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thinking of playing

destro3979destro3979 Member Posts: 470

im thinking of playing CoH/CoV

i have a few questions though

what is the highest lvl?

is CoV an expantion or a seperate game?

whats the monthly cost?

how is the PvP?

what is the combat like?



  • AmarsirAmarsir Member UncommonPosts: 703
    Highest lvl is 50. 40 at the moment on CoV, but that should be up to 50 in around a month. (That free expansion is currently on the public test server.) Getting to lvl 50 historically takes 400-500 hours for most people.

    CoV is what you'd call a standalone expansion. The engine is the same, a lot of the powers are available to both heroes and villians (and plenty aren't), and with either one you get access to the PvP zones. But with CoH you can only make from the 5 (plus earnable bonus) archetypes for heroes and you can't go to Villain zones or do Villain missions. CoV has it's own 5 archetypes and you can't go to Hero zones or do hero missions. If you like, think of whichever one you buy first as the main and the other one as the expansion.

    CoH has been around 2 years, CoV about 7 months. That means there's more content for CoH, but CoV is on average more polished. With either box comes a free month of play and I've heard at some game stores you can find a CoH box for $15 meaning you basically get the game for free. Personally if I was going to buy just one right now and they're both the same price, it would be CoV since that also unlocks SuperGroup bases.

    Monthly cost is $15, hence the comment above about finding a box for cheap. And it's the same for CoH, CoV, or both together. You can get a discount for subscribing to 6 or 12 months in advance, though I wouldn't do that right off the bat. Also you can buy gamecards through stores, $30 for 2 months worth if you prefer that.

    PvP - it's varied. For one thing, there's the Arena - a place where anyone can go set up matches under a huge range of team sizes and level variables, including the option of summoning earned "gladiators" to face off as you command them around. Unfortunately, the Arena is almost totally unused due largely to a bad interface, but it's a good way to set up a fair fight if you know your opponent.

    Next are the PvP zones - 4 of them as of the aforementioned free expansion. I believe 2 are hero vs villain and 2 are free-for-all. In addition to hunting each other directly there are things to do in the zone like acquiring temporary powers (including control of large battle robots and the ability to call down a missile strike via satellite). Which you can see makes for not only direct PvP but also a King-of-the-Hill situation as you try to maintain control. It depends on the server, level range, and time of day but these zones all get a decent amount of activity.

    Then there are SuperGroup Base raids. This requires you be part of an active SuperGroup and have one you're interested in raiding, but neither is difficult to find. That's large team-style PvP (up to 75 vs 75 I think) but the real appeal is that the raided team is using defenses they built in a base they designed themselves.

    The actual PvP fighting itself is ... varied. One of the strengths of CoH/CoV is that the different archetypes (and even powersets within each AT) are very different from each other. This makes for variety in alts and really emphasizes the value of teams. However, in PvP they say straight-out that it's not balanced for 1 on 1 for all ATs. Stalkers(Villain) do great, Blasters(H), Dominators(V), Controllers(H), Scrappers(H) are fine choices depending on the powerset and build. Others, like Defenders(H) are almost completely underpowered in 1 on 1 - since their main function is protecting teammates by buffing/debuffing/healing. Of course this is easily fixed by teaming, and by choosing the right Archetype from the beginning if you know solo PvP is a priority.

    Combat is very active. There is no default attack, by which I mean no such thing as toggling an "attack" button and waiting. You have a variety of powers that grow over time, and have the ability to find/purchase "enhancements" that will make each power more accurate, more damaging, recharge faster, cost less "endurance" (the game term for mana or power points), etc. As you learn more attacks and tune the ones you have you develop attack chains and combat means choosing what combinations to use on which enemies in what order.

    To consider with that is that the endurance that powers your attack also runs your shield toggles (if you have them, not every Archetype does). Which means that you could theoretically use expensive attacks quickly without rest and run out of endurance, meaning your shields turn off, and now you're basically a sitting duck. That is not a criticism, I mention it as part of how combat takes practice and still. I'll clarify:

    Consider your standard "poke elves with swords" game (no names). You're wearing some kind of armor, carrying some heavy/pointy weapon in your hand, and have a little mana/energy to use on specials. So you jump into combat and if you run out of mana/energy, big deal - the weapon still swings, the armor still absorbs damage. Now consider CoV - you run out of Endurance, you're momentarily without offense or defense and have to hope it recharges in time. In the long run, not a problem at all - by the 20s not only do I almost never rest between fights, I hardly stop moving at all through the whole mission. But when you first start you'll see yourself running down and realize it's a skill that needs to be learned. That's a very good thing IMHO.

    The other reason combat is active and takes skill is that Player vs Enemy is almost never a 1 on 1 thing. Each spawn is 2-3 guys at least, and a full team of 8 would go through a mission taking on groups of 15-16 at a time one after another. So when you're facing a couple different enemies at once, using which powers to use on which enemies in what order makes for some busy fights. Even if your build is largely area attacks, positioning yourself and centering targets correctly is important. And then there's aggro management - sure there's 8 of you for 16 of them, you'd better make sure all 16 aren't swinging at you unless you've got the defensive power to handle it.

    So I hope that answers your questions. You can probably see why I like the CoH combat better than I do that of other games. And the joy really comes alive in teaming. Not only is it more fun to roll with a good team for hours, but you'll find no matter how well you know your powers, there will always be some combination with other players that lets you rethink how to best use them.

