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RF online = Garbage Online



  • GrimReapezGrimReapez Member Posts: 463

    Originally posted by Shar

    I have to say I totally agree!!! 
    I just tried the trial (from Fileplanet), and my god, this game is crap.  Just another Asian mmo.  I'll list the things I despise about it...

    Who cares if it's from Asia, it's still better then WoW.
    That's your opion, he has his.  Point for point RF can't even begin to match the overall production quality, content level or even box quality of WoW.  (and I'm sick of WoW)  That's not even an opinion, a simple feature list could be compared between the two and it would show RF is back in the MMO dark ages.  Actually, I doubt it could compare point for point with Ultima Online.  UO is certainly still higher quality in it's production values.
    Yes, this is my opinion.
    1.  Point and click movement

    Press "H" for keyboard mode.
    Correct - now go ahead and explain why a program in 2006 doesn't allow remapping of basic controls?  All it requires is the editing of a text file but they won't even allow that.   Sorry, it's just inexcuseable.  We aren't playing from terrible Korean Internet Cafes.

    Because they've obviously made it into two modes, if you don't like one mode then you can change.
    2.  Cookie cutter characters

    Extremely limited character customization.  A choice of a few faces, a few hairstyles (with preset colors) and your beginning outfit. (which after level 4 will be obscured by armor forever after)  Tiered equipment that looks the same for many levels in a row.   MOB dropped gear while sometimes having unique stats still uses the same basic weapon or armor models.  Booooooorrrrrrring.

    This game was made for PvP, if there were thousands of models the PvP would be unplayable, therefor making the game unplayable.
    3.  Absolutely no guidance at all.  

    Tutorial, Map Chat, Forums, Guides... what else do you need? 
    Not much else because it's so damn shallow you can figure it out in a matter of minutes.

    All those things I stated are in other games, other then them I would expect the next option would be asking the developers to fly to you and meet you inperson to explain things.
    You start out creating your character, choosing from about 6 faces, hair, etc, then choose your class.  FOUR classes to choose from lol. 

    Once again this shows you know nothing about the game. You choose the basics at level 1 and at lvl 30 you'll get to choose your class. After reach level 40 you'll be able to specialize in that specific class.
    What he said is the truth.  Then later you get subclassing/specializations - except you have to be careful otherwise you totally gimp yourself by subclassing.  Once again you are a prime example of the best RF has to offer in it's community.  So, reached puberty yet?

    Most the RF Community is very mature, just because YOUR experience wasn't the best in the few days you played doesn't mean others are having that same experience. Don't get smart with me, ofcourse i've reach puberty.. if I didn't I would've typed in msn language.

    Absolutely no idea what each one does, although you can sortof tell a little (warrior = tank, ranger = bow user?)  Then you're placed in a tutorial that tells you how to move the camera and character.  Come on.  Thankfully the tutorial can be bypassed. 
    Well there you go, Mr "I'm too cool for tutorial" wonders why he doesn't know what to do.
    Hiya Mr. "I'm a little RF fanboi." You have gone through the tutorial haven't you?  No one, not even the devs can defend that POS.

    Who says I can't be a fanboi? I don't mind if you dislike RF but give valid reasons for coming onto these forums and posting "garbage, garbage garbage" after spending 2 days playing an MMO. Since when have MMO's been about reaching max level and understand how everything works in 48 hours? NEVER, this is MMO's people if you honestly think they're made for people with hardly any time then you're mistaken.
    After that hell, you're thrown into the middle of some city.  There might be 10-12 npcs in the entire place.  Labeled: weaponsmith, banker, armorsmith, alchemy.  Man, that took some thought and ingenuity huh? 

    I like to discover things in MMO's, if I wanted it handed to me I would play singleplayer.
    Reading comprehension for the win eh?  Read it again.  Still don't get it?  Ok, he's basically saying that it IS handed to you and in a most pathetic fashion.  I guess they could have made it even simpler for people by just putting pictures above the NPC heads.  Hell, why even have NPC's... just have a pop up menu.  I'm sure you would love it!  Wait, why even do that, just create a game where everything is within reach and the mobs come to you... and the game fights for you so you can just chat!  When will the dumbing down stop...

