i have looked in the chat MANY times and only very few times have i seen people in it. i say you guys should trash it. put up an irc instead.
irc.mmorpg.com channel
#mmorpg would work we could have many more interesting chats. and we woulnt have to wait for a person to reply. just ask
i hope it will atleast be put up into consideration
and im sorry if this has already been suggested and if so i didnt see it
Sticks dont grow on trees
times and almost always seem to find somone else using it. Imho IRC is
just annoying...
Sticks dont grow on trees
If people don't use it now, what makes you think they'll use an IRC chat? IRC would seem to attract fewer people anyway. You need a seperate IRC program and all that.
What mmorpg.com needs to do is make special "chat times" where people would come and there would be others there to chat with.
also i have a felling that if an irc server is set up... just for a test run. lets say 5 weeks. when people notice it they will jump on and stick to it. mmorpg.com just have to trust me on this
Sticks dont grow on trees