Study: Americans lonelier than everI completely believe this story. 100%.
I believe that Americans work too hard and too long. I think we've lost sight of the important things in life. And the whole thing about having to have two parents work to support a household is completely whacked.
I spend over 11 hours a day at work or commuting. I'm tired when I get home. I don't feel like doing a danged thing after that. I get 10 days out of the year to go on vacation. 10 freakin days!!! And if I get sick, they come out of that. If I have to go to the doctor, they come out of that.
Another thing that makes me angry, we are required to take a lunch break at my office. 1 hour. We have to clock out. So I actually spend 9 hours working. I would rather just not take a lunch and work straight through. I go to lunch, but I sure don't get to turn that voice mail off.
It's getting out of hand. I know we work more hours than any other people in the world. I've seen the reports. I just don't understand what we're working so many hours and so many days for.
I back you up fully bro.
Tin Foil hats dont work.. its all a conspiracy
Anyhoo, not a lot of people have this option (wife, kids, social life, etc) but I really don't appreciate getting sucked into a black hole of work/eat/sleep like some do, and by the sounds of it, that's a way many of us feel.
Hey, it really helps. Seriously, try it.
I took my nephew to the zoo today. I made today a day off for myself to do something fun and relax. I'm making a conscious effort to do it now. We had a blast. That's what life is all about.
The little dude told me I was cool and I should come get him more. I almost started crying.
Rikimaru agrees with it. The fact that many of us just work/eat/sleep is really hurting us. I mean time flies in this method of life. Some people don't have time to go out, but might have time to be on the internet and such. I know everyone will face this. We are just ants.
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
Ants with free will and and innate ability to become something more thats gotta be worth something.
-- I need a nerf --
Hey, it really helps. Seriously, try it.
I took my nephew to the zoo today. I made today a day off for myself to do something fun and relax. I'm making a conscious effort to do it now. We had a blast. That's what life is all about.
The little dude told me I was cool and I should come get him more. I almost started crying.
Hehe, I was just giving you a hard time. You're right though, that is what life is about. And not listening to a lot of this stuff certainly will help a persons outlook. There is so much out there to drag you down. Watching my mom starting to actually feel good after a year and a half fighting bone marrow cancer and my brother fighting to recover from a bad car accident definitely showed me how much we take for granted. We don't need the extracurricular BS getting in the way of whats most important in our lives. I can totally relate to your experience with your nephew. That's cool man. And I don't even have to be a Libertarian to appreciate it... hehe.
Americans lonlier then ever? Ha!!!
Who cares if I haven't had any contact with anybody in for the last month? I can always talk to my guildies!!!! Wait... is that lonliness?
Ants with free will and and innate ability to become something more thats gotta be worth something.
Males are still lifting the rocks though.
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
Hey, it really helps. Seriously, try it.
I took my nephew to the zoo today. I made today a day off for myself to do something fun and relax. I'm making a conscious effort to do it now. We had a blast. That's what life is all about.
The little dude told me I was cool and I should come get him more. I almost started crying.
Hehe, I was just giving you a hard time. You're right though, that is what life is about. And not listening to a lot of this stuff certainly will help a persons outlook. There is so much out there to drag you down. Watching my mom starting to actually feel good after a year and a half fighting bone marrow cancer and my brother fighting to recover from a bad car accident definitely showed me how much we take for granted. We don't need the extracurricular BS getting in the way of whats most important in our lives. I can totally relate to your experience with your nephew. That's cool man. And I don't even have to be a Libertarian to appreciate it... hehe.
Sweet! Good for your mom!
What he said is pretty much true. It doesn't apply to all new technology. But the more new stuff you get for your mobile phone, the more features/services the internet get's and so on. Makes us communicate more and more through these things, and not face to face. Already today, if you want to you can lock yourself up in your room for you entire life. You can order food to the door, you speak with other people over the internet or phone, you go on virtual holidays in mmo's and so on.
Also many of the technologies that are invented to make work easier and shorter are misused. If a company get's a new computer program that cut's work hours by 2 hours, the workers aren't going to go home earlier. No, they are still going to leave work at the same times, but they will produce for 2 hours more.
This story is very true in my opinon. You work 50 - 60 hours a week and spend an hour or two ever day commuting there is little time left for anything else. If you have a few extra minutes you spend it on the phone with a loved one or on the net playing a game or on the forums....thats life...thats my life...You don't have to be an Americian to experience this. Even on the so called Holidays alot of people are working. For example this week end was a long week end here in Canada ( Canada Day ) but I worked all week end...That's our modern world I guess
Oh well we live and die and none of it will matter in time...
"The True North Strong and Free"
"Faith Manages"
-virtual tourist
want your game back?
But we suffer for it.