With upcoming patches, there are claming to make the game more "Difficult." We will see about that, buy anyways. For all those who ask, yes this games is a must have. Best part of the game is that you can be with alot of people and not be overcrowded at all. This is done through instances, basically when on area gets too many people, another instance is created. Thus keeps the population of any one area to a minmum. You can aslo travel bewteen these instances, for lets say, you want to be with your freind whos on instance 0, and your on instance 2. Coming to what I started this for, right now it is really easy to level, but thats where the hardcore gamers is already at 80. This game has so far alot of content and alot of missions that can be done easily by your self or in a group, which is geard towardge the casual player. No matter what your playing style is, there is hours and hours of great fun in this game.