Inspired by the threat asking which faction everyone is going for... now for the real question, which race?
Edit: Ofcourse I realise that people will change there mind quite dramaticaly when more information about classes and the other races comes out... but what do ypu say now, good warhammer fans?
Current MMO: Aion
MMO Watch: Warhammer 40k Online, SWToR, GW2.
Played: Planetside, SWG, EQ, EQ2, L2, WoW, RFO, KAL, MxO, Voyage, RO,Vanguard,Tabula Rasa, Horizons, CoH/CoV,, Lotro, FFXI
First MMO: Everquest (Tunare Server, Ronin/Tide Guild)
Da Ork Boyz will destroy 'dem!
High elf.
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But at this point I am stuck between Dwarves and Greenskins. I'd say 60% Dwarf and 40% greenskin right now, because a friend and I played Orcs in WoW, and I'd like to be a Dwarf this time. THough I'm not sure how the classes work yet. Classes will also sway my decision.
So in short ask me again in 6 months to a year
Yeah, I'd need to see more about the classes and what all is in each race really. And they mentioned Skaven. A lot of it will come down to what kind of 'toys' each side gets for me. Will they have steam tanks? Gobbo dive bombers, or squig herders for us? NPC or PC controlled, I'd love to run anywhere besides a doomwheel or four.
Wow, never looked forward to a game a year and some in advance; this warhammer stuff brings me back...
It was already said that squig herder will be a gobbo class. Hope that clarifies something for you.
:: hmmm...orcs do get catapult travel...that is tempting ::
still laughing at that; altough they did not developed flying entirely: landing seems to me a little bit rough.
chosing my final class: give me a beta account, wait for like a month, and maybe after that i will give a straight answer. Want an answer based on previous experiences: High elfs !
my 2 cents
Nothing worse than elves than elves that live in trees!
Has to be dwarves, that hard beer drinking class is the way forward for me
Die Noctique, By Day and Night
I'll play orc regardless of classes availible and regardless of how the other races look. Orc > All anyway
For Gork and Mork!
Human (don't ask my Why)
Everyone calle dme a fool when i started on Hib )
Since the Dwarves are so stout, Chaos is so powerfull, the Dark Elves always look cool, and th Orcs are so fierce I just hope we get to play multiple toons.
Same, I will probably have an Ork main with Dwarf and Chaos alts.
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