    I don't get it, you want the game leveling HANDED to you, but you want the NPC's hidden off in distant caves ready to be discovered?

    Well, after wandering around for a while, hopefully you discovered the MAP, so you can get the hell out of the place, and start killing.  You might have 1 quest at this time, and it's another super-basic, uninteresting quest (go kill X type of mob). 

    If you came from WoW then you'll know it's exactly like the quests there, but there's is just coated with rubbish.
    Yeah, rubbish.  Let's just strip everything down to a game of pong for you.  Let's not try and teach the players anything about the lore and why they are fighting for the mines - that might be expecting our target audience to not to suffer ADD and be able to read and comprehend text.  Let's not teach them about the role of the class they have chosen.  Let's not teach them about the world and environment they now inhabit.  Instead we know the kiddies hate the reading, so bye bye to those nasty quests!  Here we go Grim, a linky for you: Hooked on Phonics!
    That's why there are fansites, guides on the forums, a helpful community and other things that explain to new players exactly how things work.
    Once you finally find the mobs to kill, you can finally get to have a TINY (I repeat, TINY) amount of fun.  Click on mob, begin attack, and kill mob. 

    Well you were already angry with how the start was, how you didn't know what to do and how everything was so dull. If you were in a happy mood listening to music or chatting to friends, it wouldn't be so boring.
    Oi, here we go... if combat is so boring as to make excuses that you should be chatting to friends or such - why even play the game.  Really there's little challenge to be had, very few specials and one can just spam pots in tempo to music.  Fact: Diablo 2's combat is more envolved and often more entertaining and rewarding - and it was a simple hack and slash.  Oh wait, so is RF. :P  Fact: if you just want to chat, go play in an IM - they are free and you can chat all night about your inner feelings. 

    MMO's are about spending time improving your characters and playing with friends, not about getting EVERY skill EVERY quest HANDED to you on a piece of paper saying "hey this game is easy, have lvl 50 in 1 day of playing". Last time I checked it's better to Roleplay with friends then by yourself.
    Now you do have a couple of skills you can use during the fight.  However, at the beginning levels, you'll only be able to use 1 skill per every couple of fights, as using the skill uses up more than half of your "mana". 

    Then you purchase potions with your money earned by questing or looting.
    Pot spam for teh win! 

    And? what's wrong with using potions to heal yourself.

    Now, as far as I could tell (again, no "tutorial" on this subject), using the skills over and over again will open up the next level of that skill to be used.  Using the level 1 skill once, gives you .5% of exp using it.  I'm assuming once you hit 100% then you'll get the next tier in that skill.  So, let's do some calculations...  .5% per use is 200 times.  and by only being able to use it once every 3 mobs (unless you buy potions), means you're not gonna get a skillup until 600 kills!!!  That's ridiculous! 

    Who cares? don't you want to feel like you've achieved something rather then having it easy mode, since when have MMO's been about reaching the max level on the first day.
    I agree.  But then again the lack of challenge and pot spamming pretty much make RF the easiest MMO ever.  All you have to truly overcome is tedium.  The "grind" isn't called the grind because it is difficult.  The grind isn't called the grind because it takes a great tactical mind.  The grind is called the grind because it is tedious, boring, repetitive tripe that only serves as a time sink to part you from more subscription fees.  In no way is RF a sole guilty party in the genre of MMORPGs - but at least put it behind a veil of some sort of entertainment.  Then again, some people like mindless tedium.  Maybe you should look into the fun sport of drilling holes in rocks!

    I agree that grinding is boring and most of the time makes the game unfun, but the grinding gives a reward, it improves your character so you'll be better in PvP. After all, this game was designed for PvP which is why the PvE is so dull. If you don't like PvE I would never suggest trying this game because there are better PvE games out there.
    Honestly, the only benefit and fun I could find from killing the mobs was the loot.  Alot of games suck in the aspect, but this game seems to be done fairly well (so far).  Loot is plentiful, but it's like your typical L2 clone.  You're level 2, but you keep getting level 5 drops.  It all runs in cycles.  Can't upgrade any of your crap until you hit that certain level, then you gotta do it all over again.  Kill, loot, wait until that "special" level to be able to equip the stuff you've been collecting.  It doesn't take an idiot to see the invisible carrot dangling at the end of the stick.  

