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Dear mythic,
First off I want to say, I love DAoC and I love what you are doing on WAR! But here are some questions for you:
1. Due to the fact of over pop. on most MMO's how will you deal with it besides bonuses, will you have dogs of war on the main front to not just instant skirmishes or just hope to god that ther under pop. players will be pros.
2. How extreme will CD (collision detection) be will it be both allys and foes or just foes, also will there be character stacking because of lack of CD or will it be bump off characters.
3. How will "buffs" or enchantments help on speeding up range fireing attacks, will they help guns by such as reloading faster or just better damage etc. And will there be anyway to have bayonets or any other weaponry on guns supposed to having to switch to swords or other weaponry.
4. How will horses play in combat, will you be able to have your guy go from infanrty gunner to calvery gunner or same for other classes and if there are wyverns, griffins, eagles etc. Will there be air battle and if not will they only be limmited to hovering, also will horses and the other transportation be able to fight also not just sit there while you fight.
Thank you for listening and if any other forum readers know the answer please tell me them.
p.s. i wish to thank mythic for actualy answering our questions (no matter how vague) its this kind of service that makes mythic such a awesome company and me such a loyal fan of them! KEEP IT UP LOVE YAH GUYS!!
Er, not really sure how these questions are going to get to them from this forum (unless they're one of those cool companies that check out other people's forums, it's been a while since I have been around Mythic), but here's a few questions of my own that I wouldn't mind tossing out there. A lot of these might refer to things I felt strongly about in DAoC (though I regard DAoC as the most fun MMO I've played, although I don't play anymore).
#1. Buffbots (Was this problem ever fixed in DAoC?). For those who aren't familiar with the term, in DAoC you could get a second account, level up one of the characters that is heavy into buffing other players, go out into the gigantic Realm vs Realm (I noticed they use the same terminology in the Warhammer project) where they can fight with their 'main' character, while their 'buffbot' character buffs the 'main' and sits in the very safe spawning keep. In my opinion this was one of the defining reasons that I quit DAoC; I don't like people having advantage over me just because their willing to throw down two subscription fees. It also affected the desireability of my character (I was a Friar) because they already had their buffbot buffs (which were slightly better than mine because I didn't specialize in buffs, nor was I the best buffing class). Will character classes be developed in such a way to deter or make impossible buffbotting?
#2. Unbalanced or overpopulated fights (Might have also been 'fixed' in DAoC since I stopped playing long ago). The most fun I had in DAoC was almost certainly in the battlegrounds, the reason being that it was usually fairly small numbers, and tended to be a fairly even matchup. The problem is that eventually you outgrow the battlegrounds, at the time there was no high end battlegrounds, you were meant to do big boy RvR after that. The problem with RvR was that it was rarely about how well your team performed, but rather how many people your team had. Also, sometimes the battles were on such a grand scale that the computers of the time just couldn't handle it; it would be like noire snapshots of a masscre. I feel that the best fun and feeling of accomplishment is to be found in equal power battlegrounds, say capped at 10, 15, 30, 45, whatever to a side, doesn't matter the number, just that it's even (or appropriate ratio for the situation). I get the feeling Warhammer will have the traditional RvR capless mayhem, but will there at least be areas available throughout the game (especially end game) where players can battle on an even battlefield?
#3. Character classes. DAoC was (I feel) the only MMO I have played to truly have non-cookiecutter classes. Air elementalists were drastically different than fire or earth ones; Friars could be masters of the staff, healing others, or protecting others via buffs--no one could master all aspects of their character. WoW attempts to avoid cookie cutters, but ultimately I feel that they've failed; I see no discernable differences between warriors or mages or whatever. But that's another post, ignore that. Will Warhammer be implementing the same kind of wonderful character development that DAoC offered, or at least something similar to it?
#1 and #2 are the biggest reasons why I don't play DAoC anymore, and shortly after I quit the really big expansion with all the uber high end content (I forgot which one, but I heard that even after you hit the level cap you still have a lot more work to do) and I really don't feel like grinding again to catch up to everyone's new level of uberness.
I doubt Mythic will ever see these questions, but I throw them out there for you guys to chew on and maybe reiterate them elsewhere where they might better be heard.
Extra Bonus Commentary!
Another thing I really loved about DAoC was the sort of Rock Paper Scissor kind of weapon/armor scheme. Sure, each type of weapon had different damage, smashing/blunt, slashing, stabbing, etc...fairly standard. But along with that each class could only wear certain kind(s) of armor and with these armors came strengths and weaknesses. Ringmail is great against something like a sword with slashing damage, but does poorly against a penetrating thrusting weapon such as a dagger. Leather does well against smashing, but does little to stop a nice slash of a sword. This made it so that just because someone had uber gear, they weren't unstoppable. If a rogue kept ganking your healer (cloth had a weakness to thrusting I believe), get someone with a sword out there so they get a damage bonus on the rogue. It just added another layer of LOGICAL strategy. I hope something like this is also in Warhammer.
By the way, I never played tabletop Warhammer 40k, so RPS armor/weapons might already be part of the Warhammer universe, but I am ignorant to it if so.
EXTRA EXTRA Bonus Disclaimer!
