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As there is no point in creating a new expansion money wise SOE brings on this event. Why? To sucker the vets of… lets see... 2 months worth of subs! Lets face it, there are not any new blood coming in to this game
The whole deal with this Restuss crap is to milk money out of the vets that are going to re-sub for June-July as long as this event will go on (this timeframe is just a guess on my part). After that the poor suckers will quit again when they realize the game is still the same shit they left after NGE launch but SOE has got their hands on money to prolong the suffering of the dying game
"There are two kinds of spurs, my friend. Those that come in by the door; those that come in by the window"
The Restuss event is basically a gimmick though, and yes, it likely will cause a TEMPORARY spike in subs, maybe actually get us back to 100K actual players for awhile (I don't for one SECOND believe the 190K number), but on the other hand, the awful UI of the awful combat downgrade 3 may cause people to unsub as fast as they resubbed...
Soon as it's over, and all that's left is the themepark stuff and everyone's already farmed it for their mando suits and mando LS hilts (take about a month) the numbers will start to slide again.
Sooner or later SWG is going to have to stand on it's own merits, not on expansions, not on one off live event gimmicks, but on the core gameplay. Which hasn't been able to do so for over half a year.
The theory that they cancelled the expansion due to a lack of money doesn't make much sense considering they're taking parts of the now cancelled expansion and putting it in for free
I meant the "development, packaging and releasing an expasion"-costs won't be covered by sales
EDIT: I forgot advertising costs
"There are two kinds of spurs, my friend. Those that come in by the door; those that come in by the window"
I for one had ZERO intention of buying another expansion.
Considering that other than the legacy quests, SOE hasn't added any FREE content to the game since 2004, I do believe they owed us one. This is the first free high end content added to the game since the DWB and the Corvette.
I for one had ZERO intention of buying another expansion.
Considering that other than the legacy quests, SOE hasn't added any FREE content to the game since 2004, I do believe they owed us one. This is the first free high end content added to the game since the DWB and the Corvette.
You still play the game don't you? If so, peer pressure from your guildmates would probably have made you buy it
They are adding this content for free instead of paid expansion because they dont want to have to refund money again like with ROTW. Not only that, but now they have an excuse for when it comes out all broken and worthless. People will cry, and the fanbois will say "ITS FREE!!"
Hail Darth Smedley
Second, we are getting a ton of new content and I'm not even sure what you are complaining about... that it exists in the first place? Would you rather have no new content, buggy and costly content, or buggy and free content? I think we're winning here. You are just making up excuses to complain about SOE. At least have the decency to give them credit when they do something good. Free content is something good.
Yeah but that crap is utterly worthless to the people that have been playing since the begining. Hence the frustration of veteran players with SOE. We simply don't matter you'll find that out soon enough when they screw you then you will be singing a different tune.
<ahref=""><img src="" width="450" height="34" /></a>
I am will not be milked. Silly battles and cities blowing up means NOTHING!
Wow, I can't believe I just read that. Considering a newbie station as worthy of a dozen DWBs is just stunning to me. How do you reason with attitudes like that? It's no wonder some people so vehemently defend what is now laughingly referred to as SWG. It's become an environment for the spoon-fed gamer, for somebody who cannot consider something fun unless there's rigid structure, limited content, and...less "reading".
As ye SOE, so shall ye weep.
It's not an expansion, because it essentially gives you nothing you don't already have.
Shayde - SWG (dead)
Proud member of the Cabal.
It sounds great, so great in fact, I pitty those who canceled - Some deluded SWG fanboi who pities me.
I don't like it when you say things. - A Vanguard fan who does too.
Wow, I can't believe I just read that. Considering a newbie station as worthy of a dozen DWBs is just stunning to me. How do you reason with attitudes like that? It's no wonder some people so vehemently defend what is now laughingly referred to as SWG. It's become an environment for the spoon-fed gamer, for somebody who cannot consider something fun unless there's rigid structure, limited content, and...less "reading".
I said the newbie station AND legacy quests. The newbie station featured a completely new environment and a new space zone, not to mention new voice overs and a dozen or so quests. The legacy quests add in about a dozen or so dungeons to the game, not to mention non-dungeon POIs, a hundred or so quests, and a couple pieces of unique equipment.
I said nothing about "reading" or spoon fed. I only said that the legacy quests and newbie station represented SIGNIFICANT FREE CONTENT, which it does, even if you don't choose to participate in it.
I think the new battlecry for the former SWG players should be "All your Executives are belong to prison!".
As ye SOE, so shall ye weep.
Sorry but SOE doesnt deserve a pat on the back for this.
Lets be clear, they arent doing this out of the kindness of their hearts. The expansion was already being worked on when it was cancelled. The PR suits decide then to take the parts that are mostly complete and package it up as one good PR stunt
They then tell the community they have decided to concentrate on fixing the game and giving you free content LOL.
The reason the expansion was cancelled of course is there simply arent enough players left to cover the costs plus any profit.
How is a linear quest that is nothing but drive to other side of planet, kill x amount of creatures, come back and repeat better than the Death Watch bunker, which in it's glory day was the elite area where a full group could still get owned relatively easy? not to mention almost all (if not all) of the legacy quest is soloable. The newbie station is stupid honestly. SWG has never been good at providing starter content. EQ2's trial on the isle for example was one of the best noobie zones I have ever seen.
SOE knows what you like... You don't!
And don't forget... I am forcing you to read this!
Umm sorry, the new legacy quests are absolutely horrible. They are static mission terminal missions and nothing more. I don't think they get an ounce of credit for that, I wanna see some quality and effort before I give them credit for content.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
Agreed Fadeus. I've always found the "We're questing, not grinding!" argument rather amusing. Running around killing worts for NPC X, Y, or Z in Mos Eisley for X amount of whatever is different from killing bols on Dant how? Quests have a storyline? So did the mission terms, of a sort. Grind is grind, no matter the game.
So'fe Sose, Naritus, SWG- Forcibly Retired
Friends don't let friends SWG...
The low end legacy quests re-define that to a whole new level though. They don't even TRY to make you feel the setting of the quest. It's always literally some mobs named to whatever they should be for the quest and you kill them or so many of them and then repeat. I mean a COMPLETE lack of creative thinking.
And before someone pipes in and says they get alittle better at higher levels, I don't pay to just play the high levels. I pay to play all levels as a game, with the intent on having FUN.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
So'fe Sose, Naritus, SWG- Forcibly Retired
Friends don't let friends SWG...
Come on Obraik, didn't you read my reply when you asked this question erlier in this thread?
"There are two kinds of spurs, my friend. Those that come in by the door; those that come in by the window"