I would like to make a guild that can be combined, like 1 half of the guild is a guild and the other half is a guild.
I was thinking of the name to be Scouts Of Telon.
Any people wanna be the other half of the guild, it will be kinda the same name cos i know you cant have the same name.
Or i just wanna make a guild with TWO leaders, so the guild would be really good cos while im offline the other person could take over.
so any requests on that, does anyone wanna be the other leader, if so we should have a talk about who is making a website, i just cant find anything for a forum that i actually understand to go on the website.
But anyway who wants to be the other leader of Scouts Of Telon.
I personally as a guild leader would never want to give up my leadership to someone i have never teamed or played with in a game. That person would ahve to show me how he leads before i let him have the reigns.. the other issue with that is that the guild structure that is in place for the otehr may play havoc with your leadership..
just something to chew on