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You all should enjoy this. It would appear that C&B really is as big of a fraud as Farlan/NP3 is.
I attempted to cancel my Pioneer order and as I mentioned before was told that I "dont' have an account with C&B" in an email that they sent to my registered email account (boggle).
Well cut to the chase, I contacted my CC and they did a charge back against C&B since C&B refused to abide by the credit laws of the U.S. I added them to my formal complaint as a co-conspirator to the FBI for internet crime / fraud.
So today I get the following email:
Your Click&Buy® user name is:
Your Click&Buy® customer number is: xxxxxx (remember they said I don't have an account)
Dear Customer,
We regret to inform you that our records show that you attempted to
make fraudulent use of our payment system
We will inform law enforcement and legal authorities of the attempted
fraud on your part.
Upon completion of investigations, we will take legal action against
you for compensatory damages deriving from this infringement.
If this information is the result of a misunderstanding, please contact
us by telephone at 1-877-CLICKBUY or send an email to
With best regards,
Your Click&Buy® Customer Care Team
Well I put 2 and 2 together and came up with 5, they tried to charge my account for the price of the game and ended up with a negative balance of $59.99. They are apparently so ignorant that they don't even know they had a charge back hence my account would be at zero of course and my CC won't honor their requests for a charge.
They really are as bad as the clueless fools at Farceland/NP2. Now we know why F/N didn't use someone large and legit such as PayPal to collect funds for the game. The big boys would have dropped them like a hot potato as soon as they got wind of their scam.
I hope they do "take legal action" this will be very interesting when I sue them for everything that they are worth and shut their candy asses down.
I guess they figure that they can bully people into doing things their way, but then this is totally like Farlan / NP3 and really most MMORPG companies
So many players are brain dead morons with no concept of real life that will roll over and eat shit wrapped bacon all the while calling it Filet Mingon.
I miss DAoC
I love that generic closer. "We will send investigators after you and throw you in jail. With best regards."
I can do that too:
Dear <name>:
I hope you fall down and break your *&!$ing neck you jackass.
Wishing you the best,
I actually had a great experince with C&B when I was getting my refund last January.
When I called them I got in contact with a person with-in 5 minutes, they was VERY Polite and Helpful and everythign went smooth.
Got my Refund in my bank a week or 2 later.
Not sure where you are located but I am in NY, USA.
But ya, sorry man and best of luck.
My Sager 5760 Review
rofl yea Farlan is telling them and they are a freaking Idiots, its nice to see all those assumptions ...
Mybe gnomad just BS or god knows what he do ... all those refounds and the example gnomad posted never surfaced ...
Futilez[Do You Have What It Takes ?]
IK why don't you talk about the game
Remember article one (or two or whatever) in the fanboi handbook
When all else fails, insult the people!
Mybe couse the topic is : C&B and Farlans new "legal threat" tactic.
But hey if you say it need to be about the game.
p.s. Nothing personal to gnomad, it was just one of possible options to such unique situation and mybe Iam wrong and tomorow or in next few days more and more of same threat tactics will resurface.
Futilez[Do You Have What It Takes ?]
rofl yea Farlan is telling them and they are a freaking Idiots, its nice to see all those assumptions ...
Mybe gnomad just BS or god knows what he do ... all those refounds and the example gnomad posted never surfaced ...
very easily done IK. Farlan could be telling C&B there is no account. In the mess they had with the ordering and then the mass requests for refunds and the fact that Farlan tried to send back emails to ppl telling them no they couldnt have a refund while at the same time the confirmation for refund was being recieved from C&B and their money refunded and the mass of reports of account doesnt exist from Farlan themselves (not talking about the ingame bug) as well as C&B, I wouldnt doubt that farlan is saying there is no account with them.There obviously was a "lets check these accounts and confirm we both have the same thing" going on, it was obvious some kind of account check.(if there wasnt then shame again on both companies) I dont know what happened other than it was a cluster of mistakes. As I said before, the CC company wouldnt have issued a chargeback if their records indicated otherwise. So whatever happened between Farlan and C&B, I would not doubt that the records for both were/are extremely messed up.
I could post the other emails showing where they tried to charge me $59.99 again within minutes of the post I pasted above but didn't see the need.
Cholayna, it is C&B that says I don't have an account but sends email to my account address listing my account number in the email. That is very sophmoric for a company that supposedly handles a large amount of transactions.
Anyway no biggie, I have come to expect anything where Farceland/NP and Clueless & Bogus are involved. I added them to my report to so let the feds deal with them.