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Just wondering if anyone is playing/trying this out, and what their thoughts are on it? I am currently playing it, and it seems to have potential to be like ultima online in my opinion. It is free to play a basic account, only cost is for a premium account, which enables a higher skill cap. The graphics are decent, and there alot of skills to master, although raising them can be tedious at time. The game revolves alot around community, therefore you will be able to acquire what you need alot quicker working with a group. Most everything in game is player created, from swords to houses, to the nails holding the houses together. You can construct a village with guards, which basically gives you rule over an area of land in which you can do what you like with. There are servers, 1 wild, and one called home. Wild is free for call, kill anyone, do anything you like. Home is a toned down version of wild, where killing and stealing is allowed, but within limits. Now I am not hailing this as the next WoW, UO, or EQ, its not, and far from it. I would say it is one of those niche games where if you like crafting, working with others, and perhaps pvp, you may enjoy it. The only problem really is the lack of people playing. The game has been gold 2 weeks now, and unfortunately the server pop has declined since then. I dont know if that decline is to do with people not liking the game, or the learning curve. Learning the game can be tough at the start, but after a few days you pick it up, especially if you are working with other players. I am not trying to hype this game up or anything, just merely trying to create awareness of it. Hell, I want more people to play with. So if anyone would like to check it out, the address is and if you do try it out and have questions, feel free to PM me ingame, same name in the forums here as in Wurm. |
its just one of the ultimates in sand box-iness. even more so than EVE online. and as we all know that the majority of people don't like EVE online, and it would appeal to more/less,hard to tell, people since the Devs took the traditional LvL gain thing for MMOs. it doesn't seem like LvL grind if you play the game "correctly" though you can grind skills and in some cases will want.
I find it amazing that by 2020 first world countries will be competing to get immigrants.