I'm currently looking for a new game to play and I could use some opinions. I've searched for a good review all over the Internet but all I could find was poor excuses why not to buy this game and super optimistic reviews telling that you should buy this game immidiately. I'm not the one to know where the good reviews are at so I figured I'd ask the players instead.
So, I've been playing WoW for like a year and a half now, I've basically done everything in my grasp in that game, I dislike the game because you have to be in a good guild to be able to do some major instances and get better equipment, and the chances that you'll get into a good guild are low. WoW is too equipment based, I hate that, and that is the reason why I want to quit WoW. So what I'm looking for is a new MMORPG.
I've read all over the Internet that RFO isn't anywhere like WoW, and that's exactly what I'm looking for I guess. So I happened to come across this 10-days trial to RFO, lucky for me, so I tried the game, my first impression wasn't that great, I played 1-2 hours then got tired of the game, later on one of my mates found this trial too and he had played to like lvl 15 and he encouraged me to give the game another chance. So I logged in and played for like 10 hours or so and the more I played the better the game became, I started to like this game. Now, the reason why I am unsure about this game is because I've only reached lvl17 with my character, and I want to know if the game will become better. I've read about these major PvP battles, I'm not really sure about it but it seems interesting to try out, I'm a big fan of PvP.
Also there are some other things I'm unsure about, there are like these PT things (Points if I'm not wrong) that makes your skill with melee weapons, ranged weapons and so on greater, could anyone tell me more about this system? I've only read a short description about it.
I'm really looking forward for some great opinions from you guys!
Send a PM to Ziant on the Spirit server, Accretia. I recently re-activated my account and started all over again.
Sweet, that's all I wanted to know about the game, gonna get it A.S.A.P. I will look forward into playing this game much more.