    Wow I like your stuff, do you write this stuff on your own? it's great comedy.  
    <shrugs> He's correct.  The joke is on RF and it's developers.  Let's just not mention the pathetic itemization of RF.  Booooooooooooorrrrrring.   At every turn you can see that it met the standard of "just enough" to allow them a bullet point on a piece of promotional material. 

    Once again I must explain to everyone that this game was developed for the asian market, what codemasters have done is bring this MMO over to us so we can enjoy it. In a year from now it will be a completely different game from what the other versions are (If things go well ;) ). It's been out for a few months, give it a break and find another game to enjoy, after all we all want to have fun in MMO's.

    This game is about as basic as you can get.  I've played (or tried out) ALOT of mmos.  It reminds me so much of the short time I spent in Lineage 2.  I swear, I had more fun playing Risk Your Life, than I did with this.  You people that are playing this game, need to wake up. 

    I need to wake up? please, save your breath and go buy a singleplayer game, maybe the npc's there will give a crap.

    Yep, BASIC sums it up - perhaps even that is too generous. 


     This type of crap is garbage.  There are MUCH better mmos out there for you to play, that have alot more to them.  It might be fine for other cultures, but here in America, we expect a bit more for our money. 
    What the hell are you talking about? it's the UK version you fool, see you know nothing. Stop your ranting about America and how great you are, there are alot of other people in the world, remember?
    So UK people don't deserve as much for their money as we do?  Sorry, but I think my chums in the UK deserve just as much for their hard earned dollar as I do.  I think Korean gamers deserve much better for their money.  Perhaps this sort of thing appeals to the asian market, but the western world expects far more for their dollar these days.  It would be excuseable if they were breaking new ground into an undeveloped genre but unfortunately they haven't even reached the level of basic functionality that is expected in gaming currently.  Two examples that really stand out are the horribly implemented chat system and the inability to customize controls.  It's 2006, CM charged $50 for the client and the same subscription fee as any other premium MMO on the market.  Sorry but this tripe doesn't even stand in UO's shadow, let alone any of the current generation of MMO's.

    I wasn't against the UK, I was saying that EVERYONE should get what they deserve, and for codemasters to bring an asian game into our market. We should be cheering them on, not abusing their game and how it looks to everyone who's never played it.
    It makes me sad to think that companies can put out something like this and maintain for any length of time, when other companies who have a much more complex game, fail. 
    As if you would play a more complex game, you can't even sit through a basic tutorial that explains the game, let alone go out and discover things for yourself.
    The maps are so small, the content so vague, the gameplay so non existent... there really isn't anything to discover.

    This game is for PvP, not PvE. Sorry if you've mistaken RF for EQ copy.

    I really don't know what else to say.  Other than, if you decide to try our RF Online, you have been offically warned.  This game blows.

    In your opinion
    this game blows but for many others out there like myself who actually played for more then 1 day, we're enjoying every minute of it and encourage others to give it a shot and reach level 30 to see what this game is actually like.
    In my opinion RF fanbois blow.  And most of you seem to be under 15 little emo freaks that love drama over everything else.

    Want to meet my guild? 

    Post 35 the game is still utterly shallow and boring.  The PvP is the best part and it grows dull so fast it makes WoW's BGs look like a godsend. 

    I like open world PvP and not battlegrounds, and I can asure you i've been rank 13 in WoW and i've fought the best and the worst. The game's PvP is even more of a grind then RF's PvP, but from 1-60 in WoW isn't as long as 1-60 in RF. It's just that, in WoW you farm epics for months and months which is why I stopped playing.

