I play Anarchy Online a bunch, and I've seen the banners of this game when I log in most of the time, but from what I originally read up on it, it was just a single player game with a story line.
And only just now did I figure out that it had MMO qualities aswell.
Ack, can someone explain this better to me? Possibly in fewer words that're easier to understand, maybe.
I mean, is it a single player game with an online MMO option, or what?
And from the sound of this "real combat" thing sounds a bit like a more thought-out version of Fable's gameplay.
But, I can be slow at times, so can someone explain this, as I said before, in fewer words? Maybe just straight to the point?
In America I have bad teeth. If I lived in England my teeth would be perfect.
Onward from that you are in the world with other players, this is the MMO portion.
Level 1-5 You are classless
At level 5 you pick your archetype
Level 20 you pick your class so to speak, You can see all the classes/archetypes in my other post called
All 4 Archetypes Explained
Or something of the sorts :P
#conan Gamesurge IRC network
Wasn't that the same type of system that most people hated on EQ2?
You picked an archtype at level 5 or so, and then a sub-class at level 12-14, can't remember which.
Didn't EQ2 just recently redo their system because so many people said they didn't like it?
Not sure exactly, but it seems very similar. Just curious, maybe someone can set me straight; as I've been away from EQ2 too long to remember exactly, but I know I read that they were changing it to a more typical pick your class from the start type.
yes eq2 had this and then they got rid of it, its kind of pointless if you ask me....you already know what class you are going to be, you might as well pick it at the beginning.
IMO it should either be bound by class from lvl1 or there should not be classes at all, and just skills based advancement. this is kind of a hybrid between the two and end the end you will be bound my class anyways, so it is pointless IMO
read this http://www.vanguardsoh.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1044304#post1044304 then come back and talk to me about the vanguard/soe fiasco.....
yes eq2 had this and then they got rid of it, its kind of pointless if you ask me....you already know what class you are going to be, you might as well pick it at the beginning.
IMO it should either be bound by class from lvl1 or there should not be classes at all, and just skills based advancement. this is kind of a hybrid between the two and end the end you will be bound my class anyways, so it is pointless IMO
Okay..i have to start out saying.. all you do is go around bashing on other games that are not your vanguard garbage that SOE has/will ruin. In this system it plays out a bit differently.. at level 40 you get to pick from a set of new classes..that do not rely on your old ones.. So.. say at level 20 you picked a Fighter class..you will get those skills.. then at level 40 you will get to pick from another set of classes..maybe you go with a magic build this time..giving you the skills from the old and new...making your char unique.. so no its not really the same...ps.. you suck