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I've seen the movie and honestly i'm disapointed. The movie wan not a bad movie, but as for what happend in the movie event wise was entirely wrong. They promised so much and gave soo little. I had high expectations for this movie and my expectations were shattered in the worst of ways.
Phoenix's part was chopped all to hell. She was to be the "star" of the show. Honestly to me 2 big parts doesn't equal the "star". You got to see what her powers could acomplish but yet you never really saw her do a whole lot. Her look was nice and was well done but her overall performance was lacking.
Angel was told to have a great part and would show what makes him great. He makes very little action in this movie and if he wasn't in the movie it wouldn't have made a difference. Again his look was right the actor was a good choice but his role was almost nothing. So much promise and so little effort.
Collosuss was as well told to have a great part. He looked cool fighting, but he wasn't a huge part. They basically had him there for muscle in the final battle and that was it. Also does anyone remember his nationality? I think the director messed that up completely.
Wolverine and Storm were the two main rolls in this movie. They were everything in this movie. Their parts were done well but why is everything through their veiw? Why isn't Professor X the one leading the expedition's? When did they become the leaders of the X-men?
Ok overall I did like the movie but was expecting soooooooo much more.
6 out of 10
Superman returns better be worth it Singer.
best thing about the entire film was jugganaught saying "don't you know who i am? i'm the jugganaught bitch!'.. i went with some work mates to see it, and we all burst out in hysterics when he said that.. got some odd looks.
incase you don't know what im on about........
juggernaught bitch
gay, it appears u need to sign up now. anyawy, was just an episode of the xmen cartoon dubbed over by a bunch of american guys pretending to be pimps, and juggernaughts main line is, IM THE JUGGANAUGHT BEYATCH. was quite surprised to see they recognised the sketch in the movie lol.
"There's no star system Slave I can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the Galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now."
Boba Fett
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
Xavier?......that made me mad
~Backo Da Wacko~
I wasn't dissapointed, but I only expected action.
Collosuss was Russian and they completly messed up Juggernaught for two reasons:
1) Juggernaught is not a mutant, he gets his powers from a crystal
2) Juggernaught is Xavier's brother, not some random person
Frankly, the entire movie was a bomb.
Since when (other than the new TV show) can mutants temporarily transfer their powers by touching people?
COME ON! That annoyed me so much.
A matrix clone if you ask me.
Professor Hubert Farnsworth - That question is less stupid but, you asked it in a profoundly stupid way.
speaking of matrix clone? Remember the stopping of the needles? I broke out hysterically laughing at that part and everyone looked at me... it killed me that they ripped it off like that
It's hollywood people....
Jeez....Let's face it after so many freakin' movies we can't trust hollywood to make it the same as when it was born. We all know this...
Is it a good movie? Yes...
Compared to what Neptus? Uhm...The new SuperMan Movie coming out.
;klasdklf;fjfaowieakl;sdgjkg?? Well, ya..and no.
Neptus - FFXI - Pandemonium
Neptus - WoW - Detheroc
?played: Nearly everything.
?waiting: *Darkfall*, Hero''s Journey
As for the movie, I saw it on Friday and it rock, Brett Ratner (remember he directed the movie not wroted) is as good as Brian Singer. So it is not his fault if their is some flaw in the story. But like all movies, their is always something we will not like. I the first one, people complain about Wolvie not animal and savage enough so they change it in the second, anyway I will not right all the exemple but I know for a fact that people will always say something they do not like about part of the movie but those are litlle detail. The movie still Kickarse, can not wait for the fourth one to see what Professor X will look like (who they will take to do him).
Get a life you freaking no, you don't understand, I'm a Gamer, I have many lives!!
Collosuss was Russian and they completly messed up Juggernaught for two reasons:
1) Juggernaught is not a mutant, he gets his powers from a crystal
2) Juggernaught is Xavier's brother, not some random person
The whole Juggernaught thing irked me...I was like woah...thats definatly not the Juggernaut we know. pshhh he was a random guy...and since his powers were given to him from a ruby, why would Leechs powers have negated his?
Such a shame - I never understood why hollywood feels the need to jumble things up of the original storyline - whatever it be - when it doesn't even add to, or help the story, but is only detrimental to it's "health".
I thought the change in spider-man that his web ability came natural was a nice - although not really necessary - touch, that helped signify him more as a true blue out of the ordinary superhero. But rarely does a change that is neutral, or positive(imo) happen to our modern movies.
"Fear not death; for the sooner we die, the longer shall we be immortal."
Haven't seen it yet, but I do know that there is another scene after credits rolled. I'm sure you can find the spoilers if you do a search.
Haven't seen it yet, but I do know that there is another scene after credits rolled. I'm sure you can find the spoilers if you do a search.
Just saw it and wanted to throw in my 2 cents. It was a good movie and fun to watch, but it wasn't that spectacular. I used the be the ultimate X-Men nerd when I was a lad, but you really can't blame the cast or crew for the so-so feeling of the movie. It is hard to do a movie with so many good guys and so many bad guys and such much lore. Even with 3 movies it just isn't easy unless you focus, and I mean extremely focus on just 1 good guy and maybe 1 or 2 bad buys. This is the reason why the Spider-Mans are so damn good. It is also the reason why the inevitable Wolverine Spinoffs will be so damn good.
As for the killing off of characters I could care less. No one is truely dead in these types of things, and those of us who watched all the credits know that even more.
Lastly, the rewriting of a lot of the X-Men lore doesn't bother me. They included the important things and then decided to tweak the other stuff to better tell the stories. I do however, have 2 complaints. One, Sabretooth's character should have either been true to the comics, or left alone for use in the Wolverine Spinoffs(Which they were unaware of at the time I suppose). And Two, Rogue should have had the proper powers and the proper accent. I don't care about the age.
Oh, and one final thing. Does anyone smell a possible spinoff for Angel? It would explain why they included him and his back story but barely used him, and the whole Apocalypse ArchAngel story would be great for a movie or 2. The Casting of the character also leads me to believe this.