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drg/drk combo?

KyuutenKyuuten Member Posts: 35

I just had a quick question that I was unsure about. I have heard it's a good idea and it's a bad idea so I was hoping to get more input. I can deciede between becoming a dark knight or a dragoon. Then I decieded, hey why not be both. I'd have a wyrm that could nuke and fight. I was talking to my linkshell and got a several diffefrent responses ranging from, "That's an awsome combo idea" to "Don't go gimping yourself." Hope some of you can help me with decieding what to do. I curently have a 29 war (about 1k from 30) and if it comes back that drg/drk is a terriable idea I'm stuck on which on to choose. If you have any suggestions they'd be much appreciated imageTTyL TTFN!



  • jbvegetajbvegeta Member Posts: 109

    well i play ff but i really dont know if that combo would be good or bad

     the dragoon is cool for his wyrm (sorry if i spelled it worng )

    but the drk is good for dealing dmg   so

     i know this does not help much but  hey i try 

  • AluadanAluadan Member Posts: 118

    Stick to either drg/war or drk/war, whichever you would perfer to use as your main. By going drg/drk over drg/war you lose out on berserk, double attack, and yes...provoke. Although you shouldn't be tanking there are times where it is useful, such as provoking to turn a mob to allow a thief to trick/sneak onto the main tank.

  • StijunStijun Member Posts: 100

    Do not ever sub draggon, you do not recive his wrym which his only real attribute.

    I shall post a copy of the job skill guide below. - please note I did not make this.

     Table of Contents:
    1. Introduction
    2. Revision History
    3. How Jobs/Subjobs Work
    4. The Part Everyone's Been Waiting For! The Job/Subjob Combinations
     A. Warrior
     B. Monk
     C. Thief
     D. Black Mage
     E. White Mage
     F. Red Mage
     G. Paladin
     H. Dark Knight
     I. Summoner
     J. Bard
     K. Beast Master
     L. Ninja
     M. Ranger
     N. Samurai
     O. Dragoon
    4. Contact information

    1. Introduction
    Okay, so this is my first try at making an FAQ. No big deal. Everyone at the
    FFXI boards can tell you that this is one of the most discussed topics at the
    board, and the constant questions about the combinations become obnoxious... So
    finally I decided to take some action and post a job combinations FAQ, which I
    hope everyone will find helpful! I couldn't have done it without
    and, so I hope you visit those sites. Thanks for reading,
    and I hope you'll find the information you'll need!

    2. Revision History
    v. 1.0 - First posting (10/17/03)
    v. 1.01 - Few corrections, emphasis on the favored jobs added (10/25/03)
    v. 1.02 - Useless ASCII art ^^, a few changes(nothing major) (10/27/03)
    v. 1.10 - Finally added a little FAQ on how the subjobs work and other things 
            that need addressing. Big thanks to Dizax! (11/12/03)

    3. How Jobs/Subjobs Work (this section contributed by Dizax)
    (1). You have to have a Character reach level 18 at which point you can do the
    quest to obtain the ability to HAVE a sub class.

    (*) once you have completed the Quest once. that is LAST time you have to do
    it. and you can now Sub ANY CLASS combonation you think of...(will explain more)

    (2) You goto your Mog House. and Choose a MAIN JOB.. and SUB JOB.
    --NOTE 2.A) ONLY your Main Job Gains Experience
    --NOTE 2.B) your SUB job, does NOT gain EXP.
    --NOTE 2.C) you can Switch your SUB and MAIN jobs

    --NOTE 3.A) Regardless of what REAL level a Class is, if it is used as a SUB
    class, it can only be HALF the level of the MAIN JOB
    --NOTE 3.B) Any Skills that You level, will Transfer to your OTHER classes, but
    will be Capped in relation to your Current Main Jobs level.
    --NOTE 3.C) all armore restrictions are determined by your MAIN CLASS

    EXAMPLES.. okie. let's put this theory into some examples..

    So first Let's Say I have the following.
    LEVEL 20 Monk
    -- 60 h2h
    LEVEL 16 WAR

    Ok.. so here it is.

    EX.1 Let's make this Combo. Monk/Sub-WARRIOR
    The levels will be as follows 20 monk/ 10 War.
    --Notice even though the Warrior is level 16, he can only be half the level of
    the MAIN job so... He becomes Capped at 10 while a Sub for a level 20.

    Levels = 20 MONK/6 WHM
    --Notice even though there is a Cap for the sub job, the WHM isn't high enough
    to be effected so who cares...

    Levels = 6 WHM/ 3 MONK... again. The sub job is limited to HALF the MAIN jobs

    LEVELs= 16 Warrio / 8 MOnk.
    Again the half thing.

    ~~~~~~~Ok more details I will be referring to the Previous Examples.

    EX.5 Ok let's go with EX.1 Combo. Let's say I play this combo for a Month. The
    SAME COMBO.. I would ONLY get exp for my MAIN class. So as I leveled, ONLY my
    MONK would increase in EXP LEVEL... But because the monk is getting higher. the
    half is level is getting larger. So the pre-level warrior will also be able to
    be tapped for his levels. Watch.
    20 mnk /10 war
    21 mnk /10 war
    22 mnk /11 war //notice half went up.
    23 mnk /11 war
    24 mnk /12 war
    30 mnk /15 war
    40 mnk /16 war // the War Gains no exp so stays at 16 till you make him your
    main and level him up as the MAIN job. so in truth in the above string of
    levels. the war wasn't really leveling. just the Number=MAIN/2 was rising.
    allowing the War to be tapped for more of his levels.

