I would like to gather the info we got from E3 about HJ.
Ive been looking around and didnt find very much, alltho I have to admit that I did expect very much, perhaps to much.
All I found from E3 so far (on the internet):
The official press release (about the wyr system and the nice racecrossing thingy in character creation)
Some booth-pictures on Heors Hall (fan site)
And the tiny little report about HJ on MMORPG.com
I was looking forward to ingame movies, much more detailed in game content, tons of screenshots from the E3 demo etc
What did YOU find?
(please share it with us)
Reality is for people who lack imagination
Don't know if you saw the preview posted by the fellas at TenTonHammer.com, but it seemed pretty decent. Other than that, I'm fairly disappointed so far as well. Keep in mind, that it's still fairly early to hear back from folks that went...
I was a tad dissapointed too that there wasnt that many vids/shots as i hoped for. I remember last year E3 had tons of vids and pics of HJ.
Me too. I'll be honest, I dont think HJ is getting the hype it should be and it might be due to lack of marketing. I know that Ten Ton Hammer didn't even have HJ on thier "list" till my guildmate bugged the hell out of them to put it on. I would like to see a big increase in marketing to get the HJ name out there. Right now it's the most innovative game out there that noone knows about.
Since I learned relatively few things from E3, i had assumed that I had missed the info-train and have been searching for it ever since Friday. I said, "Surely there will at least be a new gameplay video taken at E3." but alas, there was none. . . YET
I'm reeaallyy hoping there were a couple of HJ fanboys at E3. In my warped imagination, they are just and lazy and won't get around to posting their footage until they've consumed copious amounts of cheetohs and a red bull. In the meantime, I keep having visions of orange-dusted fingertips clicking the submit button at youtube.com, then, my spidey sense tingles and after a quick search, my screen will dance with the flickering tastyness of Hero's Journey in action.
But yah. 2007 release date. I'm totally all about this game, but I need to whip my excitement into submission for a while longer just so I don't get burnt out during the coming months.
-- I need a nerf --
THe stratics network have awarded HJ biggest surprise of the show. They were amazed to see blood in the game.
I'm sure this was mentioned in another thread, but since it pertains directly to this thread, I thought it would be good to post it here. Hero's Hall has a video posted of gameplay from E3. Here is the link http://www.heroshall.com/movies.php
Also as a side note and suggestion, since the characters in HJ are so customizable, I suggest perhaps a character maker similar to what EQ2 had around the time of beta release. Its also been suggested before, but just a returning thought. I know I for one could spend days just making characters.
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
I was wondering when some of the videos would pop up. Glad to see they got a decent shot of the dragon in action. It's too bad the camera they were using made everything look so dark though. We were in an extremely welllit area.
GM Illuminatis
World Builder
Hero's Journey
If you are happy to see websites releasing vids, why aren't we seeing an E3'06 trailor or something, made in-house and looking fantastic, promoting the game and its engine in all its glory?
Not bagging you, more just curious as to why we haven't seen a good vid yet?
"(The) Iraqi people owe the American people a huge debt of gratitude." - George W Bush.
Oh. My. God.
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
There are more articles out there. Mmorpg.com, gamepamp.com, and even 4gamer.net has an article if you can read Japanese. Stratics should have something up as soon as Nelson gets approval for all the exclusive screenshots me and Steph helped him take last Friday. I'm sure more will crop up soon. All the post E3 stuff seems to be cropping up slowly this year, even for the big names.
A bit of a heads up for you all too. I'm presuring people about an in-house video. It'll probably be a week or two before anythings gets put up that we think will look good.
GM Illuminatis
World Builder
Hero's Journey
P.S. If you want to run this through a translator you can, but those things tend to mangle Japanese badly.
Here I can translate:
Hero's Journey makes Super Happy Fun Time in your pants ?!?!
Thanks SunShine Hero Simutronics!?!?
When you do something right people won't be sure you've done anything at all.
Gameamp Preview
They also give it the GameAmp Most Original title of E3 Award
Seriously huge update over at Stratics. Which includes the first real indepth look at character creation. Oh and ignore my interview. We had spent most of his time at the booth that day taking the exclusive screenshots.
GM Illuminatis
World Builder
Hero's Journey
Something I havent seen mentioned anywhere - is unarmed combat/martial arts in the game?
I uploaded all the E3 2006 videos I could find and threw them together on a playlist.
Hero's Journey E3 2006 Gameplay
Eta: I just watched a few of the vids and they don't look as clear and crisp as the downloadable versions. They're still nice to watch if you're at work or school though.
Nelson K. Thachuk
Stratics Media Group
Just a heads up so you all don't think this was forgotten. It's looking like they're in the final production stages of the movie. I can't really give you a time frames as it's not my project, but I don't think it will be overly long.
GM Illuminatis
World Builder
Hero's Journey
I hope it gives some more details on ingame content.. not just beutiful pictures, I know it looks good allready.
Thanks fot the good news Illuminat!
Reality is for people who lack imagination
On the topic at hand, I've been really impressed by what I've read on character creation and customization. The mixing races thing was news to me, I'm looking forward to seeing how well that works out.
-Gobbo Knight
"Tie two birds together...they have four wings, but cannot fly." -Blind man, Circle of Iron
But hey.. who needs a movie? We got a couple of handpainted wallpapers
Reality is for people who lack imagination