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The Perfect Government



  • robbykl1415robbykl1415 Member Posts: 294

    There is no "Perfect Government", and will never be.  It is human nature just to be stupid and F*** everything up.  I believe that the best governemnt is no government.  Basically anarchy.  That is not possible because everyone wants somthing different and governments are "SUPPOSED" to represent what the MAJORITY wants, at least thats what they tell us.  I think that if Karl Marx's form of governemnt could be actually possible it would be the closest we would get to a "perfect government".  If we were smart we would do whats best for the advancment of the human species while still thinking about the enviroment.  Right now we just think in sections of the world.  America vrs.China, whatever you want to say, stuff like that.  But as Ronald Reagan said is that it will take a "alien invasion" of some sort to bring the whole world together as one.  Because then it will be earth vrs. other planets, not America pitted agaisnt other nations.

    The United States is a nation of laws: badly written and randomly enforced.-
    Frank Zappa

  • robbykl1415robbykl1415 Member Posts: 294

    Originally posted by kris1111
    READ IT 

    Dudd STFU already with that stupid picture.  Its retarded, and already played out.  Say somthing intelligent for once and dont let a stupid a** picture do all your talking for you.  If you had one ounce of brainpower in your head youd realize how ignorant that F****** picture is.  It makes you seem like an idiot, not saying you are one but then again I'm not saying your not.....

    The United States is a nation of laws: badly written and randomly enforced.-
    Frank Zappa

  • britocabritoca Member Posts: 1,484
    can this be an utupian idea?  meritocracy, with equal monetary compensation for everyone. No personal capital.

    No politicians as well. Have giant stadiums were people meet to decide laws.

    -virtual tourist
    want your game back?

  • Clearly the perfect government is a theocracy, based on MY religion. Anyone who disagrees with me is a heretic and will be burned at the stake. Anyone who agrees with and supports my new government goes to heaven and gets free milk and cookies.

    Blessed is the mind too small for doubt.
  • robbykl1415robbykl1415 Member Posts: 294

    Originally posted by Sawtooth
    Clearly the perfect government is a theocracy, based on MY religion. Anyone who disagrees with me is a heretic and will be burned at the stake. Anyone who agrees with and supports my new government goes to heaven and gets free milk and cookies.

    Blessed is the mind too small for doubt.

    Well I would like free milk and cookies......

    The United States is a nation of laws: badly written and randomly enforced.-
    Frank Zappa

  • treed0223treed0223 Member Posts: 84

    Well, there is no perfect form of government, seeing as all human beings are entitled to their own opinion but one of the best forms of government is one that lets you speak your mind (which is one reason i'm concerned about the flag burning ammendment that failed by one vote, i mean, whats next no freedom of expression? press? right to protest?)

    All who have power can abuse it, and our checks and balances need to be fixed.  Capitalism creates competition and growth, but American politics are corrupt because the businessmen want to achieve their own political agendas (i.e. I'll give you 500k for your campaign if you vote for this, this and this)

    True democracy is a good idea, however the closest it has came to being pure is the Athens city-state.  All citizens were active in the COMMUNIty and played an active role in politics, wherein the majority of the group voted to do what was best for the majority of the people.  So a true democracy would be a true communist government, and basically both of those names for respected theories of government have been skewed, communism falling the way of the dictator, and democracy/republic falling under the weight of the almighty dollar.

    People are brutal when not governed or ruled by the limits of society.  People rebel when opressed by tyrants.  People are tolerant of government as long as they do whats right in their eyes.  The U.S. leaders are looking more and more tyrannical because they are trying to fight an enemy that is not afraid of the rules of society and laws of government.

    "Those who would spare a little bit of liberty for a little bit of security deserve neither, and will lose both." -Benjamin Franklin

    We have lost some rights already due to the terrorists, and thats exactly what they wanted.  The less rights we have, the more our proud country digresses into a militaristic state on the other side of the spectrum and looks like the bad guy.

    So, the best government is one that does what is best for the majority of the people, respects minority rights, and is in the middle of the spectrum on ruling, not too loose, and not too tight, but just right.  The goldilocks and the 3 bears government.

  • noname12345noname12345 Member Posts: 2,267

    Originally posted by treed0223

    Well, there is no perfect form of government, seeing as all human beings are entitled to their own opinion but one of the best forms of government is one that lets you speak your mind (which is one reason i'm concerned about the flag burning ammendment that failed by one vote, i mean, whats next no freedom of expression? press? right to protest?)

    Why are you upset? down below you seem all happy about a democracy. What if the majority decided to take minority's freedom of speech away? You should be all for it because you are all for democracy.

    You can't have ANY liberties unless the MAJORITY SAYS SO IN A DEMOCRACY! Gawd... 

    If the majority took away flag burning then I assume you would be fine with it because that is democracy at work. You don't like it? Oh i'm sorry you little minority.

    True democracy is a good idea, however the closest it has came to being pure is the Athens city-state.  All citizens were active in the COMMUNIty and played an active role in politics, wherein the majority of the group voted to do what was best for the majority of the people. 

    Yes "best for the MAJORITY". Minority gets screwed.
    So, the best government is one that does what is best for the majority of the people, respects minority rights,
    So in order it goes (in your head)
    1. Best for majority.
    2. Respect minority.
    You see how it says on number 2 "respect minority"? Well that goes after number 1 and so that makes them second class citizens. It can't and won't ever work. The country could never be truely a land of the free with a democracy.

     and is in the middle of the spectrum on ruling, not too loose, and not too tight, but just right.  The goldilocks and the 3 bears government.
    It won't happen because the majority will continue to pass laws that benefit themselves and the spectrum of the laws will continue to keep going and going towards the benefit of the majority and at the sametime the minority keeps losing their freedom.

    Maybe you are a majority in general thoughout your life? Democracy can't be a free nation. A Constitutional Republic is similar to democracy in that it uses democratic processes to elect representatives and pass new laws, etc. The critical difference lies in the fact that a Constitutional Republic has a Constitution that limits the powers of the government. It also spells out how the government is structured, creating checks on its power and balancing power between different branches.

    Would you mind being a minority in your created democracy and having no voice at all? While writing that post were you thinking/assuming in your head that you would be the majority? You even said that governments weren't perfect because of the human element involved. So why let that human element dictate the minorities? How do you keep you democracy from banning flag burning and screwing over the minorities? How do you keep the majority from tyranny over the minority?
    You can't because in a democracy the majority are the law and basically above it. In a Constitutional Republic none of this can happen because the government has to abide by the laws (Constitution).

    "When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
    -cheer leading, flag waving American

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