    Not to mention it's a pot spamming zerg fest the likes of which Emain has never even seen.  I truly weep for the gaming community, it's being overrun by people who want everything dumbed down and turned into a simple hamster wheel.  Then they defend it to the death and won't allow anyone a negative opion of said hamster wheel. 

    I agree there is ALOT of pot spamming, but after all, this game is designed for group vs group and not player vs player.
    And it's even carebear BS PvP /spit.

    WoW PvP is carebear, takes no skill what so ever. I still miss my SWG PvP though, was good PvE and PvP until they nerfed it.

    I don't dislike what you've just said but I thank you for actually spending some time to present valid arguements about RF and not simply saying it's garbage.


    Do not hate it, but instead embrace the diversity.

  • VhayneVhayne Member UncommonPosts: 632

    Ok, I'm going to try to clarify something.  My entire intent on my previous post in this thread was to state that even in a couple hours playing time, RF Online does not impress, excite, or warrant any achievement.  The first few hous of ANY game should ben enough to "grab" you and make you want to keep playing.  This game is NEW, and should therefore be a step above previous OLD games. 

    Here are some examples  (I'm not discussing end-game here, just the beginnings):

    EQ1 --  Upon starting the game, you had quite a few races and classes to choose from.  Lots of starting areas, and lots of different types of mobs to kill.  It didn't even really give you any quests to begin with, and it was a bit of a grind.  But even a game this old, had some incentive for your time invested.  If you were are caster, you looked forward to that every 4th level to be able to buy and use new spells.  The gameplay was diversified, and allowed you to detemine the best way to kill certain mobs.  You actually had to use your skills/spells in certain patterns to accomplish this. 

    AO -- Very similar to EQ in the beginning.  But due to missions, you became excited about finding/being rewarded new and different loot.  The skill system alone here made advancing enjoyable.  Every time you dinged, you could spend your skill points, enabling you to equip new gear, or use new spells.  Very fun, and a very nice reward for your time invested.

    DAoC -- Here you were actually given a few quests to begin with.  Gave you something to shoot for I suppose.  In the beginning, you only have a couple of classes to select from, but that is choice is increased upon reaching level 5.  Each class granting a different playstyle, and different skill sets, that set them apart from others.  While the character customization wasn't as compex as AO's, it still allowed you to specialize in some areas.  It at least gave you something to look forward to in the beginning.  Just shooting for level 5 to get your final class was usually enough incentive to continue playing.

    Now, the games above, are freaking OLD when you think about it.  They are actually the pioneers of the mmo industry.  You would think that (and expect), NEW games, freshly developed, and on the market would/should do at least everything these games could do, but with alot more.   There is absolutely no excuse in saying, "Ok, here's the game.  Now go grind (which Grim himself admitted was not fun, and the majority of the game), for 95% of the game, so you can enjoy that other 5% in the PvP." 

    Give me a break.  Hell, even free games like Rakion have a better system. 

    And for the record, I did play the tutorial on my first character.  I read everything, and was shocked to think they actually had to have a tutorial about those things.  The second character I found the way to bypass it.  I also do play WoW yes.  And yes I think it's one of the greatest mmo's to come out yet.  However, I can see it's faults, and constantly looking for that next mmo to push the envelope, and give me a reason to pay monthly and invest so much of my time.  RF Online is nowhere even close. 

