"George Lucas' LucasFilm production company today announced that they have signed Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, and Carrie Fisher to make the next and final installment in the 'Star Wars' movie series, tentatively titled 'Jedi Academy.' Episode 7 follows the life of Luke Skywalker as he struggles to rebuild the Jedi Order following the defeat of the Emperor, the destruction of the Death Star (really this time), and the death of his father, Anakin Skywalker.
"In a statement issued by Mr. Lucas, he cited the exceptional opportunity to bring closure to the series because 'luckily, the principal actors are all still alive' and were 'now at the right age for the time period of the film.'"
(No, it's not real, but it'd be cool, and you gotta know the thought's crossed his mind.
As ye SOE, so shall ye weep.
Dude! not cool! I was all OMG then I saw it was a joke. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.
But like you say it would be cool.
Lothor Crestingwalker
Subbed 7-19-03
Cancelled various times
I hate the NGE
As ye SOE, so shall ye weep.
i wish i had a rabbit
decided not to make the last 3. If he did, however, it's true what Vexin says- It would be about Luke rebuilding the Jedi Order, but eventually turning bad himself.
I could not take another 3 star wars movies I would just have to miss them or catch them on DVD.
In America I have bad teeth. If I lived in England my teeth would be perfect.
Whatever storytelling magic Lucas had poofed sometime after the last Indiana Jones movie. The Star Wars prequels were so bad one would think they were written by someone who had no idea what Star Wars was. Which is very sad since Lucas wrote both original and prequels.
Between the mess that is SWG, the awful prequels and that 90% of star wars console games suck. I think Lucas needs to either (1) retire or (2) go to film school.
EP3 was only good for about 10 minutes and if you saw it in the theatre you could see the quality change for the single real around the transformation....followed by a drop in quality immediately after the scene finished. Not a lot of effort was put into the rest of the movie at all IMO. Saw it once in a theatre, most likely won't again until it is on TV or something.
The orginals were good because they didn't have the budget the new ones had. Lets face it, bankruptcy breeds creativity. It also wasn't trying to be perfect and those little errors and such are what make it fun. Watching something perfect is boring and flat.