    EX.6 Let's look at EX.1, 20 mnk/10 war
    This is kewl. because not only do I have all the skills and such that come with
    a level 20 monk. But I also have all the skills that come with a 10 war, like
    PRovoke ( 5 war ability) plus any other abilities!

    Ex.7 Skills. Let's look at Ex.1 one more time. Notice my Monk had high level
    h2h. well when I start that War off. he will get that skill as well. Kinda..
    see each level is capped at how high a weapon skill can go up. but let's say at
    lvl 10 it's "BLAH". well since the Monk's Skill way higher than "BLAH" the monk
    would automatically have the Max h2h he could have for this level

    EX.8 look at EX.2.. I now have a Monk with awesome Fighting skill, and NOW..
    low level WHM spells and skills!

    EX.9 look at --NOTE 3.C, and WHM/WAR, the WHM can not now where heavy armor.
    the WHM is still restricted only by the MAIN JOB. but the WHM, will have more
    HP, etc

    4. Job/Subjob Combinations
      First off I have to give you some general rules to these combinations. First,
    melee-type jobs and magic jobs generally don't mix well. I know everyone wants
    to be that apparently sweet looking dual-dagger wielding Summoner, but the
    thing is that mage stat bonuses and abilities don't help melee jobs much, and
    vice-versa as well. The second thing I need to mention is that generally
    Advanced jobs do not make good subjobs. They are so specialized that they
    shouldn't be put as a sub. Of course, a few exceptions exist(Samurai comes to
    mind), but otherwise it doesn't turn out so well. I will *not* put the worst(in
    my opinion) combos, in here as of this version, so please don't ask where they
     I know I'll be contacted by tons of people saying the same thing, namely that
    "people can be whatever job/subjob combination they want! It's their game!"
    Please keep in mind that I'm only posting a guide for combinations that are
    most useful to the party in general. Although that aforementioned
    Summoner/Ninja might be able to fight, it still won't work as well in a party
    as a Summoner/White mage because it has less MP. If you want to be any
    combination you want, then stop reading this FAQ right now, but be warned - you
    will not get as many party invites as these better combos, and you might be
    replaced by them in a game. The point of these combos is to emphasize your main
    classes strengths, and to let your party take care of your weaknesses. That
    being said, let's get on to the meat of the

    I've put some "-"'s on the favored combos.

    A. Warrior
     Warriors are the weapon specialists, and they have a nice balance among their
    stats. This gives them many options to choose from.

    --a. Warrior/Monk--
    Monk's great boost in HP makes this a very nice tank combo. When using this
    combo, you'll want to use claw-type weapons to take full advantage of the
    Monk's abilities. Of course you might want to use the warrior's natural skill
    in axes and swords also... Double attack and counter attack make this a heavy
    hitting combo, while you can still take great damage and use provoke to become a
    nice tank if you don't have a Paladin handy.

    b. Warrior/Thief
    With less of a boost to defense and HP, this combo is for support attacking
    only. The most useful ability it gives you is probably backstab and some nice
    agility and dexterity bonuses. You are not as good of a tank as the
    Warrior/Monk, so if you have the option don't try. This combo is probably more
    useful for solo play than party play with the gil and treasure finding

    c. Warrior/Black Mage
    Don't make me laugh. With nearly no MP or INT, this combo will do very little
    damage to enemies with spells, and as with Red Mage and White Mage subs, you
    don't get useful stats or abilities. Nearly worthless job, so if you want
    attacking magic go with a Dark Knight.

    d. Warrior/White mage
    This combo is bad as a party combination, and it should probably only be used
    when soloing(and soloing is very rare at high levels). See the info for Red
    Mage sub. If you want some healing magic, go Paladin.

    e. Warrior/Red Mage
    Not too good... Red mage is considered more of a mage class than a melee class
    by far. However, you will get a few enfeebling spells, which will benefit your
    attack power. The very bad side of this combo is that your MP will be
    incredibly tiny, as well as your INT and MND, allowing only a few weaker spells
    to be cast. Of course, as a Warrior you cannot sit around to recharge your MP,
    as your TP will fall when healing. This makes the Red mage a fairly bad combo.
    If you want a little magic, I recommend a Paladin or Dark Knight job. You will
    not get much of a useful stat or ability increase as well with this combo.

    f.  Warrior/Paladin
    The added defense from the Paladin sub is not as good as you would think. Also,
    your White Magic(which is already limited as a Paladin), is halved, making it
    almost useless. I would definitely choose Paladin/Warrior over this combo.

    g. Warrior/Dark Knight
    See the info for a Paladin sub above. The offensive increase isn't as large as
    you would think, and your offensive magic is halved, making it useless. Choose
    Dark Knight as a main to take advantage of its abilities.

