The following is a test of the emergency sarcastic system...
Heck no, the release is out for sale, been out for awhile. They are having so many problems that they keep canceling all our subscriptions, forcing us back to playing the beta again. This is happening so often that they decided to open up a beta server right here in the United States because the servers on the little island of Taiwan are getting really overloaded. It is taking so long because all internet traffic goes threw Taiwan, so they have to re-route an entire OC-3 line to stop clogging up all the traffic. So many people play the game now that when we get pushed back to the beta we have to wait for emails inviting us to it. It's been pretty bad, getting high level characters then having to start over again in the Beta, it's very repetitive...
This has been a test of the emergency sarcastic system, had this been an actual emergency, a quick and abrupt physical beating would have followed the verbal assault. Thank you.
Those are my views... seen through a broken glass. -Raptor
Smith & Wesson: The original point and click interface. -Raptor
Well as long as you followed the steps mentioned in the thread below and got accepted theres really nothing much more too it.
Check out the thread "15 Steps to Playing the TW Beta"
Those are my views... seen through a broken glass.
Smith & Wesson: The original point and click interface.
Alright thankies, much appreciated, also....I assume that the sites I see Lineage II for sale are selling the preorder correct...
The following is a test of the emergency sarcastic system...
Heck no, the release is out for sale, been out for awhile. They are having so many problems that they keep canceling all our subscriptions, forcing us back to playing the beta again. This is happening so often that they decided to open up a beta server right here in the United States because the servers on the little island of Taiwan are getting really overloaded. It is taking so long because all internet traffic goes threw Taiwan, so they have to re-route an entire OC-3 line to stop clogging up all the traffic. So many people play the game now that when we get pushed back to the beta we have to wait for emails inviting us to it. It's been pretty bad, getting high level characters then having to start over again in the Beta, it's very repetitive...
This has been a test of the emergency sarcastic system, had this been an actual emergency, a quick and abrupt physical beating would have followed the verbal assault.
Thank you.
Those are my views... seen through a broken glass.
Smith & Wesson: The original point and click interface.