You know maybe i am high or something, but didn't SOE say they didn't have the technology to do a rollback or Pre-NGE server? i am pretty sure that they said "its not going to happen"
becaues if they did say this why is every post on the forum basically asking them for one of these servers?
Thank folks!
I always wonder too what they mean by "technically impossible" to rollback.
It makes you think overlaying the NGE on the old game system corrupted the original data somehow, or replaced large pieces of it.
They never say classic servers (aka starting out with a clean but old copy of the game and everyone has to start from scratch) are technically impossible, just that rollbacks are not possible. Isn't that what all of you database junkies recall from what they say? I could always be wrong. But my memory over time says they say rollback can't be done, but they just say they won't do classic servers.
Then again, they say something new, different and exciting pretty much daily.
Lol I would not be suprised in the least bit.
(Julios master plan) --- Spill coffee on ALL of the back-ups... with lotsa
I usually picture the Career builder commercial with the room full of monkeys and upside down sales chart when thinking about the SOE/SWG decision making process.....
SOE's John Blakely and Todd Fiala issued a warning: "Don't make our mistakes." Ref NGE
Winner of the worst MMOS goes to.... the NGE and SWG..!!!
To rollback at this point means the following:
You would log in at the same state as at the date to which they roll back. Anything done at any point later than that would be gone. This includes characters, loot, cities, deleted characters would be restored, CU and NGE characters wouldn't exist.
In addition every relation in game would be set to accounts that might have been cancelled in between, leaving cities with inactive mayors, auctions on cancelled accounts and players, who have cancelled at some later point, but prepared to for it by putting maintainance into buildings.
Rollback means loss of everything permanently, all quests, badges, items, money, achievements after the point of rollback. When one of galaxies crashed during CU conversion, people cried over a week of lost work. You're asking for 13-14 months of lost time.
That includes all the new players (yes, there's quite a few of them), who would have never existed at that time. Rollback also means no kashyyyk, no mustafar, no new items (banes, obi's buffs), it also means nothing at all that was added in any form after CU.
Rollback is technical impossibility (it can be done) since it would cause too many problems at gameplay level. Losing 13-14 months of gameplay is simply too much. That's double or triple average subscription lifetime.
And what about people who did achieve stuff after CU, but before NGE. How many players who grinded up Jedi after CU to finished template would put up with being put at 44xx FS. Screw them, you say? Screw you, they say. The number of vets who did everything and had everything before CU is small. Really small. Way too small to have entire system rolled back just for them.
And almost everyone who asks for clean start says the following: I don't care, just give me my Jedi and pearls and barc and money and I'll be happy. Guess what? Fresh start means just that. 2000cr, CDEF and a noob melon. No economy, nothing on bazaar, no vendors, no buffs, no cities, no resources, no resource deeds, no vet rewards, no nothing. A big honking empty galaxy. And 6+ months till you get Jedi to playable level. And 2+ months till first cities are built, markets settle, supply becomes sufficient.
A** Still Raw From Your Last SWG Subscription? Come join us at
Rekrul, that is an incredibly thorough analysis of why they can't and won't rollback. If only the staff at SOE would lay things out so clearly for people, maybe another line of dialog between players and SOE would be possible.
Regarding classic servers, I think *most* people do understand it is working with the old system from the ground up. An awful lot of people are craving those maroj melons.
Since the Combine EQ has generated so much interest and enthusiasm there is plenty of PR precedent for doing an SWG Classic server. Unless they are just biding their time with the game for whatever reason, there could hardly be a better time than now, at the 3rd anniversary, to give people the OGE (old game experience).
SWG ADDICT...clean since the NGE
But, back when he said that the game had about 30K more subs than it has now.
Rekrul made some terrific points, I would add the following (and I think this is what $OE means when they say "technically impossible")
SWG:NGE and SWG:preCU are two different games - for example, one has 32 profession and the other has 9. To effect a rollback would require several developers working on many aspects of the game. In essence, doing this would require a second support staff. Basically, I think $OE doesn't believe it is financially viable to have two versions of SWG. Even if they did not create new content for a pre-CU version, it would necessitate an expanded support staff, whcih means an expanded investment. A great many refugees have said they'll never go back while $OE runs the game, hence they must be seriously questioning just how substantial a sub increase they would really get if they did invoke a rollback. Yes, most of us think they'd increase their subs, but I don't know that $OE believes this ATM (they are stupid, after all).
There are also rumors that LEC won't permit licensing of another version of SWG. I have absolutely no proof of this, just heard the rumor.
SWG Veteran and Refugee, Intrepid server
NGE free as of Nov. 22, 2005
Now Playing: World of Warcrack
Forum Terrorist
When programmers tell non-programmers or general public that "it's not technically possible" it translates to "we don't want to, we like our idea better".
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
I am very fond of my noob melon...
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
And I bet a shitload of other players that canceled due to CUNGE, including me, would be overly exited to join royalplenty starting from scratch
Rekrul your pointers are good as always and I agree on what you say but if empty classic servers were to open they would be flooded...
"There are two kinds of spurs, my friend. Those that come in by the door; those that come in by the window"
Rollback means restoring current characters and servers to pre-CU code. Quite frankly I don't think those 10000 monkeys writing their code could ever handle that. EVER. Sure, they could restore previous backups (if they exist) but that would require them to duplicate all the servers, which they won't do.
Now giving us classic servers that we all start over fresh in could be done in an afternoon. But they WON'T be because it would require them to check their egos at the door before it happens. They WON'T admit the nge was a mistake.
So again, stupidity wins the day.
Shayde - SWG (dead)
Proud member of the Cabal.
It sounds great, so great in fact, I pitty those who canceled - Some deluded SWG fanboi who pities me.
I don't like it when you say things. - A Vanguard fan who does too.
For the Horde!
The excuse about needing more devs is lame. There's an addage in business, you have to spend money to make money. It's pretty obvious that opening classic servers would start bringing in tons of money. They could easily double their subs. If they start fixing bugs and adding content, then that number would only keep increasing.
Also, it was one of the mods that said it's technically impossible to rollback. It's a semantics game. I'm not surprised that rolling existing servers back wouldn't work. They've piled 3 different systems on top of each other and NGE is so broken that it makes sense that it wouldn't work. Classic servers are the way to go.
SWG Tempest: Cardo Dycen RIP
Eve: Cardoh Dycen
I support random drug testing for all SOE employees
1) Format the server.
2) Restore previous backup.
I think it's pretty safe to say that it's quite technically possible. Even someone with an A+ Certification could do it.
SOE knows what you like... You don't!
And don't forget... I am forcing you to read this!
I would be happy with a complete wipe and start over if it means getting the old game back.
I still think when they say that 'Technically' they cant, it means that they are not allowed.
Im my own personal conspiracy theory (wich I thought up all on my own), I think the game design was owned by someone else. LEC maybe. And they took it back. Wich means that SOE had to develop thier own. Wich to me is why the NGE was so very basic, incomplete, and incompatable when it first went live.
So 'Technologicly' they can. But 'Technically' they cant.
I have absolutely no evidence to back up my personal conspiracy theory. But its the only thing that makes sense to my little brain.