Sorry I didn't get over here to announce it sooner. But first let me tell you what There is before I tell you about the service they just launched. There is a 3D virtual world that allows its members to shape and create the content in the virtual world around them. Basically There gives its members tools that allow for limitless possibility. So the only limitation in There is your imagination. Now There has been around for a while in the US but they have yet to go international until now. I'm really excited about this and appearently alot of the staff at There is too. Some of the members are curious as to how this will effect the US service. But i'll give you all a link to the offical announcment in ThereCare, There's help and service center.
Offical ThereCare Announcment -
"There Philippines"It looks like this is gonna cause change in There, and new features we haven't asked for. But I just don't see how anything could go wrong unless they focus on the new service instead of the origional one. There has wanted to go international for awhile now, they've had international members but not a service for other countries. I think this is going to help get There's name out there, and it will only show how powerful peoples creativity is. I'm very excited about this because I imagine that There will launch other international services in time and the great thing is maybe these other spin off services will be able to interact in some way with the main There service, our community is just getting bigger by the day!
The thing is that There Philippines doesn't have a developer program as of yet, which is the program in There that allows members to create and edit their own content, so they are kind of secondary developers to the main ones who work for There. But There is planning to roll out one in There Philippines once they see everything is going good and rolling out well. They have even addressed the question of linking the main There's developer program to There Philippine's one once it rolls out, which would give a big boost to There's in world economy and community.
This is gonna open so many doors for the company that owns There and the Therian community and economy in general. As I said, I only see good things coming from this. They've already said that this is a big step for There and it'll bring more features around the corrnor. I do hope this goes well, it'll be very exciting to follow the progress and happenings of the There Philippines service. I'll try to keep you guys updated with any info that comes out about this great new service for the Philippines, There Philippines.
There Main SiteThere Philippines Main Site
The only limitation in There is your own imagination!
Could all the people that seriously give a damn raise their hands?
The only limitation in There is your own imagination!
If I understand correctly "There Philippines" is a brand new world separate from the current "There" world, and is currently still in Alpha testing?
If so, then I for one do care.
But for the sole reason of acquiring some top, sort after land plots on the new server (or service if you like) to make some real life money from in the future. As, again if I understand correctly, this would be perfectly acceptable within the confines of the "There" EULA?
Currently Following: Roma Victor, Fallen Earth, Warhammer Online.
The only limitation in There is your own imagination!
And about your other question about using land in There Philippines to make money and developing new content, it should be 'legal' if you will. However, currently there is no user made content in There Philippines, however they plan on rolling out a user made content program soon after everything runs well and good in the Alpha Beta. But they have no set date for such a roll out.
The only limitation in There is your own imagination!
This is starting to sound like an abbot and costello thread...
Who's on first... Whats on second...I dunno is on third... whats on there... Where? There!
The only limitation in There is your own imagination!
By the way, I switched from Second Life to There so I am very curious why you think Second Life is doing a better job at being a virtual world then There. If you like I could go on and on about why I left Second Life, but the main reason was the community. But me thinking There is better is my opinion, personally I guess Second Life is alright, but I do see more future potential in There then Second Life however.
The only limitation in There is your own imagination!
By the way, I switched from Second Life to There so I am very curious why you think Second Life is doing a better job at being a virtual world then There. If you like I could go on and on about why I left Second Life, but the main reason was the community. But me thinking There is better is my opinion, personally I guess Second Life is alright, but I do see more future potential in There then Second Life however.
Oh, and by the way There isn't a game. It isn't quite a MMORPG either but it has to have some kind of catagory so I guess that is what you call it. I sometimes call it a DVW (Dynamic Virtual World) which is basically what it is because it allows its members to create and control alot of the content in world. Over 90% of the content in world is user created, because the developers origionally added stuff too. So instead of it being a normal MMORPG it is a MMO with a flair, a DVW.
The only limitation in There is your own imagination!
You again? Where's that Bob guy with the Master Shake icon when you need him.
I'm sorry to hear that it relies on IE so much, considering that IE is like the universe with the blackholes of security. That being the case then I shall never play There as I can't use IE, hopefully they will support Mozilla, Opera and Firefox in teh future. In the meantime, it's a no go. Which is another plus for Second Life is that it has no broswer dependancies. (I absolutly hate browser dependancies as I feel it's more of a snub off on people that can't use certain sofwares).
I'm sorry to hear that it relies on IE so much, considering that IE is like the universe with the blackholes of security. That being the case then I shall never play There as I can't use IE, hopefully they will support Mozilla, Opera and Firefox in teh future. In the meantime, it's a no go. Which is another plus for Second Life is that it has no broswer dependancies. (I absolutly hate browser dependancies as I feel it's more of a snub off on people that can't use certain sofwares).
It is funny how you didn't comment on me switching from Second Life to There, where you shocked by that? Personally I wouldn't be but alot of current Second Life players I run into are shocked by that, well I don't know why. But I don't think Second Life is any more expansive then There. In fact, There has a bit more potential when it comes to building and creating. Mostly because of its physics and the way the world runs and operates. No There may not be as advanced as Second Life is the user created content department but that doesn't mean it won't get there in the future or even go ahead of Second Life. I believe There has potential, more so then Second Life.
