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Deviance Online, FAQ On IT!

AdventTykeAdventTyke Member Posts: 22

Hello, Our Upcoming MMORPG Deviance Online, made by the American Company MMORPGZone, has released there Faq On Deviance Online

1) When is beta planned?

2) What unique features will this game offer, than others don't?

Defiantly, we want this game too be differnt than many others
People can have pet system, a dragon system, alot more to offer
We hope more people will play it!

3) You said in another forum, that the leveling is smooth till 25, after 25 what, it smacks you in the face?

No, we want the game to be easy but not too easy, after lvl 25 the monsters will get harder, but the lvling be a little harder too, so no it wont Be BLAH BAM IN YOUR FACE HARDCORE SHIT LOL

4) Is there going to any crafting/enchanting system?

We are offering a system of Imbueing to make an item "Elite"

5) If there is a crafting system, is it going to be similar to L2?
Yes, there are going to be blacksmith, you can exchange an item, make it better, imbue it, etc so you can make a puny item into an "Elite" item

6) Is it going to be a Hack N' Slash, or is the skill system going to change that up?
Nope, Hack N' Slash can get a little boring, we're adding some new stuff to it, People can actually jump over enemys, backstab them, you can do Karate moves, Wrestling, so it wont be Point and Click..We want this game to not get boring

7) Is it a point-n-click, or will there be an optional WASD movement?
Players can choose which one the prefer or they can customize it

Will armour be customizable? I.E., will we be able to dye it? - This would be very good, as to create uniqueness.

Armor can be customizeable, Like In DnD, you can put spikes on it, you can do that, you can dye it with as many colors as you want, it really depends on the players Unique style

9) Is each class set in stone for a certain gender?
Simple, players can choose

10) How much character customization is there?
You can dye hair, change what they wil start with, change ears,eyes,Size,Weight, etc

11) What is the intended max level?
Max level will be 220

12) What is the quest system like? Will they have plots behind them, leading up to something big, or just a small side quest, here and there?

It really depends, it can have side quest, but we want a mixture, like changing classes will be big, minor classes like Killing monsters, but there will be Boss monsters for MAJOR quest or something very long but will end up very HUGE

13) For each 'tier', so to speak, as in level range, will it just be the same monster, different name/stats/size, or is it going to pretty much be, different monsters all the way through 220?

Differnt monsters, alot of games have one monster or a set of monsters to one specific line of lvling like 20-40 one set of monsters, we like to have differnt monsters for each lvl, or you can train on one monster till you get enough or go unto the next.

14) Upon release of game, is there going to be a level cap? I.E., EQ2, raises the level cap with each expansion.

Lvl cap will be increased with so many patchs or "expansions" We want this game to not have an ending, like alot of games have small Lvling caps, like 60-100, we want that not be a problem.

15) What type of scenary are we talking about here? Futuristic, Medevil, Modern?

Medevil, will be a scenery, theres two races, one is Medevil and one is Futuristic, depending on your style you can choose .

16) How are class restrictions going to break down?
Class Restrictions? never heard of the word, Alot of games have restrictions that don't allow players to have FUN, Classes can roll over to other skillz like, Fight can be a mulit class and turn into a Red-Mage or something like that.

17)Forums: Is ther a possibility of a 'suggestion forum' in order?

1 How many people ar working on the game, and how fr along is it?

22 People currently, Engine creating is in order

19) How large is the map t be? (e.g 50% WoW, San Andreas size-ish, etc.)
Depending on what you choose, Medevil style can be..Small to Large!
Futurstic, Are large, because of the ships and Bikes you can get.

21) Can we have a general overview of the classes in the class forum thingy.
I will post an overview in the forums tonight..Thingy

22) Any concept art yet? If not, always happy to help.
Wanna help? PM me...

23) Are there going to be any more skills/crafts than thoe put on OnRPG? 'Cos a system like Dofus with lots of crafts i always excellant, and will prevent a boredom factor.
Upon release, there will be releasing more of that

25) There are no plans for this to b P2P?
Nope, it's time for English games, to come forth.

26) Going back to my class restrictions, what I meant was is can only certain classes weild certain items?
Depending if you got Multi-Class, if you dont, then yes there are Item restrictions

27) What is the death system like?
Death system, if you die, you back to the town you last saved at or saw
Or if you have a priest near you, you can ask the player if he/she can

2 Will armour/items decay, rust, w/e?
Yes, armor/items/weapons can decay or be destroyed in an amout of time.

29) Will our hair grow?
Remeber DBZ?...That should awnser it

30) So is it medevil race vs futuristic race, or what? Are the races on seperate servers/worlds?
RvR baby

31) What is the guild system going to be like?
Guild System will work in Levels, the more Guild/Clan lvls you get the more you can grow in people, like Captain, Sgt, etc and the Max people aloud

32) How is the party system going to work?
The party system can hold up to 10 people total, you can set it up as 50/50 or something else..

33) In the medevil era, is there going to be castle wars, similar to that of L2?
Yup, Castle wars will be in the game, along with Races and Etc

34) Are there going to be instanced dongeons --for your group--, or are the dongeons going to be open to any amount of people?
Both wayz, which is going to be alot of fun for players

35) Is there any sort of raiding planned?
Depending, like Towns Raids? then yes
36) Are the armour/weapons going to have bonuses to them? I.E., like WoW, EQ2, ect. Unlike L2, where every set of gear is the same...
Yup, lets say you get an full set, you get bonuses for achieving that whole set Every peice will give a bonus without the others

37) Is there going to be any PvP?

3 If there is PvP, how is it going to work?
Depending, you can have Open PVP is some areas or In an Arena as in a

39) If there is PvP, will there be any long-term rewards for it?
Tournaments will give awards depending on your Level

40) When can we expect an official website, other than forums?
Coming Soon

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