing guildwars for not so long that is why you say this , ok its true most of guildwars prophecies is like you are saying , quests and missions dont take that long , but when you reach zones like , Underworld & Fissure ( go from temple of the ages ) ... i have never cleaned Underworld , but i have cleaned fissure , it was a 5 to 6 hour run , and this was before the book got nerfed , i cant imagine how long it will take now to clean fow.
there are at least 3 kinds of experiences you can have in this long runs
you go with PUGs ( pick up group , all random people )
1 - terrible group , all die after 10 minutes
2 - you find out they are all nice people and good players , have a lot of fun , add them to friends list and even invite someone to your guild - after cleaning all , the team stays inside for a while just chating , making all kinds of emotes , and even droping shards and all kinds of stuff to play : catch its yours
you go with Guild Members and/or Friends
3 - Fun !
more long runs :
Titan Quests - not extremely long , but going from towns that let you have more people in party , its a long but fun ride.
Sorrow Furnace - easy to be inside for long hours with a nice team
Tomb Of primeval Kings - rangers do it in 45 minutes , my longest run was 5 hours. normaly is 2 to 3 hours.
edit to say
ups !!! , sorry i just read the rest of the post now ...
i dont want to sound like i am a super elite guildwars player ( cose im not ) , but , you can not judge guildwars pvp yet ... i wont say anymore , you will know why when ... , i dont know about the pvp in the games you are talking about , but i am sure you cant judge gw pvp.
im playing gw for one year , my only game.
im really happy to see a very experienced mmorpg veteran enjoying guildwars
not the usual " only lvl 20 not mmo " kind of comment
edit once more after reading all the posts
Aseenus : its impossible to explain what is gw pvp ... dont try
its like the matrix , you have to see it for your selfe. took me almost one year to really dig it , im not saying it takes one year , took me , becose i have a job , and i wasnt giving that much credit to all of it , took me ages to even make another char , i was playing with my first char for 6 or 8 months ...
guildwars PVP is just .... chess MOVE totaly over .. i have tryed to explain many times , now im sure all of what i was saying , cant fit in any mind just reading it ... you really have to see it
Elnator , go to Priest Of Baltazar , you can find him in random arenas for exemple. and see all the skills you dont have. after that , Press B , and watch a top guild battle.
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Note: I was talking about stuff that's "required" Clearing an entire area is not any kind of requirement except something people do for fun Unless there's actually a quest for that later on?? YEESH That said I will retract my statement and replace it with:
In most all situations Kay?
As to PVP I never said GuildWars PVP wasn't good. I said WOW PVP wasn't good. What I did say was that GuildWars PVP *is* heavily level based. A full group of 20's vs a full group of 10's the 20's will win. Period. Sure there are skills, etc. But for the most part the game is level based.
Edit: And um... do us all a favor: Next time read the WHOLE post before replying. You'll save yourself a bit of embarassment You basically said I was wrong then went and proved my point
Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
Sig image Pending
Still in: A couple Betas
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your point is moot. thats the reason why its only to lvl 20. getting to lvl 20 is just completeting your training. that in itself is no achivement. the achivement is to learn to play the game.
thats where all other MMOs and GW are different. ArenaNet hates people who get higher selfesteme for getting higher levels. freakin tools. useless numbers.:)
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