“Dark and Light” as I see it.
This game need a lot of work but I feel it will be worth the work. And the ones that put the time in will be rewarded for all the trouble.
The Game is playable and fun the Real fight is about to start with everyone grabbing there land and then trying to hold on to it. This is what the game is all about.
There are bugs and there is lag for most people. Most are getting fixed.
The bugs that stop you from getting in game is the ones that make people hate the game.
The fact that if you send in a bug report that the reply people get from Farlan saying they do not have a account.
And they know they do have an account and know they have paid. And there reply is you do not have an account or have not paid for one.
Lets you know that Farlan Head is so far up its cow it can’t see the light of day.
Yes I love the idea of this game and there are more bugs with farlan and the choice in payment system is the worst.
But hell yes the game is worth all this.
The game and what it will be and what it is now is worth playing its worth upgrading your computer to play.(read more at the bottom)
Yes I know all these bugs are a pain in the COW. And if Farlan does now work on there problems with the Accounting, public relations and Customer service a lot of people will not even get to try the game.
What is good about the “Dark and Light”.
You can see so far in the distance and even if it looks like a back drop. Its not you can fly there and find mobs there and even build a fort there.
Even if the character does not look as cool as some games but when you put on your armor it’s a real peace of armor its NOT a totally new character. It’s your character with an item put on. You can see his flesh in the places where the armor does not fit together.
The flying is cool yes it is a Dragon flight simulator and a lot more.
The combat system at first does not look complicated but the more you look at what it is the more you see that what there doing with it and the more you see it is more complicated and when everything is working it will be a vary good system.
Player customization (how your character looks) is not really in the game yet and it will be with an update after all the other problems are fixed.
There is a lot you can do with your Characters skills and Abilities.
This game in time I see it being the best MMO out. (With a few updates here and there)
drop. Its not you can fly there and find mobs there and even build a
fort there.
And that's what makes a truly great MMORPG.
Originally posted by DeadDOG
But hell yes the game is worth all this.
The game and what it will
be and what it is now is worth playing its worth upgrading your
computer to play.(read more at the bottom)
Upgrading your computer for?
- Better hardware won't make up for bad coding, DnL is Memory Leak, Memory Leak is DnL.
Maybe I fail to understand what's so great about DnL throughout your post due to your bad English, it can't be helped, it's not my native tounge either.
Farlan almost fooled me though, I had spare amount of money I was going to throw away on becoming a pioneer but Click And Buy would not recognize my address.
"<Claus|Dev> i r pk"
Yes you can fly a dragon, so? You can fly a yalm in AO and a few other games are adding flight features as well. The flight is the best part of this game hands down.
Terrain is nice but all the rest of the graphics are dated and blocky don't take my word for it compare screens of DnL vs other MMO's released in the last year or scheduled to release. You will be amazed at the level of difference in overall graphic quality, it would be only fair to compare this game vs the games that charge a premium price for thier product but you can find examples even in the free MMO market that have better overall graphics than DnL.
Character customization is just so lacking its a deal breaker before most people enter the world. If you log in for the first time and have little control over what your character looks like and no matter what you do it looks ugly it gives you a good idea of what to expect in game. You only get one chance to make a first impression and the one made here isnt good.
Combat is boring plain and simple. They use the same combat system as everyone else and yet somehow its much much worse. Aside from the alarming amount of show stopping bugs this is one of the areas that stands out as the worst. You may ask why, well when a games content is going to be 90% player driven with PvP and KvK then your going to want a robust and polished combat system to engage the players. PvP with broken, useless and ugly skills and animations wont cut it.
As I mentioned before the game is riddled with bugs, many of which have been there since before beta started and were identified yet not taken care of. A few are acceptable but so many are game breaking bugs that it makes one wonder what they did spend thier time on. If they wern't fixing the bugs,
improving the combat system, updating the graphics for everything besides terrain and neglecting the character customization then where did they spend thier time?
Quests are mostly broken with quest mobs not in game yet or confusing directions leading to the quest being all but useless unless a miracle happens and you happen to stumble across the right mob/area.
Granted they are patching often but the patches break more than they fix. You can find many many threads about various aspects of the game that were working before a patch and stopped after a patch. This is not limited to just in game features being broken by patching but will often cause a new crop of players to be unable to even log in and play with every patch they release.
These are just a few of the things wrong with this game I am sure you could hunt down quite a few more in various other posts. Take into account in a fair manner the overall development time of this game and compare it to other games that have even half that amount of time invested in them and DnL simply wont stack up. There are quite a few examples of games that had a much shorter development life and have been in release for a much shorter overall amount of time yet they are much more polished and functional, DnL doesnt just lack polish it is broken in almost every way and these are fundamental flaws in the code. There is no easy fix here the problems are legion and even if you give them wiggle room for the sheer scope of this game it still fails to measure up to the product that should be in front of us.
