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What do you think so far: HO

MiNaAuMiNaAu Member Posts: 382

I was lucky to be on the game early enough to get good names for my characters which I think is quite important (the IGNs), When I logged into the game i was a bit confused because there was no beginner trainer and no one to tell you what to do but the game is easy to understand once you try it out and its actually quite fun when you do some quests.

At first it was hard to get a good killing spot to level up because there was so many people trying to level up at once, for once I wasn't a low level noob because everyone was a level 1 as well . After fighting for spots and creeps to kill I finally leveled up enough to get to high level places and less crowed places though there was still loads of people fighting over who was going to kill a boar. I'm writing this while the servers are down for maintenance. I quickly found out that horses cost quite a lot to buy and I wouldn't be getting one soon, I'm still not very clear about the skill system though and the class system, hope the fighting over monsters to kill will die down soon, it was hard to kill a monster without getting killstolen (not that I didn't do some killstealing myself)

Sorry about a long post and me rambling on endlessly which may well have bored you to death by now but what I'm trying to say is that you should give the game a try (that's all).

Vote on my poll and bye!!



  • Rayth3onRayth3on Member UncommonPosts: 146

    Not what i expected.... but i rather play Runescape.

    But for those who have't tried give it a try.


  • JenuvielJenuviel Member Posts: 960

    I'm in the process of downloading the client now, though I'd be interested to hear whether or not it is solely a click-to-move game like most Korean titles, or if they've included a WASD movement system to make the game more appealing to western players.

  • DarkCauseDarkCause Member Posts: 6

    Cant say really by time I got to load the site after several attempts i finally dl the client only to see it already got a server fix matenice goin on til 14:00 PST now im waiting lol. Thought id end up mot playing much cause im about to the point and tired of pvp or giuld v guild games i just find something to do lol.

    But unlike other guy i still couldnt go back to RS played it for way to long...

  • BlicriddBlicridd Member UncommonPosts: 27
    just changed to 16:00 pst...

  • fulmanfufulmanfu Member Posts: 1,523

    still d/l too.

    one thing i have to chime in about though, if you really do have a truly 'good' ign you usualy dont have to worry about rushing in and saving it.

  • DarkCauseDarkCause Member Posts: 6

    Originally posted by Ak_QuiCk
    just changed to 16:00 pst...

    Yea went from 14:00 to 15:00 then 16:00 PST they cant make their minds up can they. After seenin the clip it look slike Legend of Ares and Silkroad mixed...
  • DarkCauseDarkCause Member Posts: 6
    DB Post
  • koolaidohyakoolaidohya Member Posts: 10

    the beta started to it and i am enjoying the game so far. the world looks really nice and the fighting fast paced.

  • gizard89gizard89 Member UncommonPosts: 89
    It's kinda cool for me.Even though it's just clicking,the slahing moves and skills are beautifully executed.But i hope i wont get bore of it soon xD
  • beachnerd07beachnerd07 Member Posts: 1
    I relaly liked it, very impressed by what i saw and played. better then most asian mmorpgs. I can understand why some ppl dont like it, but hey I like it and thats all it matters, if you havent played it yet, I would give it a try. Theres never any harm in trying a free game. have fun!!!

  • HalcaneHalcane Member UncommonPosts: 38
    i like it only problem i had was the lag and how i couldn't customize my character fully(like face and skin wise)

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  • MiNaAuMiNaAu Member Posts: 382
    there was loads of lag yesterday, probably because of all the people trying to play at once. I wanted more to customize my character more too but there wasn't an option, due to that most people looked the same when the game started, they should have at least have a number of different clothes you could choose from so you don't have hundreds of other people that look like you!
  • klaxtinklaxtin Member Posts: 20
    well this is what i think so far, it isnt half bad game at ill, though im not impressed im not disapointed either, i hate click to move, which is the number one turn off for me, and there should be a trainer mode or something, i mean you can figure alot out on your on, but would be nice if there was a tutorial to atleast explain what the buttons are and how you use things, but i know its closed beta so im guessing the instruction booklet will tell you alot of that stuff, the character creatation is really lame, everyone looks identical, be nice if there was alittle custumization there, but if it was move by arrows or aswd instead of point and click i would probbly play this game for awhile, far, so good

  • koolboiz05koolboiz05 Member Posts: 10
    hey guys how did u guys get into tplz helphe game....wen i clik play game its liek nutin happen...u guys hav any idea?
  • KruniacKruniac Member Posts: 132

    28% as of this post say the game blows harder than Mount St. Helens. I agree.