    h. Warrior/Summoner
    I'm not covering these mage combos again... Summoner is especially bad as a
    subjob, since you have tiny MP and half-leveled summons. For the good of the
    FFXI world, don't pick this.

    i. Warrior/Bard
    You would think that the bard songs may give you some useful buffs, but think
    again. You can only sing one song with bard as a subjob, and you can't equip
    instruments which boost the power of your songs. Another bad combo.

    j. Warrior/Beast Master
    Not too good either(Notice the pattern with subbing advanced jobs?). You won't
    be able to tame any good monsters and Beast Master only gives you mediocre stat
    bonuses. Use Beast Master as your main if you want to control monsters.

    k. Warrior/Ninja
    Although dual wielding weapons might look cool, it doesn't add a bonus at all.
    Your weapons' delays are also added together, making the result just as good as
    only one weapon. Besides, Warriors specialize in the 2-handed axe, which of
    course cannot be dual wielded. The only useful thing this combo would give
    would be half-level ninjutsu, which is very expensive, and some
    agility/dexterity bonuses. As above, if you want ninja abilities choose Ninja
    as a main job.

    l. Warrior/Ranger
    Although warriors can already use bows and guns, they don't do too well with
    them due to their lower dexterity and agility. Subbing ranger helps some, but
    it still isn't a very good combo as you'll be missing out on the great weapon
    skills that ranger as a main gets.

    --m. Warrior/Samurai--
    This combo could definitely work, especially at higher levels. Once you get
    some of the better TP abilities of the Samurai, you can use them to your
    advantage to unleash tons of great Warrior skills such as the great axe skills
    that lower enemy stats. You'll be a very valuable member of the party by
    leading in weapon skill combos as well.

    n. Warrior/Dragoon
    Rule 1 of subbing Dragoon: Don't do it. You lose the key ability of Dragoons,
    the wyvern. Without your little attacking dragon, you only get the benefit of
    the different jumps, with much less damage than if you had a wyvern. The wyvern
    always attacks for half of your own damage every time you attack if your main
    is Dragoon.

    B. Monk
    Monks have great HP, and they specialize in hand-to-hand combat. Their
    multi-hitting and counter abilities are incredible, and they become great
    damage dealers.

    --a. Monk/Warrior--
    This combo deals damage, and has higher natural defense and lower attack than
    that of a Warrior/ Monk. Higher defense, lower attack. However, you attack much
    faster than a warrior but gain lighter armor. You gain the ability to taunt,
    but you should only be a tank when there aren't any Paladins or other great

    As a thief, you'll get more hits in than if you sub warrior, but with a lower
    attack. You'll also be able to dodge and probably counter more, making this a
    very wise combination. The gil and treasure abilities don't hurt either.

    c. Monk/Black mage
    See Warrior/Black mage. Your offensive spells will be useless.

    d. Monk/White mage
    See Warrior/White mage. Chakra's all you need, and you won't be very useful for
    your healing spells.

    e. Monk/Red mage
    Not nearly as useful as other combos. See Warrior/Red mage

    f. Monk/Paladin
    Not too good, for reasons posted in Warrior/Paladin.

    g. Monk/Dark Knight
    You guessed it. Subbing Dark Knight isn't a good idea. See Warrior/Dark Knight.

    h. Monk/Summoner.
    Shame on you for trying to sub a mage job. See Warrior/Summoner

    i. Monk/Bard
    Again, subbing Bard or most other advanced jobs is pretty bad. See Warrior/Bard

    j. Monk/Beast Tamer
    If you want to be a beast tamer, put it as your main job. See Warrior/Beast

    k. Monk/Ninja
    Pretty useless. Grappling weapons such as a monk uses are already equipped in
    both hands, and half-level ninjitsu isn't too good for him. Monk/Thief is a
    better choice.

    l. Monk/Ranger
    The only long distance attacking monks need to do is with their energy ball to
    pull monsters. They are meant to be very close-ranged fighters, so stay away
    from this combo.

    --m. Monk/Samurai--
    If you choose this combo, you will probably get more TP than any other job
    except a main Samurai. The TP shoots up with this combo, and you should prepare
    to use a ton of Weapon skills. Not bad as a combo.

    n. Monk/Dragoon
    See Warrior/Dragoon.

    C. Thief
    The thief is meant to be the one who controls the hate in the party and deals
    some fairly constant damage.Keep that in mind...

    --a. Thief/Warrior--
    This combo deals moderate damage, but with the Feint attack and Surprise
    attacks, you will be dealing some massive damage some of the time. Warrior adds
    a few useful skills like Defender and whatnot, which helps make up for the
    thief’s weakness in defense. You also get both triple and double attack, and if
    at all possible, if the two kick in, you attack 6 times. Combined with a Weapon
    skill that deals multiple blows, you can’t stop the fury.

