LMAO! This guy actually thinks these websites give good reviews, again, LMAO!!!
These websites are on the doll big time with all of these devs... SOE also advertises heavily on these websites too, seems to me you are ass-backwards on this... The reviews from the OP are from people who saw the game at E3, all of the above reviews are from the websites that (for lack of a better term) whore themselves to these game companies for advert dollars...
I guess MMORPG.com whores itself out also, it picked an SOE published game as Best Game of the Show also, not Vanguard though.
I'll inform the mods that you think they are all whores.
That is why it is called an affiliat fansite... Vanguard is saying they are affiliated with them, gives them interviews, etc. This is the whole point of the site. Vanguard. A Vanguard affiliate site....get it yet?
Being a fan site does NOT equal being payed off by a company to praise it. This sounds strong of a conspiracy theory
P.S. Don't post unless you know your share about the game. Stop posting hateful threads off 3 bad reviews without looking at the good ones, and vice versa for fan boys.
and ive never said they were being " paid off" but #1 since they are of and relating to vanguard they make their business off of vanguard indirectly no?
and #2 being an affiliated fan site you would assume there is a certain bias towards the game .. more forgiving interpretation of its current state ... and in general a much more " exicted and welcoming" atmosphere for vanguard than a neutral site would contain ... yes?
where in this thread have i said anything HATEFUL for vanguard? WHERE??? i showed people OTHER reviewers words .. and asked them to comment on it .. and then i explained why i disagreed with one reviewers statements ...
but NEVER in this thread have i stated one " hateful" thing towards vanguard .. i havent even stated a negative thing towards this game in this thread ..
He said "Hateful threads" not just in THIS thread. You've posted like 618 hateful threads about Vanguard. And why are you even looked at these reviews and giving us this info? Don't you remember that you picked Vanguard as the worst MMO ever made?
LMAO! This guy actually thinks these websites give good reviews, again, LMAO!!!
These websites are on the doll big time with all of these devs... SOE also advertises heavily on these websites too, seems to me you are ass-backwards on this... The reviews from the OP are from people who saw the game at E3, all of the above reviews are from the websites that (for lack of a better term) whore themselves to these game companies for advert dollars...
I guess MMORPG.com whores itself out also, it picked an SOE published game as Best Game of the Show also, not Vanguard though.
I'll inform the mods that you think they are all whores.
That is why it is called an affiliat fansite... Vanguard is saying they are affiliated with them, gives them interviews, etc. This is the whole point of the site. Vanguard. A Vanguard affiliate site....get it yet?
Being a fan site does NOT equal being payed off by a company to praise it. This sounds strong of a conspiracy theory
P.S. Don't post unless you know your share about the game. Stop posting hateful threads off 3 bad reviews without looking at the good ones, and vice versa for fan boys.
and ive never said they were being " paid off" but #1 since they are of and relating to vanguard they make their business off of vanguard indirectly no?
and #2 being an affiliated fan site you would assume there is a certain bias towards the game .. more forgiving interpretation of its current state ... and in general a much more " exicted and welcoming" atmosphere for vanguard than a neutral site would contain ... yes?
where in this thread have i said anything HATEFUL for vanguard? WHERE??? i showed people OTHER reviewers words .. and asked them to comment on it .. and then i explained why i disagreed with one reviewers statements ...
but NEVER in this thread have i stated one " hateful" thing towards vanguard .. i havent even stated a negative thing towards this game in this thread ..
He said "Hateful threads" not just in THIS thread. You've posted like 618 hateful threads about Vanguard. And why are you even looked at these reviews and giving us this info? Don't you remember that you picked Vanguard as the worst MMO ever made?