I must say that the talk on the forums have left me somewhat confused. Dark and Light really looks sweet in all aspects. From a non-beta-player-perspective that is of course. And yes, I have seen every post here screaming how crappy the game is. And yes, you folks are probably right. Still, Dark and Light have a rating over 6 here (maybe that is rockbottom). That rating would suggest a average game.
So, is there anything good about this game at all?
Nope, that's it.
Bite me, Turbine.
the rating is a 6.somethign because its an average of all the votes over its history
Previously the hype rating was among the top
My Sager 5760 Review
It's giving me a hell of a good laugh. Beyond that no.
That hype meter is 3500 votes over a long period of time, back to when it was just a bunch of jotted down ideas on a piece of paper. Wait till the 5th and the hype meter is reset to a rating meter and see what it gets.
Don't believe me though, I'm just a train wreck rubbernecker. Just looking at the official forum posts will tell you how bad it is. Those are pioneers, those from way back when who paid extra for it when it was still a bunch of ideas. These are the types of people that usually stick with their game no matter what, the type in SWG that played from day one and still play hoping just around the next patch everything will be wonderful. These people are saying it's crap.
The end.
Are you that idiotic?!?!?
EVERYONE knows that D&L is perfect!
Its everyone else playing the game and their Sub-Par PC Systems that are the cause of the issues!
Didn't ANY of you read the post by a CEO of Farlan, This launch of D&L "came out without a hitch"!
You think someone of his stature would LIE to the public?!?!?!
And while I am at it.
There are no tanks in Baghdad!!!
We are winning the war here in Iraq and our great leader President Saddam Hussein is well and still in charge of our beloved country Iraq!
/M.S.S. split-personality off
Whoa, where that come from.
Sorry must have been all this bad crap I been eating up lately.
Sorry about that.
My Sager 5760 Review
I swear weg HAS to be a troll's alt.
I've contemplated starting a topic here called "Okay which one of you is weg"
I regret saying this as I think it's bad karma to throw dirt on others but my God is he or she for real?