in the old days of swgwhere it was just starting out were awsome the pvp wasamazing compaird to what it is now in my opinon. imagin u and a few of your rebel friends sting around doing notihng then a huge swarm of sith and imperial start to attack u it was the best but now that there is pritty much no one anymore it is boreing and dull i do not recommend this game at all just bec of the pvp i wish they would just destroy that game and maybe just maybe start a new one or hell give it up and give it to somone els soe has fucked up swg now they are just milking it for all its worth they are trying to get as much money as possible from us till it finally dies im srry but notihng will ever change my mind on comeing back to this game players that do play it say what u want on this fourm but i dont really give a flying fuck they have ruined the good star wars name soe can go to hell
PS: whatever happened to these?: , . ; ? !
-virtual tourist
want your game back?
Nasedoo: You said traders would get a revamp under my supervision.
Darth Lord Blixtev: I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further.
As ye SOE, so shall ye weep.