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methane47methane47 Member UncommonPosts: 3,694
Hey guys I was just reading your comics that you have up and I started thinking. Why dont you guys use comics from The Noob Comic.

It's a comic which started pretty recently and it's about the adventures of a young guy first name Oh For F. last name Sake, in the wonderful world of Cliche Quest.

This comic is especially great because it's ABOUT an MMO!!! And they make fun of MMO's in a very light hearted way. I think it would be perfect for the site and it would incite some good conversation.

here's a couple examples of the strips...

here's another

Sorry for the language.. But the curse words in this comic are FEW and farbetween.

What's your Wu Name?
Donovan --> Wu Name = Violent Knight
Methane47 --> Wu Name = Thunderous Leader
"Some people call me the walking plank, 'cuz any where you go... Death is right behind you.."

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