  • GrimReapezGrimReapez Member Posts: 463

    Originally posted by Vhayne

    Ok, I'm going to try to clarify something.  My entire intent on my previous post in this thread was to state that even in a couple hours playing time, RF Online does not impress, excite, or warrant any achievement.  The first few hous of ANY game should ben enough to "grab" you and make you want to keep playing.  This game is NEW, and should therefore be a step above previous OLD games. 
    The UK version is new but the other version aren't so new-ish
    Here are some examples  (I'm not discussing end-game here, just the beginnings):
    EQ1 --  Upon starting the game, you had quite a few races and classes to choose from.  Lots of starting areas, and lots of different types of mobs to kill.  It didn't even really give you any quests to begin with, and it was a bit of a grind.  But even a game this old, had some incentive for your time invested.  If you were are caster, you looked forward to that every 4th level to be able to buy and use new spells.  The gameplay was diversified, and allowed you to detemine the best way to kill certain mobs.  You actually had to use your skills/spells in certain patterns to accomplish this. 
    AO -- Very similar to EQ in the beginning.  But due to missions, you became excited about finding/being rewarded new and different loot.  The skill system alone here made advancing enjoyable.  Every time you dinged, you could spend your skill points, enabling you to equip new gear, or use new spells.  Very fun, and a very nice reward for your time invested.
    DAoC -- Here you were actually given a few quests to begin with.  Gave you something to shoot for I suppose.  In the beginning, you only have a couple of classes to select from, but that is choice is increased upon reaching level 5.  Each class granting a different playstyle, and different skill sets, that set them apart from others.  While the character customization wasn't as compex as AO's, it still allowed you to specialize in some areas.  It at least gave you something to look forward to in the beginning.  Just shooting for level 5 to get your final class was usually enough incentive to continue playing.

    Now, the games above, are freaking OLD when you think about it.  They are actually the pioneers of the mmo industry.  You would think that (and expect), NEW games, freshly developed, and on the market would/should do at least everything these games could do, but with alot more.   There is absolutely no excuse in saying, "Ok, here's the game.  Now go grind (which Grim himself admitted was not fun, and the majority of the game), for 95% of the game, so you can enjoy that other 5% in the PvP." 
    I agree with you that RF doesn't have anything to grab you at the start, but after all.. the start only leads to the end of the game and things change.
    Give me a break.  Hell, even free games like Rakion have a better system. 

    Um.. no.. hahah

    And for the record, I did play the tutorial on my first character.  I read everything, and was shocked to think they actually had to have a tutorial about those things.  The second character I found the way to bypass it.  I also do play WoW yes.  And yes I think it's one of the greatest mmo's to come out yet.  However, I can see it's faults, and constantly looking for that next mmo to push the envelope, and give me a reason to pay monthly and invest so much of my time.  RF Online is nowhere even close. 
    Everyone is looking for different things and I enjoy playing games that require you to grind instead of handing things over on a plater like WoW does. I guess what ever floats your boat, just need to wait until your type of game comes out and hope for the best.

    This being said, just because you dislike 1 style of gameplay doesn't mean you can call another style "garbage". Do you see a PvP like myself going to roleplay forums and calling roleplay garbage? no. I expect it should be the same for different styles of MMO's.

    Do not hate it, but instead embrace the diversity.

  • SalengerSalenger Member UncommonPosts: 554
    I knew many would agree that this game is complete Garbage, and anyone thats played it know is not even worth my time to describe why, and it seems most of the posts saying that they disagreed and claimed RF was a golden boy of the mmo industry were all submitted by Grim Rea(PEZ Dispenser). My Response to all his very descriptive and suggestive comments is that.....Game is Still Garbage.

  • AmaraoAmarao Member UncommonPosts: 650

    Originally posted by salenger
    Well just tried the trial for this extremly overated game, and well it blows completely, very confusing at the begining and even when you get the hang of it, it still sucks.
    Kinda wondering why ther was so much hyp behind such a shitty game, and i mean shitty, nothing absolutely nothing would draw me in to playing this garbage for a monthly fee.  I would rather play runescape at least ther honest about being a shitty game, lol. anyways just a warning not to bother with this piece of junk MMO.

    I had some fun when it was free, but I wouldnt pay.There was nothing to do buy killl and mine.Kind of like every other korean mmo.
  • GrimReapezGrimReapez Member Posts: 463

    Originally posted by salenger
    I knew many would agree that this game is complete Garbage, and anyone thats played it know is not even worth my time to describe why, and it seems most of the posts saying that they disagreed and claimed RF was a golden boy of the mmo industry were all submitted by Grim Rea(PEZ Dispenser). My Response to all his very descriptive and suggestive comments is that.....Game is Still Garbage.

    Bah who cares what you have to say, atleast the other people who replied actually had valid points.