    --b. Thief/Monk--
    Monk helps with dexterity some and HP. Most monk skills don't help too much
    though. Counter and triple attack allow a nice attack rate which makes it an
    interesting combo.

    c. Thief/Black Mage
    See Warrior/Black Mage. Try something else...

    d. Thief/White Mage
    See Warrior/White mage. Thieves aren't healers.

    e. Thief/Red Mage
    See Warrior/Red Mage. Go for better abilities in another sub.

    f. Thief/Paladin
    Thief is an attacker, not a defender. See Warrior/Paladin

    g. Thief/Dark Knight
    Although the attack bonus is nice, it's generally not as good of a combo as the
    Dark Knight/Thief. See Warrior/Dark Knight.

    h. Thief/Summoner.
    See Warrior/Summoner. Summons will be absolutely useless.

    i. Thief/Bard
    See Warrior/Bard. It's not Robin Hood, there are no singing thieves ><

    j. Thief/Beast Tamer
    See Warrior/Beast Tamer. Use beast tamer as main if you want to use it.

    --k. Thief/Ninja--
    Finally, an exception to the no advanced sub rule! Dual dagger wielding thief
    is pretty nice, and the agility and dexterity bonuses complement thief
    perfectly. Ninjitsu might be helpful in some situations, and thief's gil and
    treasure finder allow you to find the extra money to get it. One of the best
    thief combos - go for it!

    --l. Thief/Ranger--
    Hooray - Another exception. Again, Ranger's dexterity and agility bonuses
    complement thief well. However, bows and guns won't be as good as they
    should.If you want to be a ranger and a thief, then go with Ranger/Thief and
    use Ranger as main. The Thief/Ranger combo is more for close combat than
    long-distance weaponry.

    m. Thief/Samurai
    You will gain a ton of TP, but there are much better combinations for thief out
    there. If you want to control the weapon skill chains, then choose another job
    than thief.

    n. Thief/Dragoon
    See Warrior/Dragoon. Worthless.

    D. Black Mage
    Ah, the black mage. Black mages are one of the best damage dealers in the game
    with their elemental and magic spells, and they have some nice debilitating and
    warping spells as well. Of course, as a mage, black mages can't do squat for
    either giving or taking damage, so melee subjobs are a big no-no. I'm not even
    going to bother listing melee subs for Black mage.

    --a. Black mage/White Mage--
    Generally considered the best combo for Black mages. Great MP boost as well as
    curative spells for emergencies or if a white mage can't be found. Curative
    spells and status eliminating spells are incredibly helpful for the party.

    --b. Black mage/Red Mage--
    If you choose this combo, you're going to go all out in offensive magic.
    Gaining enfeeblement magic and INT boost from Red mage while getting those
    deadly attacking spells from black mage, you'll be killing monsters, period. Of
    course, you'll have a few minor healing spells, but nothing compared to Black
    mage/White mage. You also get a small MP boost, although not as large as from
    White mage. On the other hand, you get a bit more HP.

    c. Black Mage/Summoner
    Not as good as many are led to believe. You gain half level summons that you
    should never use(except maybe at high levels for abilities such as Blink), and
    a lower INT boost. However, you'll have the largest MP boost possible, causing
    you to be an MP tank. On the other hand, you'll be limited to black magic,
    meaning that if you only have one white mage in your party and he's in trouble,
    then there's nothing you can do. Using all that MP is also a generally bad
    idea, as you'll need to sit for long periods of time to heal which slows the
    party down. However, you will gain the MP refresh ability from Summoner, which
    speeds things up a little bit.

    d. Black Mage/Bard
    Subbing bard(as stated earlier) is a bad idea. On the other hand, any buff
    helps out the party, even a weaker one.

    E. White Mage
    The basic support job. Curing spells, status curing spells, and even a few
    attack spells make this a basic need of every party. Again, I won't put melee

    --a. White Mage/Black Mage--
    The standard. With this you get a few attack spells, and spells like Poison or
    Warp don't hurt either. Good MP boost as well.

    --b. White Mage/Red Mage--
    Pure support. You shouldn't use your limited black magic too much because it
    will be very weak. Like Black Mage/Red Mage, you get less MP, and in this
    situation INT, but you get more HP and MND, which is useful in some white magic
    spells(NOT curative spells).

    c. White Mage/Summoner
    See Black Mage/Summoner. You will be a walking MP tank, but the above options
    are really better. If you want to be a Summoner and a White Mage, go Summoner
    as main.

    d. White Mage/Bard
    One of the better support combos, but you should really go Bard/White mage.
    They get nearly all of the same good white mage spells anyway. Not actually a
    bad combo though you will only be able to sing one song and have no instruments.

    F. Red Mage
    Ah, the Red Mage, the jack of all trades. As a rule though, the Red Mage loses
    his strength in melee in the higher levels, and becomes more of a mage type
    which is used for spells like Refresh. Remember, at higher levels melee subs
    really lose their value, so I'll only put mage subs again. Subs such as Thief
    and Warrior might be fun early off, but later they'll be doing very small
    damage and will only be decent to get hit with when under Stoneskin/Phalanx. So
    remember, Red mages can potentially be all right melee players at higher
    levels, but they'll need constant buffs like the En spells that make them more
    trouble than they're worth.

    --a. Red Mage/Black Mage--
    It may seem repetitive, but actually it's a very good combo which specializes
    in attack magic and enfeeblement. With convert and refresh from the Red Mage
    job, and the benefits of group spells, INT, and MP from Black Mage sub, this is
    a very viable combo.

