SOE is a death sentence to any online game. Everybody remembers how they f***ed up Everquest, and produced the massively multiplayer abominations Star Wars Galaxies, Planetside, and Everquest II. Even if Vanguard is an awesome game, it has ZERO CHANCE of building a community now.
Vanguard is dead. End of story.
"This is not a game to be tossed aside lightly.
It should be thrown with great force"
lol man...i am having trouble keeping up with all these threads being made all saying the same damn thing.
read this then come back and talk to me about the vanguard/soe fiasco.....
Is it just me who is standing back and laughing my ass off at all the hyperbole (errrr,, btw) and hysteria?
Frankly, this is one of funniest non-events I have ever witnessed.
~ Ancient Membership ~
I finally agree with you angerr on this.
However, it is BIG NEWS in the MMO world no matter what website forum you visit.
Absolutely no way this game is dead. I just see more hype now that they did this. More posts...the Vanguard website is getting so much traffic that you'll get time outs trying to reach the forum. Granted, they should have a bigger server running it, but the fact is, their publicity has increased.
Good, more room on the servers for me.
ya i know, it was just my poor attempt at trolling lol
read this then come back and talk to me about the vanguard/soe fiasco.....
WARNING: Spelling and grammatical errors intentionally left in document to test for Anal Retentive Trolls.
"The key to wasting time is distraction. Without distractions it's too obvious to your brain that you're not doing anything with it, and you start to feel uncomfortable." - Paul Graham
No matter what people say the people who arent posting on the forums should be factorerd in....... I have 5 friends who have nothing to do with any forums and they all said the exact same thing. No matter how good the game is there is no talking them into playing now-- one guy would rather play DOTA then pick up anything remotely close to being associated w/ an SOE product.
tis a dam shame, this was gonna be one that went down in the books, but now we will never be able to trust anything that comes from it because SOE is involved.
Yikes! So much hate. I'm wondering what will happen when SOE partners with some other big-name titles?
SOE hasn't exactly made it a secret that they want to build up their stable of Station-Pass Access offerings. Don't be surprised if this is just the first in a volley of additions.
It'll be interesting to see the tune when the additional titles get added. Pick your next "darling" carefully, SOE is still looking for more.
Thank God that both Eve Online and Hero's Journey will never get gobbled up by the diversity-killing entity known as SOE.
"I know I said this was my last post, but you my friend are a idiotic moron." -Shadow4482
Many more would agree as well.
--Nyture, Arc Convoker of fironia vie server (EQ) --Retired--
-- Nytur 39 Conjuror of Lucan D'lere (Quit due to low populations)
-- Currently playing WoW while waiting for vanguard
Explorer 66%
Socializer 60%
Killer 53%
Achiever 20%
PLEASE SOE MAKE A CLASSIC EQ SERVER. Shadow of luclin was a prick in EQs side. PoP Was a gun to the face.
SOE already made it on the box art.
I love that Box art. Really nice tribute to Keith Parkinson.
And one thing I would like is to get the IP addresses of everyone saying "ZOMG Vanguard will suck now. I will never try it EBAH because SOE KILLED MY KITTEN!"
That way, you could pinpoint them when they in the future logged into Vanguard and laugh at them. Not that I'm not laughing at them now, but be extra funny in game.