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PVP is in the game and How it will be lore appropriate

Yes, Yes I know there is another thread that has explained PVP will be in the game but I think it needs to be restated and the article that I am going to link you will help you guys better understand how PVP will play out. 

First off most of the people here have been bashing this game not having PVP for a long time, particularly because they can not do it on the regular threads so easily, well for those who have your wishes have come true and I would expect some PVP very similar to the movies you crave. As for those who have stayed strong for all these years and had to deal with all these posters don't flip out just yet. Consider it almost as a blessing you don't have to deal with these PVP post again and there might be some lore appropriate alternatives.

So without further ado, I shall give you Patience's quote, to secure your understanding that PVP will be in the game, Calandryll's for better PVP understanding and finally a link to Magi's article.    


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Community Manager
Turbine, Inc.

As many of you know, we recently revealed that Player vs. Player combat (PvP) will be included in LOTRO. While the way in which this will be implemented in the game is still under discussion, we do know, and can share, three things:

  • PvP combat in LOTRO will be consensual. If you do not wish to participate, you do not have to.
  • PvP is NOT the focus of the game. It will primarily be part of our "elder play."
  • No matter what form PvP in LOTRO takes, we are committed to making sure it fits into Middle-earth in as lore-appropriate a way as possible.

More details will be announced as they become available. We welcome your discussion and ideas on how you feel PvP could best be implemented! Please keep your discussions about PvP in this forum only, to keep the rest of the forums on-topic. Thanks!



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Turbine, Inc.
Director of Community Relations
PvP, LOTRO, and You

We wanted to write a post to help answer some of the questions you all have regarding the decision and our direction with PvP. While we are not ready to talk about the system yet (that will come in time) we’d like to address some of the concerns we’ve seen posted so far and help give you some idea of what kind of feedback we are looking for at this time. Some of this may have already been stated, but it’s probably a good idea to have it all in one place.

What if I don't want to participate in PvP? No matter how PvP is manifested in LOTRO, you will not get attacked by another player without your consent. PvP does not mean getting “ganked” – that won’t happen in LOTRO. If you don't like PvP, you don’t have to participate if you don’t want to. Ever.

Is LOTRO going to change because of PvP? We haven’t made any changes to our core designs (combat, questing, crafting, kinships, etc.) to accommodate PvP nor do we anticipate doing so. While there will probably be some balance changes for some of the class skills, the core game will not change. If you've been excited about LOTRO before we announced PvP there is no reason for that interest or excitement to diminish. In fact, everything we are discussing is always in the context of what will work best for this game, and for Middle-earth. The fact is, lots of things will cause us to change details within the game during development, Beta, and even after launch - with or without PvP. Which leads us to …

Didn't you say there wasn't going to be PvP? Yes we did. For a time we stated we had no plans to put in traditional forms of PvP. Our perspective has changed over time, and for many good reasons that we'll be discussing when we talk more about PvP. Change is a reality when dealing with a development project like LOTRO. In the past months we’ve been talking a lot more about LOTRO and in the coming months we’ll be releasing even more information. The more we communicate with you all, the more risk we take that something we communicated might change and that some of you may get upset about that. We would rather communicate than keep you all in the dark. I can guarantee you that as we get feedback during Beta that other things will change too. That’s the reality of these kinds of games and honestly, flexibility in design is a good thing.

Why did you add PvP? PvP creates an interesting gameplay dynamic that we believe will not only help LOTRO to be more successful, but will also add to the immersion of the game for those who enjoy PvP. For those who don’t, we’re going to make sure they don’t have to participate. Right now we’re finalizing how PvP will work and once we are comfortable with the design and feasibility of the plan, we will post it and ask for your feedback. Bear in mind that this system leverages the game we have already built, and is by no means a last-minute "add-on".

So what now? The PvP forum was created so players can tell us what they’d like to see regarding PvP in LOTRO. While everyone is entitled to their opinion about whether PvP is fun or not, the feedback that is most useful and that we are most looking for is:

Given that we are implementing PvP, how would you like to see it happen?
What are the aspects of PvP that you’d like to see and what aspects would you prefer we didn’t do and why?
Any other ideas or thoughts you may have how PvP should work in LOTRO in your opinion.
Etc. We understand that some of the confusion and frustration you all are expressing is caused largely because we haven’t released much information yet on how PvP will work. For that, we apologize. Hopefully we’ll be able to post some more detailed aspects of the design in the coming weeks and months. But in the meantime, if you want to give us feedback about how you’d like to see PvP implemented, now is the time to do it.

We’re going to be cleaning up the PvP forum a little as there are a lot of threads that are talking about the same thing. We know this is a controversial topic and we look forward to hearing your feedback.

Thanks in advance for your patience everyone. We appreciate it a lot.


Magi's Article 'Lore Appealing PvP? You Betcha!'


  • Wolfpack75Wolfpack75 Member UncommonPosts: 43

    Sounds like I can scratch this game off my list. I was looking forward to this game when it was announced as a PVE only game. I felt that having a LOTRO account and a AoC account would perfectly balance my need for PVP versus my need to get away from the immature element of the MMORPG community. Unfortunately with this announcement every ganker and griefer out there that has seen the movies and whined about the lack of PVP will be signing up so that they can run around as "Leetagorn" and jump into "Monster Play" so they can endlessly taunt the real ROLEPLAYERS of Middle Earth.

    I am perplexed as to why there is a general consensus that every game must have some level of PVP. IF you want to play a PVP game go find one and enjoy. It seems that, on the other hand, if you want a game with just PVE not only are there none but you will be ridiculed by the masses for wanting a cooperative game that doesn't devolve into a "leet-pwning" childish festival of immaturity. I am sure there are a rare few people out there like myself who ROLEPLAY their PVP characters and are rather mature while doing so, I just haven't come across them in any of the games I've played (EVE, WOW, EQ2).

    And the argument that a game will fail without PVP is an unproven one in the current market post-WOW. Even though I hate to give the game credit for anything I can at least admit one thing: it brought alot of gamers into the MMORPG community who would have never considered playing one before. With the market as diverse as it has become it would be nice to see a company have the balls to state something (in this example "no pvp) and stick to it. Instead they cave to pressure and decide to implement a half-arsed version of PVP...

    Why play a stunted PVP game (LOTRO, WOW, etc) when you can spend your dollars on a true PVP game (AoC, DAoC)?


  • brostynbrostyn Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 3,092

    Oh boy. Another game trying to mimic WoW. Will they never learn? The only way for PvP to make any sense in LOTRO is to be able to play the evil side. Two hobbits decking it out is utter nonsense. Its obvious Turbine is only concerned with trying to create WoW like numbers. PvP in LOTRO makes no sense at all. I'm sick of MMOs without the RPG.

    Turbine has ruined DDO, because its nothing like D&D. They are now going to ruin this game by alienating the LOTR fans, because this will be nothing like Middle Earth.
  • elitwebbelitwebb Member Posts: 342

    Wonderful now my hobbit can ROOL UR ELf....

    Guess I will be looking elsewhere for another mmorpg

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