I'm only a little hesitant to post this here seeing as how it's just a plug for my web site, but here goes.
I'm putting feelers out for the formation of a multi-game gaming group.
web site:
http://www.floatingbadger.com/Highcastle/Legionintro.htmIt focuses on gameplay, sportsmanship and combat (mostly) Of course I want people interested in joining. We're not currently involved in a game but we're thinking of Dark n Light and/or Darkfall (if it ever gets released) to start in. OTOH, I also want feedback from as many sources as I can, so take a look and let me know what you think either here or on the website forum for the group. I will let the web site speak for itself and take up no more of your time.
"Allegiance? I don't need your allegiance, boy. I need you to do what I tell you."
Not a good idea.
Jokes aside I like the ideology, i signed up to the forum's.
Thank you much although not much is going on right now except announcements...
In case anyone is interested in my particular brand of heresy, I'm compiling half-a**ed reviews of games I've tried and things I've heard about games I haven't gotten around to yet.
Not taking anything away from this fine site, just my own opinion.