    No game is garbage, if you say any game is garbage you obviously have yourself convinced. RF appeals to those who enjoy asian style gaming, might not appeal to you but you have the choice to play it or not. By you making a silly thread like this to begin with, after spending only a few hours in game is just pathetic.

    I'm just going to try and ignore you now but will glady have a conversation with others who are willing to say more then "ZOMG I LIEK PWNZ JIOOO TE GAMZ ISSS GARRBADDDGEE!!!!!! YEH!!"

    Do not hate it, but instead embrace the diversity.

  • MisfitZMisfitZ Member Posts: 368

    Originally posted by GrimReapez

    Then stick to singleplayer games because MMO's aren't about getting to the highest level in one day, they're about communities, spending time to develop your character and comparing characters with friends (imo).

    I thought games were supposed to be about fun gameplay. Not about making a virtual social setting, a glorified chatroom where you can play dress-up.

    Telling me to "stick to single player games" is ridiculous. I'm expressing my dissatisfaction with a game, not giving up on an entire genre. Multiplayer games are the reason I, and I'm sure the majority of members, own a PC.

    I don't want to "get to the highest level in one day". That, too, is ridiculous. Character advancement is part of every RPG, it's one of the defining elements. I like character advancement. It's fantastic. But when the method of advancement is so obviously constructed to milk you for your subscription money I just can't get into it.

    What happened to story? What happened to plot? At what point did "Role-Playing" come to mean "Killing a lot of monsters." Unless you happen to be Role-Playing a game warden and your quest is population control of the indigenous wildlife. But where's the back story to support that?

    Anyways, you have a point when you say "Just because your favourite color is blue doesn't mean the color red is faulty." If you enjoy that style of play, great on you. You have plenty of options in the MMo genre.

    The problem most of us in this thread have is that we don't
    enjoy repetitive grinding and it has nothing to do with the so-called "difficulty" of it. We're not infants, we don't expect to be coddled. We do expect an exciting, challenging game with plenty of variety to keep us interested. A rich world, full of plot and intrigue; disparate factions seeking our allegiance; interesting NPCs with enjoyable, plausible side-quests; well-constructed, beautifully textured settings; challenging, unique monsters that don't respawn in the exact same location every 33 seconds... Hell, maybe even a plot.

    In short, a world. Not a bland landscape with run-of-the-mill monsters swarming as far as the eye can see, begging to be slaughtered, but unable to leave their "spawn zones".

    Listen Asmodeeus, seven years ago, Ultima Online didn't even have those pathetic "quests" that you refer to or those "professions" of ninja, samurai, necromancer, and paladin. Nor did it have any of the neon crap, or bug mounts. It didn't even have any "combat moves." You turned on attack and jousted with simplistic swings. It was a better game then. if you can't guess why then just uninstall the thing and move along. - Crabby

  • VyavaVyava Member Posts: 893

    Originally posted by MisfitZ

    In short, a world
    . Not a bland landscape with run-of-the-mill monsters swarming as far as the eye can see, begging to be slaughtered, but unable to leave their "spawn zones".

    You don't like this style of game, we get it. But this is not what you want either now is it really? Otherwise lets list the games you will hate on this reasoning.

    Anarchy Online, CoH/CoV, DDO, DAoC, EvE, EQ, EQ2, FFXI, GW, MxO, Shadowbane, SWG, SoR, UO, WoW and more.

    You just like to have a different skin on your grind, which is fine. But I stick to my point made earlier. Most people complain about Korean MMOs not because of gameplay but because they are Korean. Many also form opinions that they are simple games without understanding them. I was logged into the free RFO trial today, which I won't be buying BTW, and people were complaining that it was stupid they copuldn't max out all their skills. Some complained they were grinding it for over an hour now and no improvement...well guess what, read the manual and posted FAQs and they wouldn't have been grinding that time.

    Many aspects of Korean MMOs are slowly being mroe and more incorporated into western MMOs, which I find hilarious when they are caleld new features.

