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Looking to create a superteam

blunder1983blunder1983 Member Posts: 52
I saw a post on this in the forums and it seems great. You all start at level 1 and level together. Only one or two people have travel powers everyone's powers compliment eachother (stacking leadership etc.) and you are all created around a central theme.

The co-ordination of playing with the same group of players makes your leathality a lot higher.

My only problem is
a. I'm a noob to COV
b. I don't have any RL friends playing it

Anyone wanna join me in a Superteam? I'm in Europe but can be on any server (COV)


  • SevenwindSevenwind Member UncommonPosts: 2,188

    If you like that kind of thing goodluck. To me it seems your limiting the people you can meet in the game. There are some fantastic players in this game who know how to play their class very well. There are also some very bad players.

    I love to group with different people. Sure first choice I ask in SG if anyone needs me if not I search elsewhere. And if your new to COV, trial and error. I made a few characters before I found the right power set I liked and the class.

    Goodluck if that is what your wanting to do.

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  • ursacorursacor Member UncommonPosts: 102

    It's a good idea in theory, but I have had tried to do it before and have had many firiendss try and do it. ANd here are some of the problems that crop up.

    1. to keep everyone near the same lvl you limit your time of play. you just can't play that hero or villian any time you want. You have to wait till your whole group is on. Other wise you are either to low a lvl or you out lvl them. Then you end up doing allot of Side Kicking or Exsemplaring down.

    2. if any of the real folks times they can play changes things fall apart.

    3. stay with a theam is nice but restricting the person in powers they can use usely annoyes folks. When you say you can have that travel power only these toon can have that or you have to have this power pool set. What if they dont want it or it doesnt match their consept of the character thery have in mind.

    4. as noted you really miss out on playing and meeting other players and teaming from them. or even soloing and learning the in's and out's of the game.

    Hope this helps

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  • ArcasArcas Member Posts: 15

    I saw a post on this in the forums and it seems great. You all start at level 1 and level together. Only one or two people have travel powers everyone's powers compliment eachother (stacking leadership etc.) and you are all created around a central theme.

    It's a small world. I'll comment on this one since I originally wrote the guide you're talking about.

    The original guide called "The SuperTeam: Advanced Grouping" is here:

    And the follow-up guide is here:

    My advice, and only because you said you were brand new to the game, is to just run pick-up groups at the moment. Here is one of my other guides ( for everything you ever wanted to know about leading pick-up groups.

    I say that for a couple reasons. One, like they said, you'll get a wide view of all the ATs in the game, different playstyles, etc. If you do a decent job of pick-up group leading... over a few months you'll build up a good number of players who know you (because you're probably inviting them over and over). These are great candidates to contact for task forces and your future superteam plans. Third, it's really easy to do a psuedo-SuperTeam in a pick-up group without having to invest in the time and effort of a true SuperTeam.

    My storm defender got to 50 completely through leading 6-8 blaster/defender team pick-up groups in invincible missoins (my sonic, force field, and trick arrow do the same thing). One of my controllers used to only invite controllers (he since started inviting defenders as well since about 60% of controllers are either empathy who don't know how to control, or storm who don't know how to storm). Those kinds of teams are almost set from the word "Go" due to buffs/debuffs to handle tough missions.

    Other pick-up groups took a little more effort on my part in order to get everyone on the same page. Like my scrapper who only invited scrappers and tankers. Or my human warshade that deals primarily with blasters/scrappers.

    One thing you might try is to mine the new player areas. It's pretty easy to make an announcement that you want to start a "all-ice team" for instance for 2-3 hours. People will jump on into the character creator, make a new character and join you for a bit. I've frequently gotten 4-5 people just from that. The group doesn't always make it past level 10, but it's nice preview of a SuperTeam concept you may have been considering. And if nothing else, here you've met some other players that you can contact later for other SuperTeams.

    A lot of players have told me that they first got into an established Supergroup, then started the superteam from within that base of players, as a smaller off-shoot of the group that meets a few times per week.

    Also, there is no rule that a SuperTeam must go to 50. A lot of the ones I put together were timed based. Just something that goes for one or two weeks for instance. Then the groups can decide what they want to do. Some SuperTeams are such that after about two weeks, the 'cool' effect does wear off and you really can't see taking the team much higher. Taking a SuperTeam for the long haul is really the same as running and maintaining a supergroup, and there are a lot of guides around for that.

    One last thing I'll add: Do a SuperTeam for fun. If leveling really fast is what you find most fun, go for it. For me, doing cool and unique stuff was the most fun. This is why I was a little suprised by how the SuperTeam community went along. I quickly discovered that there really were only two types of SuperTeams: those that got xp quickly, and those that were not played. That's why we ended up with SOOOOO many ill/rad teams, and all-rad teams, etc. The discussion quickly moved from what was the most fun and unique to what is the 'best' ('best' here is = "making the greatest rate of xp in the safest possible way").

    That has been only disappointment with SuperTeams. I've gotten the chance to see so many unique teams: I once had a group of super strength tankers and got them all to wear matching football outfits and they went around just crushing everything in their path; I once had a team of 8 heroes that all used energy blast; or the team of martial artist scrappers all wearing similar karate-outfits, or the team of all-archers that all floated around with hover.

    I know I'll be one of the few to ever see any of that type of stuff because so many people continue to say: "Yeah, that's pretty cool and unique... but we get xp faster with the ill/rads."


    My thoughts on MMORPG design:

  • ursacorursacor Member UncommonPosts: 102

    All of Arcas's points and statments are great and put thngs in a better perspective than my post and even got me to see other ways of doing things.

    As for Ill/Rad Controlers I have never run one the main controler I run is ... correct that the only controler I have and have been running on and off more on these days is a Gravity/kenetics controler that I play in Freedom. And have been doing better than exspected when it come to pugs.

    But anyway take Arcas's words in good faith, and just be aware there is always a bad pug combo as well (pick up group=pug)

    YOu may get what your trying to do to work and if so great

    Good luck

    Flame on Ghost Rider Flame on

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