    --b. Red Mage/White Mage--
    Very similar to Red Mage/Black Mage, but this combo specializes in healing and
    support, which goes very well with Red Mage's strength in enfeeblement. Better
    MP and MND than average, and the group curative spells from White Mage makes
    this job a very loved job in parties with Convert and Refresh.

    c. Red Mage/Summoner
    Fairly bad... Half-level summons and only benefits being an MP boost. It's much
    better to have a subjob such as Black or White Mage.

    d. Red Mage/Bard
    This is actually a possible combination, but again Bard is really nerfed as a
    subjob. Most parties would prefer a Bard/Red Mage to this combo.

    G. Paladin
    A Paladin is the tank of the party, period. You're there to take damage for the
    less defensively-inclined of the group, and you should do a good job of it. A
    couple curing spells help to hold hate a little bit. Their offense on the other
    hand isn't the best out there...

    --a. Paladin/Warrior--
    If you want to be an effective, loved, or wanted Paladin, choose this. General
    stat boosts from warrior as well as the almighty Taunt allow you to hold hate
    effectively and well. Go for it.

    b. Paladin/Monk
    Less useful than Pally/Warrior. You'll only be the support tank and you won't
    be able to keep hate nearly as well without Taunt.

    c. Paladin/Thief
    Pretty bad as well. Although you might have an interesting time keeping the
    hate. Thief helps agility and dexterity, but no good HP or vitality bonuses
    exist for this combo. Again, go for Paladin/Warrior.

    d. Paladin/Black Mage
    Paladin may come equipped with a tiny amount of MP, but that doesn't mean that
    they should ever take a mage sub, especially Black Mage. No INT at all. See
    Warrior/Black Mage.

    e. Paladin/White Mage
    Actually a possible combination, although your white magic will still be much
    lower than average. However, you can use more cure spells to hold hate. But
    with lower defense and without Taunt, this won't ever tank as well as
    Paladin/Warrior. If you want this tank, Tarutaru is generally the best choice
    for a character actually for the better MP.

    f. Paladin/Red Mage
    Useless... Paladins don't need attack magic. I don't recommend it. Besides, MP
    still won't be big and you won't want to waste it on anything but healing.

    g. Paladin/Dark Knight
    Never sub Dark Knight. It gets all its useful abilities at later levels. Plus,
    Dark Knight's magic will be worthless, and the attack increase won't be as good
    as you thought.

    h. Paladin/Summoner
    The tiny amount of MP doesn't help half-leveled summons. See Warrior/Summoner.

    i. Paladin/Bard
    Paladins are there to fight, not sing. Subbing bard is bad for reasons stated
    above. See Warrior/Bard.

    j. Paladin/Beast Tamer
    Again, beast tamer doesn't give any real benefits to a Paladin. See
    Warrior/Beast Tamer.

    k. Paladin/Ninja
    Dual wielding is useless. Even though you specialize in one-handed swords,
    Paladins specialize in shields. Without those you're pretty much dead. Ninja's
    stats don't complement Paladin as well, although I suppose Blink ninjitsu might
    be fun. But really if you want Blink, get a summoner in your party.

    l. Paladin/Ranger
    Paladins are meant to be right in the fray, not away from it. See Warrior/Ranger

    m. Paladin/Samurai
    You're tanking less effeciently, but you'll be able to unleash a ton of weapon
    skills. With all those skills it might be easier to keep hate, but if I were
    you I'd stick to the tried and loved Paladin/Warrior.

    n. Paladin/Dragoon
    Bad. See Warrior/Dragoon.

    H. Dark Knight
    The main advantage to being a Dark Knight is... their AF armor. Just kidding!
    These folks have crazy attack power, but keep the baddies off them or else
    they'll fall. In other words, their defense is horrible. A few black magic
    spells are useful as well.

    --a. Dark Knight/Warrior--
    One of the standard combos. Warrior's stats and abilities do help Dark Knight,
    but you will only need to taunt in extreme, extreme emergencies(i.e. you and
    the White Mage are the only ones alive). This combo does deal tons of damage,
    so I recommend it.

    b. Dark Knight/Monk
    Honestly, I've never heard of anyone using this combo, but it doesn't sound too
    good. You'll get more HP, but you won't be as powerful as the Warrior sub.
    Fewer useful abilities as well.

    --c. Dark Knight/Thief--
    Another of the standard combos. This one deals huge damage, but with tiny
    defense. However, sneak attack and backstab are useful, and you get some more
    agility and dexterity, which Dark Knights need badly. The ability to get hate
    off your back onto the Paladin makes this one of the best combos available for

    d. Dark Knight/Black Mage
    Sure, you might get some better black magic and a bit more INT and MP, but the
    Dark Knight is meant to be an attacker, not a mage. The magic you should be
    using as Dark Knight is limited to the absorb spells and poison spells, which
    work fine without the Black Mage sub.

    e. Dark Knight/White Mage
    An already puny mind stat and small MP make this pretty useless. If you want to
    have some healing magic, go Paladin.

    f. Dark Knight/Red Mage
    Dark Knights have more magic power than Paladin, making this combo more useful
    than its Paladin equivalent. You'll have low MP with which to cast your buff
    spells(which are the most valuable), and less strength to attack with. I'd
    recommend a Warrior or Thief sub.

