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Excuse the ugliness for the web site. I have a friend that's making banners for me and skins for the webpage. So it's ugly now. hopefully he'll have them up and running before vanguard is up
Before you you decide to or not to click on the link I'm going to explain the guild.
1) All games are meant to have fun. Meet people and do stuff. raids, parties or w/e. The main objective of the guild is to have fun. I think this is what makes a guild.
2) Players that are involved in the guild, what helps the guild. IS why i like weekly or Bi-Weekly meetings. Meetings in a MMORPG? WTF are they good for? Many reasons. Plan Events and discuss stuff about where the guild should go and what not.
3) I can't say this is a RP Guild or not i currently play DAoC and only RP'ed once. That was to tell somebody where the door was in the aqueducts to go to Thaan. Would I like it to be a RP guild, It would be nice; Ii'm more to the point in having fun in the game. I usually RP my characters, but tend to forget to RP and just carry on. I let individual players decide, if they choose to RP or not.
4) Good v/s Evil. In DDO/ DnD 3.5 PnP I usually play a NE/CE/LE (Nuetral Evil/Chaotic Evil/Lawful Evil/Chaotic Nuetral). I prefer the gulid to be one sided so we don't have people complain about so many bad and not so many good or vice versa. When V:SoH comes out I would like the guild to be good, or both. I prefer Good, but based on the people in the guild it'll determine the nature of it. If I have to i'll make the guild split and have 2 people - all the goods under this guy/gal, all the bad under this guy/gal.
if it works it works if not we'll revamp. We'll cross that bridge when we get there.
5) Guild Bank Funds. Some say this is a scam and some say it works. If you have non corrupt person as a treasurer that know what they are doing and play often and can be trusted it can work. I personally would like to have a guild funds so we as a group can save up for stuff.
Example, if we make an alt and need items like armor, weapons and what not we can use the funds to support that character.
it'll be on a donation only, but that doesn't mean you put in 1 gold and expect to get a +10 Sword of god slaying. Guild funds won't be used for "hey I want to use the guild money to by the sword of earthsplitting"
more less "hey i need money for potions we're about to tackle a monster and we need health or mana potions"
Guild Funds will be used for strictly adventuring materials and what not. Not for a one person needs this weapon/armor or w/e it may be. it can be good like that, but I personally see a conflict rising out of it.
6) I don't believe in a rank system, or a hierarchy or anything. I believe this. it's a MMO enjy it. Some people take stuff to serious and go on a power trip. or think that "i'm a grand marshal visor super scholar of the kuppa clan" is a impressive title (>.>). When i was in the Army I thought SPC/E-4 was a impressive title (^.^).
I won't have a rank/hierarchy in the guild. I'll have something to the effect of like a marshal or a visor for the fact of the good/bad people, but i don't believe in a formal Rank strucrure.
When I'm not on I'll choose somebody to be the "leader" for the day or have a second in command. I'll post something on the forum.
7) I'm not making this guild for me. If I was I would just have me and that's it. I refer to it as Our guild or we. I encourage everybody to speak their minds. If I went through my Army carrer, being called - Pig, S**t Head,baby killer, and Dip S**T. I can handle somebody saying "I think this needs to be fix because...." or "you suck!"
Not saying tells and what not, won't be going back and forth to each person. I want people to express their thoughts on the guild, where it should and shouldn't go. What they like and don't like.
8) Lastly as i said before, it's all about having fun. Is why I'm going to play it. It looks promising. I am a friendly player ( not being modest or anything). I like doing things as a group like dying together and laughing about it or accomplishing the biggest baddest monster there is. I dislike people that act immature. I seen people as young as 13 years old have better etiquette then most 20 and 30 year olds. So age isn't a factor, as long as you act mature and not immature.
nOObs/NOOBS/Nubs/Newb/newbie w/e they are called these days doesn't matter. remember we didn't pick up the game and had it master in 1 second. We all are going to be newbie when it comes out, pretty much. We will learn by trail and error, die and raise just to try again and laugh about it.
If this appeals to you, by all means join. I can't promise what the future holds. I do promise you this. You'll make friends along your journey.