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Well here I am...two years later, thinking of trying out FFXI again. I played right around when it was released, but found myself frustrated to no end at the slower pace and cumbersome feeling GUI. Now, ive been playing WoW for about a year now, and while I enjoy the game...I get somewhat bored with it...especially in reference to the limited class selections. Now, of course, I did not care much for having to start anew once you gained one of the more advanced classes in FFXI, especially since I seemed to have a tough time leveling (Of course, I wasnt as MMO savvy then..but regardless ive always been a somewhat slow leveler compared to most..though why I do not know)
Anyways, like I said, its been about two years or so, and Ive been thinking of trying it out. The game itself isnt to expensive, and the montly fee is cheaper, compared to wow...though I wish to know if FFXI still does that utterly retarded thing where if you sign up on the 30th, and then the 1st comes around, you get charged for both months..even though you only played the previous months last two least thats how I understood it when I got the bill.
So im wondering, is there still a decent beginner base that ill have some luck finding a group? I am perfectly fine with grouping, in fact its one of the parts I enjoy most about WoW, when the others in my group arnt morons, but it seems odd that if FFXI is meant to be a more group oriented game...then how come I always here about folks having a tough time trying to find groups...this confuses me a tad.
Secondly...unlike WoW, there are many classes here to choose from, and I have no idea where to start. I tend to like more melee oriented classes, utilizing either tanking, dps, or a mixture of both. I do enjoy the occasional caster class..but I prefer a more Melee/Mage hybrid than a full blown mage. Any suggestions on what I should work towards should I decide to play? the game enjoyable? I realize its a time sink but is it wasted time, or time where your at least leveling, gaining items, doing quests, and progressing the story time, or is it just meandering about, trying to find a party or figure out whats next to do. I have patience...but not that kind haha.
Lastly, have they done anything to make the UI a little less cumbersome. I really enjoyed the ease of use the UI of WoW had, as it left me little time pondering how to remeber to access this or that, and let me get right into the questing and combat.
Well if you can answer these questions, thank you, if not, thank you anyways ^^
That was very informative, thanks!
I still need to find a job I can accord the 3 pack and then the new exp..haha.
I do have another question though, If I wanted to pick a more DD class or a Pure Tanking class, what would be my choices? Dark Knight and Paladin?
You're very welcome ^^
And as for DD, I'd say Samurai is more of a DD class (melee-wise) than Dark Knight only because of their ability to perform weaponskills in rapid succession. I actually don't know too much on this subject as I focus more on mage classes, but thats what I know from what I've read anyway.
Tank-wise, yes, Paladin is a very safe choice there. Ninja is also a possibility, although they rely more on avoiding the damage than taking it, and due to their ninja tools being eaten up with each spell they can be a pretty expensive job.