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... for those of us who value PvP gameplay over graphics, sound, and the like. Every time a new MMOG comes out that is hyped to hell I always make the exact same post: 'How is the PvP?'. I am almost always dissapointed by the responses, although there have been exceptions such as Shadowbane, Planetside, and AC:Darktide. It would be nice to have a PvP forum in the general section so that people like me (and there are a lot) can have discussions about what the current best games are to fill our collective need for blood and grief.
Thank you.
The flaw I see is if we add a PvP board people may want a PvE, crafting, etc. And suddenly we've split the community over nine boards.
I will however add one to the Developers Corner section.
Dana Massey
Formerly of
Currently Lead Designer for Bit Trap Studios