    g. Dark Knight/Paladin
    Subbing Paladin is always bad. It doesn't give the defense you would believe,
    and the healing spells you get become useless. Less attack power as well. Who
    can be a holy and evil knight at the same time anyway?

    h. Dark Knight/Summoner
    Horrible. See Paladin/Summoner.

    i. Dark Knight/Bard
    Don't. See Warrior/Bard. Darks are there to attack, not sing.

    j. Dark Knight/Beast Tamer
    What a strange combination... Too bad it doesn't work well. See Warrior/Beast

    k. Dark Knight/Ninja
    Dual wielding is useless to Dark Knights because they specialize in two-handed
    swords and scythes. Blink ninjitsu isn't worth it.

    l. Dark Knight/Ranger
    Dark Knights do have some skill with guns, but they'll either miss or have
    horrible damage. Besides, they're meant to be on the front lines.

    --m. Dark Knight/Samurai--
    Quite a viable combo. You'll be dishing out tons of weapon skills such as
    Guillotine, but make sure to attempt to keep down your hate or else the monster
    will switch its focus from the tank. Unfortunately, Guillotine doesn't combo
    well with other skills, but this combo could work nonetheless.

    n. Dark Knight/Dragoon
    Again, no. See Warrior/Dragoon.

    I. Summoner
    Summoner, the class I personally will play as. Their group support abilities
    and a few attack abilities are great, but they can't keep their summons out for
    very long. Don't expect summons to be the huge attackers they were in previous
    games, or else you'll be sorely disappointed. Be a Black Mage if you want to
    dish out attack magic.

    --a. Summoner/White Mage--
    The established standard. When you've used your useful summon's abilties and
    recall it, you're able to be a backup White Mage which becomes a valuable asset
    to the group. A great support class.

    b. Summoner/Black Mage
    With inferior black magic, it's not too useful. Besides, you have summons to
    optionally attack, and if you waste MP on black magic the party will be angry
    with you.

    --c. Summoner/Red Mage--
    Probably the second best combo. You get some cure spells, as well as buffs and
    some MP. You can also possibly get spells and skills such as Convert and
    Refresh at very high levels, although Convert might be a Red Mage only skill.

    d. Summoner/Bard
    You'll be able to sing one song when you call your summon back, and a pretty
    ineffective one at that. Probably not the best option.

    J. Bard
    Excuse me while I refrain from mentioning the word "spoony." Oh darn, I
    slipped. Anyway, these guys are one of the best support classes along with
    White Mage, and are great assets to their parties with their crazy buffing
    songs. Prepare to do a lot of running as a Bard.

    --a. Bard/White Mage--
    The ultimate support combo. You'll get your songs, as well as curative magic.
    Parties love this stuff.

    b. Bard/Black Mage
    An all right combo, but not great. Your only usefulness for Black Mage lies in
    status spells, and you shouldn't use anything else. Just go with White Mage.

    --c. Bard/Red Mage--
    Much better than Bard/Black Mage. Enfeeblement and some curing magic go well
    with the job. Probably the second best combo behind White Mage as a sub.

    d. Bard/Summoner
    Totally useless. You have no MP to boost, and your summons will be ineffective.

    K. Beast Master
    One of the most different classes. This is generally considered the best solo
    class, but it has use in parties as well. I've shortened the list some because
    there are only a few combos that I see working. If you have another good one to
    add, contact me.

    --a. Beast master/Warrior--
    The safest Beastmaster combo. A boost in attack gives you some safety in case
    your tamed monster goes wild, and the warrior's other stats and abilties don't
    hurt either.

    b. Beast master/Thief
    An interesting support attacker... Could be potentially useful but I'd go with
    another combo.

    --c. Beast master/White Mage--
    One hell of a solo player. However, it's mainly useful due to increased
    charisma(allowing easier taming), and you can cast a few cure spells in the

    d. Beast master/Bard
    You'll be able to play a song while your beast is attacking, which might be
    fun. Charisma bonus as well. However, you only get one song and no instrument.

    L. Ninja
    Seems like everyone wants to be the ninja... However, the truth behind the cool
    looking dual katanas is that they don't really give a bonus to attack since
    they have double wait time to strike. However, some abilities decrease wait
    time which allows it to be more useful. And extra stats on weapons also make
    this useful. Of course, ninjitsu is useful(especially Blink), but it's
    incredibly expensive. Like Ranger, only play this class if you
    have some cash handy or you can make the materials easily in a guild.

    --a. Ninja/Warrior--
    This combo can work well as an interesting tank. Stat and ability bonuses help
    out ninja anyway. If you have the money for tons of blink ninjitsu, then taunt
    away and you could possibly replace a Paladin as the best tank. Otherwise, just
    try and attack away as you get larger than normal attack stats.

    b. Ninja/Monk
    I have no idea how this would work. Really though, the stat and ability bonuses
    of the Monk don't work well on Ninja. Go with Warrior or Thief.