Second Life has gone as advanced as it is going to go, sure little things can be added but it is basically as good as it is ever gonna get, but it isn't good enough. See There has more potential when it comes to communications and indeed user made content. Alot of Second Life members don't see it, I don't know why. But I do hope eventually you can get into There, because it is quite an experience. There has actually gone in a direction of accepting more browsers, but they have not made it so FireFox can be used yet, just wait.
The only limitation in There is your own imagination!
I'm right here...
Joel...when will you finally realize that most of the citizens of don't give a flyingf*** about "There". And for godsakes it's just a game! Go outside and get a girlfriend or something.
I'm right here...
Joel...when will you finally realize that most of the citizens of don't give a flyingf*** about "There". And for godsakes it's just a game! Go outside and get a girlfriend or something.
Dang, there is this big annoying horse fly that keeps following me around.
*Squash* There we go, all better now.
Bob, go outside and play. 14 years old need plenty of play time!
The only limitation in There is your own imagination!
I'm right here...
Joel...when will you finally realize that most of the citizens of don't give a flyingf*** about "There". And for godsakes it's just a game! Go outside and get a girlfriend or something.
Dang, there is this big annoying horse fly that keeps following me around.
*Squash* There we go, all better now.
Bob, go outside and play. 14 years old need plenty of play time!
It's 9 o'clock at night...
Joel go outside...period just go! You need more friends!
I'm expecting another post from you in a minute or so.
The only limitation in There is your own imagination!
I'm sensing some tension in this thread, or is it just me?
The only limitation in There is your own imagination!
Fun part is .. nobody really read this thread to get the latest news about "there"..
people kinda read it too uuh... well i guess you'll figure it you sooner or later..
I my self dont really get games like there and second life.
Why play a game to do stuff you could do in real life?
I mean people play mmorpgs/fps/anything to do things you just cant do irl.
I cant really run around with a Knife larger then a human leg stabbing everyone that
comes into my sight, i have tried to cast a few engery bolts in real life..but none of them
really worked at all.. so i chose to play games for that stuff..
But games like there..why? I can do probly everything i can do in there real life insted
There lacks a reason to exist really..its just pointless?
Fun part is .. nobody really read this thread to get the latest news about "there"..
people kinda read it too uuh... well i guess you'll figure it you sooner or later..
I my self dont really get games like there and second life.
Why play a game to do stuff you could do in real life?
I mean people play mmorpgs/fps/anything to do things you just cant do irl.
I cant really run around with a Knife larger then a human leg stabbing everyone that
comes into my sight, i have tried to cast a few engery bolts in real life..but none of them
really worked at all.. so i chose to play games for that stuff..
But games like there..why? I can do probly everything i can do in there real life insted
There lacks a reason to exist really..its just pointless?
Has anyone even read a single word I have ever said on this board?
Because if you did you would not being saying There is pointless. You know what is pointless? That post was pointless.
The only limitation in There is your own imagination!
Fun part is .. nobody really read this thread to get the latest news about "there"..
people kinda read it too uuh... well i guess you'll figure it you sooner or later..
I my self dont really get games like there and second life.
Why play a game to do stuff you could do in real life?
I mean people play mmorpgs/fps/anything to do things you just cant do irl.
I cant really run around with a Knife larger then a human leg stabbing everyone that
comes into my sight, i have tried to cast a few engery bolts in real life..but none of them
really worked at all.. so i chose to play games for that stuff..
But games like there..why? I can do probly everything i can do in there real life insted
There lacks a reason to exist really..its just pointless?
Has anyone even read a single word I have ever said on this board?
Because if you did you would not being saying There is pointless. You know what is pointless? That post was pointless.
Ha! I don't go away that easily!
Like I said Joel, no one cares. Now considering this doesn't get locked by tomorrow I'll get back to ya.
Fun part is .. nobody really read this thread to get the latest news about "there"..
people kinda read it too uuh... well i guess you'll figure it you sooner or later..
I my self dont really get games like there and second life.
Why play a game to do stuff you could do in real life?
I mean people play mmorpgs/fps/anything to do things you just cant do irl.
I cant really run around with a Knife larger then a human leg stabbing everyone that
comes into my sight, i have tried to cast a few engery bolts in real life..but none of them
really worked at all.. so i chose to play games for that stuff..
But games like there..why? I can do probly everything i can do in there real life insted
There lacks a reason to exist really..its just pointless?
Has anyone even read a single word I have ever said on this board?
Because if you did you would not being saying There is pointless. You know what is pointless? That post was pointless.
Ha! I don't go away that easily!
Like I said Joel, no one cares. Now considering this doesn't get locked by tomorrow I'll get back to ya.
Obviously no one can read on this forum. Reasoning being is that they keep saying There is pointless and for antisocial people, well if that were the case why would I be in There? I have tried for like what, two years now to show people the light. But it doesn't work, I don't know if I should start using a magic wand, maybe that would work.
What is wrong with my equation?
There x Forum Post = New Members Playing
The only limitation in There is your own imagination!