I will fully admit that I have not been following Warhammer Online for as long as you guys (okay okay, I wasn't really aware of how awesome it would be until I realized it was by Mythic, PvP heavy, and I watched the E3 video--today), and that many of my questions may already have answers that are easily found, and for this I apologize. Please do not flame me, you don't even have to say the answers to my questions. If you know that one of my questions have already been answered, I apologize, either a) politely say that it's already answered or b) not post at all and let it sink to the bottom of the forum. I just wanted to express my concerns and passions for DAoC and Warhammer. It does truly sound like it will be kick ass. I'm just excited.
Thanks for reading! Nothing to see here, ignore the crazy man.
What they've said they're planning currently is CD just for foes in the PVP areas .
It's fixed on 'classic' servers in DAOC, all buffs have a fixed range. I don't think they've said anything specific on this issue so far.
WAR isn't going for DAOC's style of a huge number of classes with narrow advancement. There will be 4 fairly broad classes per race, where you distinguish yourself is that you you get to pick which of the availible abilities to develop. Look at the thread "Joshua Drescher at Something Awful!", some detailed comments on character classes are there.
Well thank you very much.
We're still way too far out to worry about that. We have several ideas we're tossing around, but that will be something we'll look into more heavily once we're into beta and have actual people in there hammering away at each other.
Again, still yet to be determined. Again, we have several ideas we're looking at, but one of the main deciding factors will be once beta ramps up and the testers are in there beating on each other and running into each other.
Way too early to get into something that specific, sorry.
Once again, and I know I'm sounding like a broken record here, but it is just way too early for such specific questions. We still have well over a year to go until release. We've talked about mounts and mounted combat, but thats about it at this point.
You're welcome.
Richard J. Cox
"There were much of the beautiful, much of the wanton, much of the bizarre, something of the terrible, and not a little of that which might have excited disgust."
Actually we are just such a company.
Much different system, but as much if not more customization.
Trials of Atlantis. And it has been nerfed drastically as of late. Nerfed as in made more assessible for everyone. The encounters don't require the massive raids they used to, most are doable with a single group now. Artifacts level up MUCH faster, etc. Leveling is DRASTICALLY faster than it used to be, so there really isn't much of a grind to catch up at all.
We see em.
Still really too early to get into something that specific, sorry.
Tabletop 40k and tabletop Fantasy are different, and WAR isn't based on the tabletop game anyway, so no worries about having never played it. WAR isn't gonna be just the Tabletop game made into a MMO or the FRPG made into a MMO, etc.
Well welcome aboard, thanks for the questions, I home my vague answers helped clear up a little at least.
Richard J. Cox
"There were much of the beautiful, much of the wanton, much of the bizarre, something of the terrible, and not a little of that which might have excited disgust."
Here's a question that regularly pops into my mind:
How will the players be sorted into diferent realms? What i mean is, will players be able to chose what realm to log into every time they log on to a certain character or will they be stuck in the one they chose at the time of creation of their character?
Will the realms be divided into different groups (for instance Europe, America, Asia) that will not be able to play with eachother? Ie will there be separate US/European/Asian servers?
"Religion is fundamentally opposed to everything I hold in veneration - courage, clear thinking, honesty, fairness, and, above all, love of the truth." - Henry Mencken
"With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion." - Steven Weinberg
"And what would you do with a brain if you had one?" - Wizard of Oz
Different Servers you mean?
Desolation Guild Leader
As for publishing in other regions (Europe, Asia, etc) we're still working all that out.
Richard J. Cox
"There were much of the beautiful, much of the wanton, much of the bizarre, something of the terrible, and not a little of that which might have excited disgust."
Wow after all the sneak peek vids i have seen i got a bunch more questions! lol sorry richard lol!
1. I saw a video with a guy equipping a sword and i notice (after blowing up the screen and fixing resolution) that the sword had more then one enchantment!(uhh oh here comes the question that can't be answered right now lol) Will there be player enchantments such as being able to enchant your weapons with a spell (and i know of a glitch in daoc that multiplys damage over 500% times and dont worry i reported it) also will you be able to have 2 or more enchanments on a weapon of any kind like we saw a hella alot of in ToA.
2. I have heard rumors or a mail system being devolped because of the massive out cry for one in DAoC is this true. If so will it be inter race or just alliance.
The rest of this is more of advice me and my friends want to give mythic and some personal questions.
1. When you do add houseing GET RID OF FRICKING RENT most of my friends lost mansions cause they couldn't keep up the rent when the had work girlsfriends and other things to do and after putting more money into those houses then they did in there caracters it realy did make them quit just cause of that.
2. Again about mounts don't wait so long to player controlled horses add them in the beginging so people can move around the field and get bigger quests done faster.
3. please duel weapons like pisols or a long sword and a dagger to parry with it would help destinguish players from others and make reloading and fighting more interesting .
here comes my personal questions.
1. Can i please be in the beta i betaed the Darkness falls for mythic and wish to apply my services for mythic and i know of the applying for it but i would realy like to do it so just keep me on that list i am here.
2. Sorry but i got some DAoC advice for you: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE FIX THE BONEDANCER they used to be to uber now they get powen by a healer class atleast give them healers in all specs so i can have a caster and a healer and please help them there used to be full bonedancer groups now i am the only one out there.
3. If you want anymore advice or would like to contact me mr. mythic my email is Once again keep up the good work and i realy hope you take my advice on warhammer and DAoC ty and good luck. I voted for great just to let you know!