Okey, so when we are going to see ingame videos? Sure trailers are awesome, but just.. me and prolly a lot of ppl would want to see some ingame action more than trailers, which doesnt tell about the game at all.. or is it just that Mythic wants to keep ingame stuff as a "secret" till beta comes out?
As E3 develops Im sure we will see somthin from the game, however at this moment in time its probably a good idea to go off to the offical W.A.R site and check out the video diarys, there small, hard to see hard to hear and not real good quality, but there sneak peaks and snippits of things in the game.
Die Noctique, By Day and Night
go here: www.warhammeronline.com and check the videodiaries.
Yes, they are not exactly the best but hey! you can see in-game sequences!
But yeah, E3 starts today and you can be sure they will have a playable version there!
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
I live to fight, and fight to live.