    Here is somethign for you to chew on though. In WoW you grind faction to be like everyone else, in L2 you grind to specialize yourself to not be like everyone else. Kinda odd that everyone wants to be the same as someone else in an MMO and be forever jealous of someone with one more set piece or the newest weapon. Heck you grind to get the +resist gear to be one more clone in a full set of armor like everyone else. I really think many people don't understand these games enough to realize that seperation in play.

  • tvalentinetvalentine Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 4,216

    first of all, i have never played the game, i was about to, but read the negative reviews, and posts, and listened to the fanbases posts, rants, reviews, and what not.

    Originally posted by GrimReapez

    Bah who cares what you have to say, atleast the other people who replied actually had valid points.
    ITS HIS OPINION, he didnt like it plain and simple

    No game is garbage, if you say any game is garbage you obviously have yourself convinced. RF appeals to those who enjoy asian style gaming, might not appeal to you but you have the choice to play it or not. By you making a silly thread like this to begin with, after spending only a few hours in game is just pathetic.

    ok so you say, someone who hates sports, shouldnt mind some good ol fashioned sports games! and a satanic cannibal would like to play a game centered around religion and god. And Again this thread is an opinion

    I'm just going to try and ignore you now but will glady have a conversation with others who are willing to say more then "ZOMG I LIEK PWNZ JIOOO TE GAMZ ISSS GARRBADDDGEE!!!!!! YEH!!"

    wtszf manz wese talksenz allzz dam your mother is fine and sHiATzzzz

    Bah who cares what you have to say, atleast the other people who replied actually had valid points.

    ITS HIS OPINION, he didnt like it plain and simple

    No game is garbage, if you say any game is garbage you obviously have yourself convinced. RF appeals to those who enjoy asian style gaming, might not appeal to you but you have the choice to play it or not. By you making a silly thread like this to begin with, after spending only a few hours in game is just pathetic.

    ok so you say, someone who hates sports, shouldnt mind some good ol fashioned sports games! and a satanic cannibal would like to play a game centered around religion and god. And Again this thread is an opinion

    I'm just going to try and ignore you now but will glady have a conversation with others who are willing to say more then "ZOMG I LIEK PWNZ JIOOO TE GAMZ ISSS GARRBADDDGEE!!!!!! YEH!!"

    wtszf manz wese talksenz allzz dam your mother is fine and sHiATzzzz


    Playing: EVE Online
    Favorite MMOs: WoW, SWG Pre-cu, Lineage 2, UO, EQ, EVE online
    Looking forward to: Archeage, Kingdom Under Fire 2
    KUF2's Official Website - -

  • Rhystic02Rhystic02 Member Posts: 82
    RF Online


    First of people seem to compare this game to Lineage2 ;) RF is not Lineage2.  -

    (Acutally Quit RF after 2 months because of missing Lineage2 but thats for another time.)

    RF lacks in a few area's defend it how you will say it's for pvp reasons what have you the simple fact remains it lacks character customization.

    Quests - Given every level while does help take away from the grind. Appear to be placed in the game as an afterthought. Granted you can stand by and say "This is a PVP not PVE game" Still if your going to include PVE do a good job in both area's not just one.

    Fun - You shouldn't have more fun being AFK mining then playing the actual game. Now I had an extra account for AFK mining on a spare computer. Some even have 3+ afk miners at a time.

    Auction House System while working still needs improvement.

    Leveling Buffs requires way to much clicking. Now i've done it but if your a person with bad wrists I don't recommend it.

    If your not aware of the - Leveling / PTS system you can badly ruin your character at the start, I rerolled once because me and a friend leveled to fast. - (Granted you can go back and fix them but its alot harder)

    Classes are still inbalanced, granted how many mmorpgs have class balance down yet.

    Graphics while nice still seem to have a few miss placed polygons.