    I played Legend Of Ares, looking for a way to pass the time until Roma Victor comes out. I still am trying to forget that mistake of a game.

    Hero Online is Legend Of Ares with an Asian flavor. It makes me ache all over like the bird flu. Dont play it folks - it aint worth its price.

  • JosedonjuanJosedonjuan Member Posts: 8

    this is the best free game i've played so far. people complain about the depth and variety, but remember it's a FREE GAME! you cannot expect it to compare to a games developed with millions for dollar budgets.

  • Rayth3onRayth3on Member UncommonPosts: 146

    K, iam done with HO.... got to 18...this game has more grinding than SRO, other than that its aight.

    Go paly to 18 Phyco grinding.


  • WyrdWyrd Member Posts: 9
    The incredible amount of lag is enough to make me reconsider playing it -_-.
  • Fabled1Fabled1 Member Posts: 44
    Yeah I think it was better than most cookite-cutter asian MMROPGs, the point and click took some getting used to but i got it, and grinding is hmm like most MMOs, you can start to tell after the 1st Dan, up till then it doesnt feel like grinding, i was having lot of fun watching the nice animations, the only complete turn off I had was the POT SPAMMING i didnt like it in RFonline and any other MMOs, and I dont like it here, actually there no point in grouping (so far im about to hit my 2nd Dan) all you have to do is stock up on some pots, and not many because the mobs drop quite a few, and you on. you can take on a ton of mobs just sitting there pot-spamming, takes alot away form the game :(

    - SWG Refugee (Xenocaw Metteec , SF Server)
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  • NotoriousXNotoriousX Member UncommonPosts: 197
    its a good game but for those who said it is like "silkroad" ...i think silkroad its way better (and for free mmorpg always)

    Tormented echoes of a fallen Eden
    I longed for her beauty
    Yet from dust, she returned
    The dream, an enigma.... silent


  • TheRedDreadTheRedDread Member UncommonPosts: 158
    The trailer got me exicted, but when you actually go on the game, it wasn't what I expected. Seems like a cheap version of Silkroad, don't think I'll play it again.

  • MrEvilDrMrEvilDr Member Posts: 84
    Can someone please explain to me where to find it and what the game is called, please?
  • MiNaAuMiNaAu Member Posts: 382 is the game website, I never liked silkroad because there was always so much lag. Does silkroad still have lag? Hero is annoying because they always open the servers only at 7:00pm tp 7:00am and not any other time! I just find that annoying.

  • OldKnightOldKnight Member Posts: 235

    Hey guy's You know I kinda enjoy this game because after A hard day's work and you realy dont want to play final fantasy xi or silkroad this game kinda fits the mood but yes I do believe it needs lot's of improvement, and if it hasn't improved in About one month or so then I will probally quit playing it Also how do you recieve a pet on the game?

          It is realy hard when people are cutting wolves to pieces and getting stuff off the ground and screaming at their highest toungue to ask them somthing about the game so im gonna ask you guys here where it's all nice and quite, but I think it is A decent game and you all should give it a try it is kinda fun once you get the hang of it.

      Well if your pc can handle the enourmous number of files and thing's you must download. The one think I believe they should change about the game is the lagging and also more ways to look diffrent than everyone else it's like your clones out there! but their all korean! lol

                                  Sincerly, OldKnight

                                    Tbadventure Administrator

  • MiNaAuMiNaAu Member Posts: 382

    To all those people that says the game is grinding, the game wouldn't be grinding if you bothered to do some of the quests thats been set to make the game more interesting! As whoever it was said, what do you expect? It's a free game and it's still on beta. However I still don't think that netgame should have started HO beta so soon after LoA launched, they hardly done any work on that game! I can't wait for Yulgang Online to come out though, apparently it's a really good game.

    Does SRO still have so much lag that you can't play?

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