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  • Neurox1Neurox1 Member Posts: 260

    Originally posted by destro3979

    im thinking of playing CoH/CoV
    i have a few questions though
    what is the highest lvl?
    is CoV an expantion or a seperate game?
    whats the monthly cost?
    how is the PvP?
    what is the combat like?

    id say go for it ... if you are into casual gaming ( where you put like 5 or 6 hours in every 3 days) id say this game is right up your alley

    its not for the daily player though imho .. you cant play house like a lot of the mmo dorks like to do ... you cant craft ... but its action PACKED.... and it has a very nice system for totally customizing your toon not only in the creation screen with looks ... but with power sets and then how you build up those power sets ...

    its pretty cool ... id say get into a good SG .. earn a lot of prestige and get options to edit your own base if you like to craft/decorate too .. cuz then you can use some of the salvage ya get to build cool sh** for your base ...

    also base raiding and PVP will be fun ( join the most populated server )

  • ursacorursacor Member UncommonPosts: 102

    well lets see;

    Highest lvl = 50

    CoV is both a Exspantion to CoH as well as a stand alone game itself. But to do base building it is required to have both CoH and Cov.

    The PvP can be great if you good at it and or have a good team. Though on the villian side Master Mind dont do ver well since it is know that if you take out the master the minions will fall.

    the cobat is fast and easy to do.

    But be advise your coming from WoW.

    There is no normal money system

    There is no crafting (CoH/CoV is a comic book hero combat game)

    It easy to get around and find things in CoH/CoV than in WoW.

    But over all if you dont let other folks grips get ya down and have fun with the game and what it's genre is and you are a comic book fan and like super hero's and villians. Then you should have fun.

    Flame on Ghost Rider Flame on

    Target Aquired

  • damian7damian7 Member Posts: 4,449

    Originally posted by destro3979

    im thinking of playing CoH/CoV
    i have a few questions though
    what is the highest lvl?
    is CoV an expantion or a seperate game?
    whats the monthly cost?
    how is the PvP?
    what is the combat like?

    40 villain 50 hero

    both,  expansion if you own coh.  works the other way too, coh can be an expansion for cov

    don't remember, but too much

    pvp is a joke, an afterthought and the people who've implemented this travesty should be eaten by a herd of weenie dogs.


    could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?

  • KrunkkKrunkk Member Posts: 2

    Can you fly in the game? and can you choose to be a villain or a hero? and also, does it take forever to level up? like world of warcraft takes a fair bit of time, but anything that takes more time than that (around 8 days played for me to get to 60) would not be a game for me. Also, is this game highly populated?

    Can you jump really high ? :)

    Thanks for the help everyone.


  • ursacorursacor Member UncommonPosts: 102

    Originally posted by Krunkk

    Can you fly in the game? and can you choose to be a villain or a hero? and also, does it take forever to level up? like world of warcraft takes a fair bit of time, but anything that takes more time than that (around 8 days played for me to get to 60) would not be a game for me. Also, is this game highly populated?
    Can you jump really high ? :)

    Thanks for the help everyone.

    yes you can gain the ability to fly

    if you have both CoH and CoV you can choose to either.

    As far as your power leveling it can be fdone but doesnt make things very fun and if it not fun why bother.

    as far as population goes all depends on the server and the time of day. It fairly easy to be part of a team and to let folks your looking for a team.

    It seems the Virture and Freedom server have the most population but I float of many different ones.

    Flame on Ghost Rider Flame on

    Target Aquired

  • damian7damian7 Member Posts: 4,449

    Originally posted by Krunkk

    Can you fly in the game? and can you choose to be a villain or a hero? and also, does it take forever to level up? like world of warcraft takes a fair bit of time, but anything that takes more time than that (around 8 days played for me to get to 60) would not be a game for me. Also, is this game highly populated?
    Can you jump really high ? :)

    Thanks for the help everyone.

    do NOT power level.  there is no lvl 50 content.  hamidon only.  this game, as stated by devs, fanbois and just long time players is all about the journey, NOT the destination.

    level slowly, read, enjoy the storylines.  this is NOT wow, you can't hit 50 in a couple of weeks and have anything resembling a clue at what your character can/should be doing.  wow is pretty straightforward and cookie cutter.  cox is NOT.

    could we please get correspondent writers and moderators, on the eve forum at, who are well-versed on eve-online and aren't just passersby pushing buttons? pretty please?

  • tutetute Member UncommonPosts: 299

    Just a small suggestion. Just to make sure you get the full effect, I would wait until then newest issue, Issue 7 Manifest Destiny, is on the Live servers. There is still no concrete date and it would be a shame if you didn't get the 'full' benefit of the experience.

    Just so you know, the new issue will mainly be affecting CoV whereas CoH is just getting a graphical update. I am saying wait because there are typically changes made not too long after the issue is released for bug fixes, balancing issues, etc. As an example, they already announced that the free respec(this allows you to change your character if you don't like your first build) will come 2 weeks AFTER the release of the issue on the live servers.

    If you are going just for CoH, go for it now. If you are going for CoV only or CoV and CoH then wait.

    Just keep an eye on the CoH forums to time your purchase. Again, just a suggestion since we are right on the edge of some major content update and I am assuming you would like a proper amount of time to gauge ALL of the new shiny things.

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