    Sound - Average

    Replay High

    -- RF isn't a bad game, and definally not the worst mmorpg ever made. I truly wish Irth would stop emailing me. /sadface

    RF isnt a bad pickup, but I still suggest a trial. As I believe the standard price is still in upwards to 49.99 - 39.99

    Rhy out

    < image

  • 7Fold7Fold Member Posts: 318

    Originally posted by GrimReapez

    Originally posted by 7Fold

    I hear its alot like Lineage 2, and if thats the case then Im not touching it with a ten foot poll. To each there own, but when I see posts with people defending the game with remarks like,. "Yes its a Grind, And yes its repetitive". Im staying away. I could go and work at the local bottle factory on the assembly line and get payed in the process if repetitive grinding was something I found enjoyable.
    Asian games all seem to have share these common traits
    1. Gorgeous graphics

    And games from the west don't?
    2. Grind From Hell

    World of Warcraft has more grinding the RF Online, but in WoW after you grind, you continue to farm for epics and never stop.

    3. No Charactacter customization what so ever. Usually only a handful of faces or hair styles, basically 1000's of clones running around.

    Considering most Asian mmo's are made for PvP then this is a good thing. The more models and textures a game has, the more it will lag in PvP.

    4. And bots working for Mr China Big Boss man.

    EQ2, WoW, EVE and alot of west games have way more gold farmers then games made in the east.

    No Thanks


    I didnt mean the graphics in the western games arent good, I was just saying I love the art in the Asian games. I thought Lineage 2 was a gorgeous game, and from the screen shots, at least characters looked equally as good on RF Online.

    As for WoW, having more of a grind, you may be right I have no clue what the grind is like in RF online, im just going by what I have read and my previous experiences with Asian MMO's . If you are meaning the voyage to max level is less than WoW then that truly is alot less than L2's grind, which I wont go in to here, but was as enjoyable as a root canal.

    All I can say on the positive for WoW's grind, was with alot of quests it did seem less like a Grind and more like a game. This I can stand. From what I have read RF online is just that, a grind,. no quests just smack smack smack ding.....

    I disagree with character customization. I hate games that have 100 clones running around.

    As for the bot comment, All I can say is I never saw more Chinese farmers in my life than on Lineage 2. They practically owned many of the area's and dungeons in the game.

  • GrimReapezGrimReapez Member Posts: 463

    Originally posted by 7Fold
    I didnt mean the graphics in the western games arent good, I was just saying I love the art in the Asian games. I thought Lineage 2 was a gorgeous game, and from the screen shots, at least characters looked equally as good on RF Online.
    As for WoW, having more of a grind, you may be right I have no clue what the grind is like in RF online, im just going by what I have read and my previous experiences with Asian MMO's .If you are meaning the voyage to max level is less than WoW then that truly is alot less than L2's grind, which I wont go in to here, but was as enjoyable as a root canal.
    In RF you can reach a high level faster, but like both games there are things to improve your character. In WoW you grind faction, instances for gear and CP. In RF there's PT's and CP.
    All I can say on the positive for WoW's grind, was with alot of quests it did seem less like a Grind and more like a game. This I can stand. From what I have read RF online is just that, a grind,. no quests just smack smack smack ding.....

    Alot of WoW quests are good and have their own "story", but after recieving 40 quests that say "kill x and recieve y then take back to johnny" it kinda sinks in that it's a grind.
    I disagree with character customization. I hate games that have 100 clones running around.

    Don't get me wrong I love character customization too but when there's a couple hundred people loading on your screen, would you want 1 fps or max fps with clones?
    As for the bot comment, All I can say is I never saw more Chinese farmers in my life than on Lineage 2. They practically owned many of the area's and dungeons in the game.
    There are farmers in every game, but when people like the other guy think "Oh that games asian, the game must be full of asian farmers". It's just stupid, considering I know of more american farmers then asian

    Do not hate it, but instead embrace the diversity.

  • What theres a free trial on the web for this game?
    Cause if there is Link p[lease cause I really wanna try this game out for a long time.
    Also whats the gameplay like I might find up a review for this mmo...
  • GrimReapezGrimReapez Member Posts: 463

    Originally posted by lucydelanisc
    What theres a free trial on the web for this game?
    Cause if there is Link p[lease cause I really wanna try this game out for a long time.
    Also whats the gameplay like I might find up a review for this mmo...

    Most reviews say "wahh wahh too much grinding".

    Here's the link,

    Do not hate it, but instead embrace the diversity.

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