I have to wonder now if people who are praising this game on various forums are just "shills" asked by Farlan to go out and give positive reviews etc.
Not saying the OP is a shill, just that I now suspect every positive post; just like I suspect every negative post that simply bashes the game without giving reasons why.
I have to guess (yes guess) that Farlan does employ Shills. From reading the boards it seems they are much more accepted in Europe.
That made me think back to my Air Force days.. Flying into Italy we'd walk the streets of a city to be met by men that acted like friends. They told us about the best place to eat in the city. if you went with them (hey, I was drunk), they took you to a cellar "restaurant" and fed you ok food and crappy wine.. then charged out the arse..
This is one time where i think the cultural difference may play a part..
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Well hitting every halfass positiive post with the "shill" stick is a new low for the trolls, it's not enough to be attacking the game, but now it's the fans.
Even if there is a shill out there (no proof), what about all the honest fans getting done in by this smear campain? Thats got to be actual shilling
Btw to the OP thanks for the review
Now back to your usual program
^Sheesh where did that come from?
Yeah I've been called lots of things to shut me up, but I roll with it, sad to see your another one
PS: Just thinking on it, it appears people are so convinced they are right, that "anything" said to the contry must be lies
Please note you did not list a single positive feature of the game.. For why, please refer to the previous post..
I have no desire to shut you up.. Just like Seph and MrsButterworth you do all that needs done to sink the game.
We list the faults.. FPS, Unbalanced classes, XP rate, crafting, pioneer vs newbs, transports, features promised but not included, sparce MOBs of level to hunt, armor decay that exceeds logic, food costs more than armor (bread is 10X breastplate cost).. the list goes on..
You defend nothing and just say we are haters. We hate what farlan did to a great concept. We hate that some people will support total crap in the hopes others might put money into their pet project. We hate that game companies might think this steaming pile is an acceptable launch code..
Go buy or borrow a D&L account before you start attacking those that actually played the game.
My Sager 5760 Review
He makes several very good points; you don't play the game, you talk of features so list what's in-game and working etc.
So instead of trying to divert the actual facts of the matter and turn the post around as an offensive stab at your choice to voice, how about choosing to voice some answers to his questions?
I mean look at it realistically mate.
You don't play the game. You officially have no idea at all what it's like in-game. You talk as though you actually have experience playing the game. Yet you do not.
The only other explanation for this could be that you're actually a Dev who uses a 'dud' account name on forums to promote the game.
Well, look at it from our point of view. You have no experience whatsoever, yet you defend the game like you have a personal interest in it.
If you DO have some sort of personal investment in the game, isn't it only fair that you put up and shut up and actually SUPPORT the Devs by buying the game and subscribing?
Until you start paying to play, supporting DnL, you are a shill, when all is said and done and weighed up. You have no credibility when you try to speak over people with valid in-game experience with your assumptions. You are blindly supporting a game that you yourself admit you will not pay for at this time.
Do you not see your complete hypocracy?
And as such, will you please actually answer Galaxy's very valid post rather than taking on the "Oh mummy, he called me a swear word!" double-take, hey look over there and run away tactic.
If you will not answer his questions and respond in turn to his valid points, you are pretty much admitting to being a shill for Farlan.
"(The) Iraqi people owe the American people a huge debt of gratitude." - George W Bush.
Oh. My. God.
*Edited for clarity*
i posted what i think about the game. and am i get attacked by people that want cake.
get off you ass and make your own game. we will all be there and all the trolls will be too.
i have hope for Dark and Light.
if you still getting that money from SOE to slam this game then keep on slaming but you will see me in game i am sure. and when you do be ready.
here is another post by me also just to show you who i am.
But yeah, you go boy, support the underdog; even if it is a mongrel dog that's been hit by a road-train.
I am interested in this comment though:
"i posted what i think about the game. and am i get attacked by people that want cake."
What exactly are you saying here, "people that want cake"? You're criticising people for expecting a finished game?
I presume English isn't your first language, so will not criticise wrong use of a metaphor or anything, but am just wondering what you mean by your comment?
Are you saying people shouldn't be expecting a polished, finished game when the game goes Live? A game they've paid good money for?
"(The) Iraqi people owe the American people a huge debt of gratitude." - George W Bush.
Oh. My. God.
have you even played a new released MMO before?
to name a Few EQ, EQ2, SWG,
all had alot of problems and still do.
and they have a large team of Dev's working on them.
so when a small group makes a game your going to hammer them?
I miss DAoC