    --c. Ninja/Thief--
    One of the best combos for ninja. Increased dexterity and agility allow benefit
    the already strongly speedy ninja. However, you get less attack power than with
    a Warrior. With this you'll only be a support attacker with the benefit of some

    d. Ninja/Black Mage
    See Warrior/Black Mage. Don't even try it.

    e. Ninja/White Mage
    See Warrior/White Mage. The only magic-like skills you need are in ninjitsu.

    f. Ninja/Red Mage
    Another bad one. See Warrior/Red Mage.

    g. Ninja/Paladin
    Ninjas don't need more defense, and curing spells will be horrible cut. See

    h. Ninja/Dark Knight
    Perhaps more useful than Ninja/Paladin, but still not too good. You should
    never use black magic, and subbed Dark Knight is useless anyway. See
    Warrior/Dark Knight.

    i. Ninja/Summoner
    Horrible. See Warrior/Summoner.

    j. Ninja/Bard
    Pretty useless... Have you ever seen a singing Ninja? See Warrior/Bard.

    k. Ninja/Beast Master
    Bad. See Warrior/Beast Master

    l. Ninja/Ranger
    You cannot dual wield bows or guns, so stop asking. No real benefits to this
    one except for some added agility and dexterity.

    m. Ninja/Samurai
    You will get a ton of weapon skills with this combo, although one-handed weapon
    skills aren't exactly the best ones. Still, not a bad combo.

    o. Ninja/Dragoon
    No. No. See Warrior/Dragoon.

    M. Ranger
    Rangers are the heaviest damage dealers in the game. They stay away from the
    enemy and hit hard with bow and gun skills. Agility is incredibly important to
    rangers. As a rule, rangers must be rich to keep up the costs of ammo, or else
    have crazy amounts of guild skills.

    a. Ranger/Warrior
    Warrior's stats help Ranger survive more, and Berserk may allow some impressive
    damage. You'll never ever want to use Taunt though. You might be better off
    with another sub.

    b. Ranger/Monk
    Some HP, dexterity, and vitality, but it's really useless. You should never be
    close enough to counter.

    --c. Ranger/Thief--
    A very good combo. Thief helps pay the expenses of ranger, and it gives that
    valuable agility and dexterity bonus. You'll also be better with daggers when
    you absolutely must gather TP quickly, which is a good thing.

    d. Ranger/Black Mage
    Mage sub to melee main = bad. Although it may sound fun to bind someone and
    then shoot away, you should go with a better sub such as thief. See
    Warrior/Black Mage.

    e. Ranger/White Mage
    No need for Rangers to be backup healers - they're there to do damage. See
    Warrior/White Mage

    f. Ranger/Red Mage
    Same as above,  See Warrior/Red Mage.

    g. Ranger/Paladin
    Rangers don't need defense. See Warrior/Paladin.

    h. Ranger/Dark Knight
    Strength doesn't effect bows or guns. See Warrior/Dark Knight.

    i. Ranger/Summoner
    Almost no MP and half-leveled summon. See Warrior/Summoner.

    j. Ranger/Bard
    This isn't Robin Hood: Men in Tights. Rangers don't sing. See Warrior/Bard.

    k. Ranger/Master
    Again, not too good. See Warrior/Beast Master.

    --l. Ranger/Ninja--
    Actually I've heard this be useful for some people. Agility and dexterity are
    added, and you get some useless ninjitsu. Dual wielding daggers could help in
    gathering TP quickly, and there are some daggers that give you better accuracy.
    And no, you cannot dual wield bows or guns, so stop

    --m. Ranger/Samurai--
    You won't hit as often or as hard, but you'll gain crazy amounts of weapon
    skills, which the Ranger is very good at. Tons of TP makes this fine for a
    combo. Have fun with Sidewinder and Slugshot! Just make sure you don't get too
    much hate...

    n. Ranger/Dragoon
    Horrible, bad, please stop. See Warrior/Dragoon.

    N. Samurai
    The Samurai is there for one thing: weapon skills. These guys gain TP like
    crazy, and they're the leaders in skill chains. A very fun class...

    --a. Samurai/Warrior--
    Some nice stat and ability bonuses. As stated above, you'll be dishing out tons
    of weapon skills, so this combo helps in case you gain too much hate and have
    to take a few hits.

    --b. Samurai/Monk--
    Tons of damage and skills. Some monk abilities aren't useful, but you do get
    counter and some other interesting stuff. Prepare to dish out some damage and
    try not to take too much hate.

    --c. Samurai/Thief--
    More evasion and accuracy always helps. Since you may gather some hate when
    doing all those weapon skills, thief allows for some of that to be shed.

    d. Samurai/Black Mage
    No. See Warrior/Black Mage

    e. Samurai/White Mage
    Don't do it... See Warrior/White Mage

    f. Samurai/Red Mage
    Some buffs aren't worth it... See Warrior/Red Mage

    g. Samurai/Paladin
    Not useful either. See Warrior/Paladin.

    h. Samurai/Dark Knight
    Might give a bit more damage, but you're better off going with a Warrior sub.
    See Warrior/Dark Knight.

    i. Samurai/Summoner
    No-no. See Warrior/Summoner.

    j. Samurai/Bard
    Not too good. See Warrior/Bard.

    k. Samurai/Beast Master
    Again, no. See Warrior/Beast Master.

    l. Samurai/Ninja
    Dual wield is useless as you have a specialty in two-handed katanas. Ninjitsu
    doesn't help so much either, except maybe Blink in some situations. See

    m. Samurai/Ranger
    True, a Samurai does start out with some bow skills. However, it's really not
    enough to be useful, and you should stick with the giant katana. See

    n. Samurai/Dragoon
    Again, very bad. Don't worry, we'll get to the good Dragoons soon. If you want
    to be a Dragoon and a Samurai, be Dragoon/Samurai. See Warrior/Dragoon.

