I am looking for a new game to get into this summer and I've narrowed
it down to FFXI and EQII. I am mostly interested in the PvE aspect of
these games, but some good PvP doesn't hurt. I'm hoping someone could
give me some advice as to which game would better suit my needs. A
couple of questions I have are:
How gear dependent is end-game?
How do you obtain the best gear? (crafting, drops, etc.)
Are there ways to advance your character solo?
If not, is it easy to find groups?
Thanks in advance for any info
I am sorry, to even ask if EQ2 is as good is laugh out loud funny. FFXI is not better then EQ2, it destroys EQ2.
FFXI is rather gear dependent, but allot of the end game gear, is either rare/ex or crafted off end game mobs (ex Abjuration). It really depends on the class you pick, if your a melee, sure (alltho monk kinda gets a pass) if your mage no, its really not. As a DRK i have to spend millions on my gear, my SMN friend... spends nothing.
End game content FFXI has far more and better then EQ2. EQ2 gets 4 dragons... lol we get Wyms ... ones that are 10x better but also we get places like Dynamis, Sky and now Limbus... Altho i would say that as a vet i dont like Limbus expansion, i dont like capped battles in general... its to hard to keep carrying around all this armor lol.
There is no Solo game in FFXI, you start out as a n00b, so during your first 10 levels you will spend it alone, because? your trying to figure things out. Once you hit lvl10 your solo life ends (unless your a beast tamer).
It depends on server, I just started lvling a bard recently, and i have no issues finding n00bs to pt with. seems like my server just keeps getting people... i think the cut off point for most n00bs is Genki 1. BUT frankly, if you want an easier ride, do not play a non warrior melee as your first toon. Something to keep in mind that most of us failed to realize is how strong the "basic" jobs are, Monk and Warrior are great entry jobs.
I think your question should be "Is it to late for me to get in on the action"
In EQ2 naw, cause that game is a solo fest (even EQ1 now is). In FFXI we have a deep character development system. Nothing is given to you but at the end, your feeling off accomplishment will far out weigh any EQ2... heck any EQ1 player could ever achieve.
FFXI ... its what EQ was meant to be.
Rites of the Four Horsemen
Just do it.
Best drops are from raid monsters, or crafting parts that drop from raid monsters.
The only way to really advance your character solo is to by farming for better equipment, or exping as a Bst. You can gain a small amount of exp doing Brenner or some ENM activites, but it's not really a huge amount.
How easy it is to find groups depends entirely on what job you are. Due to the brilliant idea of having 8 jobs fill the same 2-3 spots in a party, with another 1-2 jobs also being able to fill that role, it can be damn hard to get a party as a melee job. Now, if you're a red mage or a bard, you can look foward to getting invites within 15 minutes of logging on, often without even putting up a LFG tag.
Ninja's and White mages also can get groups fairly quickly, as they are the best tanks and healers. Black mages also get invites easily, though at the highest levels you will only really be getting groups with other blms for the most part.
Paladins can get groups alright till the higher levels, at which point no one really wants them as their damage is low and they take more damange than a ninja does. Plus there is tons of tanks seeking in the higher levels.
Melee's can seek for hours or days without getting parties, so you pretty much have to make your own party with them, which is a challenge in itself.
First thing, not all melees have trouble finding groups, Warriors & Monks really dont have any trouble, Altho with the new xp zones Monks have had some small trouble... but nothing big really. Even at low level you can Burn mobs, war/nin just flat out rules, period (and BTW i am a 75 DRK /war/nin/thf/drg).
you farm early on to learn. Right now, i make about 4 million a month donig nothing... just signing on a mule once a day. Cash Flow is the goal, sure my 4 mil a month wont get me that uber 20 mil item.. but over time it will. Just w/e you do, dont RMT like 80% of the people who play this game.
Rites of the Four Horsemen
I'm not a crafting expert by any means, but I know crafting does yield some of the best items in the game. People craft and wear things like a Scorpion Harness and Hauberk for end-game events. Crafting can be a lengthy endeavor, but it seems to be very rewarding in the end. Occasionally, a person can randomly craft a +1 item which greatly enchances its value. So a Scorpion Harness +1 ends up being about 10 million more than than the regular version, but this is a rare event. I haven't done goldsmithing, but I hear it's extremely lucrative. More often than not, however, a person will buy an item they need or get it off of a drop, like you said.
So yeah, go with FFXI.
SOE is a terrible company and if you look at what they did to SWG, then I think the answer is easy: