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Horizon Players

You people that play horizons, do you really enjoy it? i waited for that game for 4 months and quit before 30 day trial.....i hated the multiclassing system.  There were absolutly no groups cause everybody multiclasses as a cleric so they could heal themselves.  Well i am in dire need of a MMORPG. Playing PS right now but i dont consider that a RPG.  Just tell me how HZ is doing.  What has changed? what has been added? what has been removed? whats going on?!


  • ianubisiianubisi Member Posts: 4,201

    People in my guild group all the time. And I see plenty of groups all the time. Every new MMOG I've seen has a period of exploration when there is a new release or a new expansion...and people tend to clam up in solo play or tiny groups so they can find the best camp, best loot, best whatever. Once people get an idea where they expect things are they tend to look for more effecient ways to approach it. I saw this happen with every EQ release, and I've heard of it happening in other games. I believe it is normal, if not an interesting phenomenon.

    If you are not a crafter, keep waiting a while longer. The war with the WA really hasn't begun yet, and I couldn't tell you when it would. There are still a few nagging problems here and there. If you want to get in early to level up so you can truly participate in the war with the WA then be warned that content is still a little thin.

    Right now there is a major push on all servers to free the Satyr playable race. Nobody knows how that will happen, but it's happening. It's a fairly major effort, involving mostly crafters but the crafters need defense since they are attacked whenever they attempt to repair the mines that are somehow involved in the enslavement of the Satyr race. Each server has its own level of's entirely possible Satyrs will be available on only a couple servers for a while...maybe even never available on some (though that's unlikely).

    There aren't really any other exceptionally noteworthy things to mention. They did add the world map, with the ability to set markers and to share marked maps between players (simple file to download, incredibly easy). They made roads increase running speed. They changed a little of this and a little of that and of course they are balancing classes (aka nerfing). I expect this will continue for a month or more. I seriously doubt there will be any major content added until Satyrs are playable, but then that's going to be a major event in any MMOG...I know of none released that allows the playerbase to determine when a playable race may be added to the world.

    If you want to know anything specifically, just ask.

  • psibotpsibot Member Posts: 254

    Originally posted by Bobsavage
    You people that play horizons, do you really enjoy it? i waited for that game for 4 months and quit before 30 day trial.....i hated the multiclassing system.  There were absolutly no groups cause everybody multiclasses as a cleric so they could heal themselves.  Well i am in dire need of a MMORPG. Playing PS right now but i dont consider that a RPG.  Just tell me how HZ is doing.  What has changed? what has been added? what has been removed? whats going on?!

    To start off with i find the gameconcept good but there is still much left to fix. Personally ill give the game until Mai where next wave of games comes to prove its self to me. I am never again waiting for promises to come true since AC2 which thought me not too quite well. They weared my patience thin forever with MMORPGs.

    But i have to say this:

    1.) Seeing class concept even before Beta it is clear one will get proto monotype templates after a while this is nothin new look at AC1.

    2.) Small heals are nice but I dont know how long You looked at HZ but with the level you need bigger heals so you have some choices. 25% healer/ 75% dmg or 50%/50% or 0%/100% other mixed are not a real option and it comes down to personal philosphie. I only can say 50%/50% would not fit philosphie.

    3.) IMHO groups get detoreyed in HZ by the loot system and most people still prefer grouping.

    as to the change there is a big run for the drain abilities a sure sign they ar overpowered sadly. They prolly get the nerf bat which is a pity since i was long time only disciple of spirit on the server but i hope that ppl soon realise spirit skill have to hit to and heals never have to hit but i think i am hoping in vain ;)

    Summary: have a closer look at MMORPG spec before you play them. E.G: id love to play EQ2 but they gonna enforce groupplaying. It is immpossible for me too play a game with group enforcing policy simply because I have to often go afk very 5min-15min and how shall i play with a group then? well so be it next game dont even have to try that one saldy;(


    Light laughter and sweet water to you fellow adventures.

    Light laughter and sweet water to you fellow adventures.

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