    O. Dragoon
    Dragoons have one main advantage: the wyvern. This little guy allows you to
    deal tons more damage. Always keep it handy, and try to keep it alive. Jumps
    aren't as useful as you may think, except for Super Jump, which gets rid of
    your hate. Very useful. Just remember, the wyvern does half your damage at
    every attack, and also unleashes some breath skills every time you use a weapon
    skill, or in other occasions sometimes...

    --a. Dragoon/Warrior--
    Good stat boosts and abilities. Pretty standard, and not a bad combo.

    b. Dragoon/Monk
    I suppose you would get some counters and HP, but it's really
    not worth it. Go for the Warrior sub.

    c. Dragoon/Thief
    More evasion, dexterity, surprise/faint attack, and more treasure and gil. Not
    bad. On the downside, you get less attack and defense(although Dragoons
    shouldn't take damage anyway).

    d. Dragoon/Black Mage
    Very bad, see Warrior/Black Mage. Haven't you learned this yet?

    e. Dragoon/White Mage
    Some people say that this is the best combo because you get healing breath from
    your dragon. It's not worth it. You'll be overlooked in parties, and your melee
    stats will be lower than normal. Besides, your dragon can get firebreath from
    other subs. See Warrior/White Mage

    f. Dragoon/Red Mage
    See Warrior/Red Mage. You may be able to enchant and enfeeble, but I'd still
    recommend a melee sub.

    g. Dragoon/Paladin
    Dragoons don't need defense or healing magic. See Warrior/Paladin. Random
    healing breath isn't that useful either.

    h. Dragoon/Dark Knight
    You will get an attack bonus, but no useful Dark Knight abilities. See
    Warrior/Dark Knight. Random healing breath isn't that useful either.

    i. Dragoon/Summoner
    Please, don't. See Warrior/Summoner

    j. Dragoon/Bard
    Not too good... Dragoons are attackers, not supporters. See Warrior/Bard.

    k. Dragoon/Beast Master
    Not good as well. See Warrior/Beast Master.

    l. Dragoon/Ninja
    You're using a two-handed spear so dual wield is useless. Ninjitsu and evasion
    isn't worth it. See Warrior/Ninja.

    m. Dragoon/Ranger
    Dragoons are close ranged. See Warrior/Ranger.

    --n. Dragoon/Samurai--
    One of the best Dragoon combos! Huge TP allows for multiple weapon skills such
    as the great Pentathrust, which will pile on damage. Great attacker. And you
    can use Super Jump to shed hate.

  • RobbgobbRobbgobb Member UncommonPosts: 674
    I haven't played yet but will when I get my PS2 hard drive. I say if you have friends that will group with you and help you do what will be interesting and fun then do it. So you might not be the best Dragoon because your sub job of Dark knight is not that great or you lose the wyrm if Dragoon is the sub. This is a game meant for fun. You would always have the warrior to fall back on as a sub job for times when you really needed to. I know that I might not be the best player when I get there and reach the levels necessary for the sub jobs or even before. I will play the way that makes it the most fun for me. Others might say that won't ever be able to have fun or find groups and if that is so then I guess FFXI is not for me. I think you should do what you want and I hope that you find some ppl who will give you ideas and advice that would help you enjoy playing that way even more.

  • Sensei_KaelsSensei_Kaels Member Posts: 277

    i think you should go ahead with drg/drk, because although you wont get war abilites you still get souleater, and 3(mebbe 2) attack ups from drk class, they hit very hard and would increase your dmg output.

    on the flipside, if you sub samurai you will get meditate which will help you gain tp really fast (main has to be lvl 60) and you can do alot of ws damage.

    also, if you sub theif, you get sneak attack, gil finder, treasure hunter, and trick atk. sa+pentathrust will do alot of damage, and you can lose the hate by using superjump.

    hope that helps.

  • AmericanZeroAmericanZero Member Posts: 15

    a general rule about advanced job classes is that they are better as main jobs. If you subbed DRG then you would lose the whole point of the job at all: the dragon. its a 2 hour ability that you only get with a main job. DRK is kinda the same idea. its a WAR with some black magic, lower def, and higher atk. If you subbed it, it wouldnt complement the DRG skills very well. better to go DRG/SAM or DRG/WAR. or if you want DRK go DRK/WAR or DRK/SAM.

    I only saw SAM as a sub job because of the massive TP gain. SAM is of course an awsome main job, but thats another topic.

    "We're kinda like 7-11, we're always open, we're just not always doing business." -Boondock Saints

    "We're kinda like 7-11, we're always open, we're just not always doing business." -Boondock Saints

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