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xDivianaDRxxDivianaDRx Member Posts: 239

So I was just talking to my boyfriend and we both agree.

Eve had to have "borrowed" the ideas for the game from Escape Velocity.

If you are unfamiliar with EV, it is an old space game made by Ambrosia in 1996 and EVE is almost completely identical in every way, except for one thing. EVE has real people to play with (oh and better graphics but who cares).

I wonder if anyone else has come to the same conclusions.. EV is only made for the mac, but you can try the slightly newer one (98 I think) EV Nova.

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  • Nu11u5Nu11u5 Member Posts: 597

    Originally posted by xDivianaDRx
    So I was just talking to my boyfriend and we both agree.

    Eve had to have "borrowed" the ideas for the game from Escape Velocity.
    If you are unfamiliar with EV, it is an old space game made by Ambrosia in 1996 and EVE is almost completely identical in every way, except for one thing. EVE has real people to play with (oh and better graphics but who cares).

    I wonder if anyone else has come to the same conclusions.. EV is only made for the mac, but you can try the slightly newer one (98 I think) EV Nova.

    The computer game Elite has EV beat by, ..oh, only 12 years!

    Elite (Computer Game) - Wikipedia

    That type of game is commonly known as "Space Traders", though they often feature various forms of combat as well. There were even various incarnations of these games years before Elite debuted back in 1984, but it was Elite that actually brought the features together and is generally recognised for creating the genre as we know it today.

    The EVE Devs has stated many times that Elite was the major influence in creating their game, and one has written an article musing over the good old days when a program could have 3D (wire-frame) graphics, a dynamic game world, real time controls and physics, and still fit on a floppy disk at under 300kb in size.

    Dev Article: "Elite: The First Genesis"

    edit: ok, so I made up the '300kb' number. The original Elite was a mere 22kb in size! The 'demo scene' has nothing on 1980's game programing.

    //insert sig here
  • skawnskawn Member Posts: 30
    Even Frontier (elite 2) only came on one floppy - the second was just for savegames!
  • SobaManSobaMan Member Posts: 384

    Wait... you mean to tell me Sci-Fi games share the same themes and ideas?!  NONSENSE!!

    Star Trek, Star Wars, Stargate (SG-1), The Last Star Fighter... hell... even those names have something in common.  It's Sci-Fi.  Eve went with familar aspects and names to save on explainations and such.  Name a Sci-Fi storyline that doesn't involve light speed.  They're all different and yet they're all the same.  With the exceptions of the "Imporobabilty Drive" and the "Somebody Else's Problem Drive," Science Fiction tends to rest on the same basic ideas.

    If it wasn't for past Sci-Fi... you wouldn't know what Warp Drive was, but since previous Sci-Fi has used this concept before, you know what it is with very little explaination.

    We can agree to disagree, or we can bicker constantly... either way, I'm right.
    There are two types of people in this world - people that suck... and me.
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