Well since as I can't rate games yet, I thought id point out that this game has just received a major new patch containing a new interface, and several other new features that have given it a new fresh edge. Although at first glace mir can seem to be a grind fest with few working quests and dated graphics; after a couple of days playing im sure most people will see that it has still got what it takes.
I have tested many new mmorpgs including tycoon games such as WoW and none of them have the edge that mir has.
So for those of you reading and wondering - dont be frightened by the graphics - give it a go!
anything, it probably helps the speed of the action since the data
packets aren't so large. Besides, what's the real point in
playing a game? Having fun with it....the gameplay! I can
tellya, it's pretty addicting. Pleasant surprise.
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