My gal and I have switched to DAoC. We are not rushing into the game as we want to get it right from 'GO.'
So far we have decided on the following:
* We want to play Highlander's. So, this lands us with Albion.
* I wish to wear cool armor in this game. So this makes me a fighter-class. She a healer.
* We are going to join a classic server.
My GF and I are always a duo in the MMORPG's we have played. It does not make things perfect, but helps. If I pick a fighter (I assume this is the tank class in DAoC), and she plays a healer class (as she likes), will this duo work well in this game? In our experience a fighter/priestess (tank/healer), or whatever, only goes so far, as usually a fighter/healer does not dish out enough damage (like a mage/scout can do) to be a perfect solo-duo. Can't tell you how many times in other MMO's I have tanked something, and she has kept me alive.. only to have to retreat due to a stand off (not dishing out enough damage to kill - both ways). But like I mentioned, we have just moved here, so are not too sure how this game plays out.
More to the point: We would like to hear some advice on this from the games vets. Have been told by other vets that picking a good solo class is key these days in DAoC, as there are not very many lower lvl folks to group with anylonger. If this is true, we want to be extra careful to make informed decisions now before we realize later, from personal experience, that we made bad choices.
So, keeping in mind that we wish to create effective solo-duo (not simply solo) character(s), what professions do you guys recommend? Also, if anyone believes that we would be better off with a different race/realm combo, we are open-minded (if it is indeed worthy). Thanks much! We are happy to be here.
I miss the good ol' days when nerds were actually intelligent.
1. Paladin gets Plate armor: This fulfills your desire for cool armor.
2. Paladin gets an Endurance bolstering chant that is good for prolonging fights.
3. Cleric gets heals as well as DMG dealing spells and buffs.
4. Clerics get stuns, nic when trying to keep the number of hits you take down.
Now in RvR some say that melee classes are dying in which case a pair of casters might be great. But if looking to get a solid foundation upon which to build this combo might be a good start.
I think this combo should be able to deal a fair amount of DMG as well as keep alive for quite some time.
Also, paladins get rez at 30 which saves you the headache of, healer died, get her back out here in 5 minutes.
These links are a tad outdated but they'll show you the basics.
An interesting combo in my eyes might be Heretic/Necro.
Necro's are PvE masters and can transfer power to their realmmates, paired with a Heretic who's dmg increases with lengths of time spent casting they could be pretty sweet.
Just my 2c worth.
Does your guild have a website yet? Find out how easy it is to get one.
Me and a my gaming buddy ran a friar and armsman. We rip through PvE content like there's no tomorrow. We even did 95% of the epic stuff alone which is quite a feat.
Friars are excellent for damage and healing and armsman crank out the damage.
My friend ran the Armsman and went polearm
I split the friars points between enhancement/rejuvination/staff.
The armsman get's plate and the epic armor is pretty nice (although it costs a buttload to repair).
The friar's epic armor is decent but it looks horrid.
Paladin's are slow killers from my experience. My pally has a hard time keeping aggro of the healers. Perhaps I didn't do the perfect flavor of the month in specs but I did some decent damage it just takes forever to kill anything as a pally. I truely hate twisting chants too. It's a total pain, at least to me.
My suggestion is go to and read up on the classes then go to and check out the class forums and maybe ask about the classes your interested in there as well. Some nice people there and pretty helpful on classes and how to spec whatever your choice might be.
Good luck and welcome to DAoC!
I miss the good ol' days when nerds were actually intelligent.